K1’s Escape – Part 1 – by VindiK1

K1 felt the Bu-juice from the soldier’s face smothering her own face, and leaking into her mouth.

This hallucination was very short, but the same burning feeling of lust overcame K1. K1 and her new Keta lover passionately entangled themselves and lost themselves to the power of Bu.

Bu had crept up silently on this unaware Keta and managed to pounce onto her back. Disarming the redhead quickly by knocking her gun to the ground with brute force.

“Hey what the fuck!” The Keta yelled, crashing into a shelf full of boxes. She knocked Bu off and he rolled along the ground. The Keta pulled out her sidearm, a proton pistol and fired three shots in Bu’s general direction. Missing from confusion as Bu hides under a fallen box. The Keta walks towards where she thinks Bu might be. She pulls out a radio device and just before she can click the channel button, Bu jumped out from behind the box and rammed into her, causing her to fall into more shelves, banging her head and dazing her.

She slowly regains her cognition, but Bu runs quickly over to her, cock in hand. He grabs the Keta’s head and lifts up so her mouth opens, shoving his cock inside he squirts out juice into the gasping Keta’s throat.

Her struggling arms and legs settle down as Bu’s chosen jizz does its work, and she begins relaxing her throat, sucking and slurping on Bu’s twisting penis.

Bu lets her have her fill for a while, before it occurred to her his wife could be in danger. He quickly pulled back from the Keta, who tried to follow his dick, crawling along the ground after him as he backed away. “Sorry sexy” he said before kicking her straight in the side of the head, knocking her out cold. He hefted her over his shoulders and quickly stepped through towards where K1 was designated.

Nearing his wife, he began to hear moaning. He turned a corner to see K1 and her Keta target locked in an embrace, each of their heads buried in the other’s cunt. Legs writhing in ecstasy, hands exploring assholes.

Bu dropped the Keta guard to the ground and face-palmed. “Pretty! Pretty! You not drink the juice too!”

K1 was too busy enjoying the Keta guard to notice Bu. Bu turned to a familiar closet close by and quickly jumped inside. Reappearing mere seconds later in an apron and hat, pushing along a trolly carrying cleaning equipment. He headed towards the crazed, entangled duo, and picked up a metal bucket from the trolly. Standing next to the messy scene, he swung the bucket round and smacked the Keta in the head, knocking her out with her tongue buried in K1’s weeping vagina.

K1 continued to play with the guard as Bu dragged the two bodies by K1’s legs onto the trolly. It was wide enough that both Humids could comfortably fit, and Bu draped cloth over the top tray of the trolly, shielding them from view. He pushed the trolly to the other Keta guard, and piled her inside the cloth. Giving K1 another unconscious, warm body to enjoy. Bu pushed the trolly through corridors of the station, picking up the clothes as K1 stripped herself and the two girls she was exploring, throwing their clothes and gear out carelessly. Bu picked everything up and piled it onto the tray. If she hadn’t taken so many blows in such a short time already, Bu would have knocked his slutty wife out right away.

Bu suddenly stopped rushing down the corridor when he saw a security guard. A burly Visca. His snarling snout perked up as he saw the oncoming janitor. Orders came in that an Elbo janitor was involved in the escape of a highly valued specimen. Syndicate had to find the specimen and kill the Elbo before she runs into some hungry station resident.

“You there, janitor” the Visca snarled.

“Officer, how… how can I help you?” Bu asked nervously, looking up awkwardly at the 8ft crocodile-like muscle bound freak.

“Your name, Elbo.”

“My name? My name is B.. Barnles, sir.”

“Barnles, is it?” The guard sniffed the air inquisitively. “Something smells off.”

Bu heard high, but soft moans come from inside the trolly. The guards were waking up and finding K1 exploring them. Shit! Bu thought.

The Visca’s brow raised, and he followed his nose down to the trolly. His fingers curled around the cloth and he peeled it back. He saw three Humids, limbs tangled around each other, giggling and moaning as each explored the other with tongues and fingers. The guard is even pretty sure he makes out almost an entire foot buried deep in the pussy of one of the tangled mess.

The guard rapidly got up, letting the cloth drape back over the scene. He pointed his gun at Bu. “Stop, you’re not going anywhere, thief! Or, whatever you are!”

Bu’s hands flew into the air and he froze.

“Shank!” A strong, female voice resonated down the hall. And the guard turned round.

The Visca guard, ‘Shank’, started to back off. Even seeming to tremble as he backs into the trolly, and shuffles around it trying to escape. He aims his gun and begins to fire, letting off three proton lead shots before a return blast directly impacts his weapon and vaporises it. Leaving dust to fall from his hands.

Bu can make out the source of the voice now. It was the infamous mercenary, Ylva.

“Where’s my currency, Shank.” Ylva demanded as, lightning fast, she pinned Shank to the wall.

“I’ll get you your currency, Ylva” Shank promised with a shaky voice, practically sweating buckets.

“You better.” Ylva looked down at Bu and his trolly and sneered. “Get out of here, pest.”

Bu nodded and marched on swiftly, wiping the sweat from his brow.

Bu heard Ylva go off on Shank, “You stiff me again, I’ll cut your maggot infested dick off and fuck your ass with it. Then I’m gonna….” Bu turned the corner, getting out of earshot. Home free, he headed back avoiding any more close calls.

Bu finally arrived back at the clan catacombs, he was exhausted from pushing the heavy load all that way, and let out a sigh of relief as some of his clanmates ran up to him.

“Chief, Chief, did you bring back some wives for us?”

Bu nodded tiredly, grabbing the draped cloth of the trolly and pulling back. Revealing the relentlessly horny threesome.

The six Elbo that crowded round gasped in awe as they witnessed the incredible scene before them.

“Get more clan, we have work”

End of Part 1 (Beyond this point is a bad-ending for K1, as noted during the story, and more will be included in part 2, including a Shank bad end, and Keta guard bad end)

K1’s Bad Ends:

Check out my “Bad ends” where at certain points throughout the story, things can go horribly wrong and I get viciously chewed, mutilated, sliced in half, decapitated, swallowed, melted and more! Like some other characters featured in the story. Hope you enjoy the alternate reality… me’s(?) getting eviscerated!

– K1

Bad end 1 – THOR

K1 came back to reality from the hypnotic, and scary show below to find a strange fluid on her leg, she looked at Bu, who was rubbing his dick against her calf, and his expression was glazed over. Bu, overcome with lust, cried for the show to continue “More! More! THOR! Come get more!” and he pushed K1 with all his might. The grate swung open and K1 tumbled out from the safety of the shaft into the large room with the impregnated girl. THOR, hearing the strange cries for an encore, returned to the room. The doors spreading open. K1 stared in horror as THOR stomped his way back into the room. Her warm urine began dripping down her thigh, leaving long trails down her leg to the ground. She had frozen completely in fear as the big doors closed behind THOR. She could hear Bu cheering THOR on. That fucking traitor! He betrayed me! He just wanted a show out of me the whole time. And now I’m dead meat because of HIM! I hope this monster makes it quick so that little freak doesn’t get a feature length viewing!

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