A Father’s Bargain by robdcruz

“Perfect, I’m starved,” exclaimed Sarah, as she bounded past me and gave John a big hug. From over her shoulder, John shot me a smile. He fixed her a plate as Frank came up from the water soaking wet.

“Hey guys. Glad you made it. Is that you Sarah!? You’ve grown so much since the last time I saw you. When was it, a year ago?”

“Hey Frank,” Sarah said, blushing at the attention. “How’s the water?”

Frank gave a broad smile. “The water is great, you should head down and put your feet in while you eat.”

“I just might,” Sarah said sheepishly. It was hard not to notice that Sarah enjoyed the attention from the older man. It didn’t hurt that Frank was a pretty good-looking guy, even for middle age. I shot him a look that said “Really? Right in front of me you’re going to flirt?”

Frank gave me a defiant smile, then turned to Sarah. “Here, take this down with you.” He stretched out his hand to give Sarah a beer. She took it then froze and looked directly at me like a deer in headlights.

“Is it OK, Daddy?”

Ugh, so it starts. “Yes, dear. While we are here safe at the cabin you are allowed to drink…within reason!”

Sarah let out a squeal. “Oh thank you, thank you.” And with that, she bounded off to enjoy her meal and beer at the water.

When she was out of earshot, I glared at both men. “You guys don’t even give a guy a chance to put his bag down before you are all over her.”

“Lighten up, Stan. If you can’t handle a little flirty banter, how are you going to handle later tonight?” John questioned. “You good?”

I let out a heavy sigh. “I’m fine. I’m fine. Just slow down.”

Despite my plea, the boys didn’t slow down. The afternoon was filled with moments where they had their fun. Soon after eating, Sarah stripped down to her

bikini and jumped into the water to join Frank. She was such a sight in her little red two piece. This must have been a new suit she bought with my credit card as I hadn’t seen it before. The suit hugged all the right places and accentuated her prominent ass.

In the water, John had fun mock wrestling with Sarah, and she seemed all too game. Several times he would lift her and throw her in the water, and she would scream in delight. On shore, John and I would get flashes of skin every time this happened.

John looked over to me. “Look who decided to join the party,” he said smiling and gesturing to my shorts which had tented considerably at the scene.

“Fuck, I….”

“Stan, relax. Frank and I have been through it too. It’s ok. Your daughter is a wonderful girl, and she’s incredibly sexy. Just let go. And remember, nothing happens that she doesn’t agree to.”

I decided to let my guard down a bit. I gave a small smile. “She does look pretty hot, doesn’t she.”

“There we go!” John exclaimed. This got Sarah’s attention who waved to us from atop Frank’s shoulders in the water. Her legs were dropped down his muscular chest and Frank gave use a face that told us he was enjoying himself thoroughly.

Later inside, John took his turn while playing pool with Sarah. He seemed very interested in giving her very close “guidance” on certain shots that seemed like poor excuses to rub up on her and steal some feels. For her part, Sarah was enjoying herself and the attention. She backed herself up into John’s crotch as she asked for extra guidance on an especially difficult shot.

We had dinner and as often happened when staying in the secluded cabin, we each helped ourselves to generous portions of wine and beer. Sarah was clearly enjoying the privilege and was looking rosy cheeked, but not drunk. I had to say I was proud of her for knowing her limits and a little less reluctant to see her off to college where drinking will be the norm.

As we finished up, John cleared his throat. “Shit. We are out of beers. I think there might be some in the club room downstairs. Should we head there?”

“Downstairs?” Sarah asked.

Fuck. She took the bait. Just like I told them she would. Sarah had no idea that this was a set up to push her to make a decision about the night.

John looked at Frank, “Dude, we can’t. Not with kids here.”

Again, this was part of the set up. I told them Sarah hated being left out, and was always curious. She also was at the perfect age where she didn’t feel like any part of life should be withheld from her on account of her age. She liked to challenge boundaries.

“What the fuck, what are you guys talking about?” Sarah exclaimed predictably.

“Language Sarah.”

“Sorry dad. But I’ve been hanging out with you guys all day and even having beers. Suddenly I’m not allowed to go somewhere in the cabin like I’m a five-year old?”

“I dunno Sarah. Your dad’s in charge of you. And if he says you can’t go downstairs, then you can’t. It’s fine. We’ll find something else to drink. I’m sure there is juice or something…”

In a huff, Sarah stood up. “Like hell. Sorry dad but I’m 18 and perfectly capable of making decisions for myself.” She bounded toward the door that led to the basement in the cabin.

Frank and John smiled at me, feeling satisfied that their ruse had worked. We all followed Sarah downstairs to the finished basement John had put in years ago.

Sarah stood still and took in the room. “What….how long has it been like this.”

For many years we had used the cabin for business trips and planning sessions. Ultimately, we needed an area to have a little fun. We called the basement a club area since it was kitted out with a fully stocked bar, another pool table, but most importantly and very prominently displayed, a stripper pole.

“It’s been like this for years. We obviously never let any of the kids down here. But it’s where we like to…unwind,” Frank said casually.

“I bet,” Sarah said, one eyebrow raised as she smirked in my direction. All I could do was look at the floor.

Frank spoke next. “Come on, let’s get the drinks and head back upstairs. This is no place for a little lady whose not on the clock.” Frank was pushing the goading a little too far there.

Sarah shot back. “No way. This place seems cool. Stop treating me like a kid.”

And then she did something that I think none of us expected. Sarah hopped up onto the stage, and in an act of defiance, expertly gave a twirl around the pole with her legs pushed far out. There was not a bit of clumsiness to her and her legs looked sexy in her cut-offs. As she arched her back, her t-shirt clung to her generous chest and showed off her curves.

I yelled, “Sarah!” but my cry was drowned out by the encouraging hollering and applause by my colleagues.

“Oh wow. Maybe you’re not a kid after all. Where did you learn moves like that?,” Frank said in astonishment.

Slightly winded, Sarah laughed. “You like that? Every gym offers some ‘Pole exercise’ class now. Let’s just say my girlfriends and I put in a lot of practice. It takes a lot to wow the boys nowadays.”

My friends– no, we– had successfully pushed Sarah to feel like she could let loose to prove herself. I felt a mix of shame and anticipation.

“OK, OK. That’s enough. This isn’t a way to act,” I chided, knowing I would only provoke her further, but also hoping she would listen.


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