A Father’s Bargain by robdcruz

“Baby…are you sure?”

“Fuck my ass,” her face softened. “It’s OK, daddy. It’s not my first time.”

Something stirred in me. Not her first time? Apparently my little girl was a bit of a slut. Anger and lust boiled over and I positioned myself behind her, standing over Frank’s legs. She held herself steady, and Frank and John looked over to watch. I spread her ass cheeks to find her puckered, perfect asshole waiting for me. I pushed by dick to the edge of her hole and rubbed it over. I pulled back and put a finger against her edge, testing it and slowing inserting it. The hole welcomed my finger and I fucked her a bit to ready her. Sarah let out moans yelps of enjoyment. I rubbed the head of my cock against the hole, then slowly, while griping the shaft, pushed into her.

I slowly entered Sarah’s asshole, feeling the intense tightness of her. I felt her flex and moan as I did so. She backed herself into me, but couldn’t move much as she did not want Frank’s cock to leave her. Her ass took me all the way in. Frank and I then began our work, fucking Sarah with a steady rhythm. Her head bucked down as she moaned and groaned, enjoying being filled so thoroughly. She then lifted her head up, eyes dreamy with pleasure, but not so lost as to forget about John.

She took John into her mouth and sucked his cock hard. She pumped him as we pumped her. From the sound of it, John was about to lose it. No doubt this was the hottest scene he’d ever seen. None of the other girls had been so brazen. None of the pros we brought to this cabin had been so bold. He watched this young girl he had known for years, whose body had blossomed into a beautiful woman’s, take on all three of us like a practiced whore. John was the quiet one amongst us three, but he loved all things dirty. Soon his groans grew louder until he finally let go and released himself into Sarah’s mouth. She took all of him in her mouth, pumping him as to not waste a single drop. She looked up at John and made a show of swallowing and smiling, her body still shaking from Frank and I fucking her.

Relieved to have finished one of us off, Sarah again bowed her head, eyes closed and focused on the steady pleasure in her ass and pussy. I watched her beautiful shapely ass and slender back as her fucked her. I knew I wouldn’t last long in her tight asshole and I wanted to look at her face while I fucked her.

I pulled myself out, watching as her asshole was left gaped open. Frank looked up and knowing what I would want, stopped as well. He pulled Sarah off of him and guided her to turn her body to face me. Sarah looked up at me with her beautiful hazel eyes, not yet sure what we wanted.

“I just wanted to look at you baby,” I said to her, and she smiled. Frank, happy that he would get to sample something different as well and wanting to keep things rough, shoved himself into her ass, breaking up the sweet moment between father and daughter. Sarah’s eyes once again opened wide in surprise then narrowed in pleasure. I took my place and pushed into her perfect slit. Sarah’s legs were left splayed high and to each side, holding the underside of her knees for support. Frank and I pumped her hard and I watched as her tits bounced on her chest and her stomach flexed in pleasure. I arched my back to push more of my length into her, enjoying the warmth of her pussy and the sounds of her moaning.

Frank moaned from underneath her and I could tell he was about to cum again. Sarah, enjoying being filled, was stroking her pussy and clit with one of her hands. I couldn’t see Frank, but could see the grip her had on Sarah’s legs tighten hard as he let out his second climax. Sarah’s face seemed satisfied as she continued to pleasure herself and Frank’s grip slowly relaxed.

“Keep going Daddy. Cum in me. Please, cum in me,” she begged, rocking back on and forth from my effort. Frank had kept himself in her but was no longer pumping, having no strength left in him.

My daughter’s pleadings pushed me further and further to the edge. Feeling her pussy tighten around my cock as she got closer to climax, and hearing her continued begging calls for daddy, I knew I wouldn’t last. Soon Sarah’s entire body flexed tight and her head pushed back into Frank’s chest. She let out of an intense moan of pleasure and I felt her pussy grip my cock hard in climax. I pushed harder and harder, wanting to use that moment to cum as well. Soon the pressure of ecstasy was too much for me and I couldn’t hold back anymore. Her body was still flexed and strong looking, her tits perfect and her beautiful face contorted with the pleasure I was giving her. Overwhelmed by her, I filled her pussy up and pushed myself so deep inside of her as waves of pleasure seemed to radiate throughout my entire body. I felt as if I would nearly black out for the pleasure. Still holding on to her legs, I felt frozen as the waves subsided and I felt my dick twitch inside of her. I eventually backed myself off, and Frank pulled Sarah down off him and laid her at his side. She lay in a contended mess of sweat and cum.

We all lay there for a while, catching our breath and letting the moment settle. Frank and John eventually left us alone, but not before shooting me a look, a kind of tacit acknowledgment that I had fulfilled my part of the bargain. Also not before John could collect the camera he had placed earlier to record the action. I guess we would have a conference room viewing in a few weeks.

“Sarah, baby” I said quietly, sitting next to her with a hand on her hip. I stroked her soft skin. “You ok, sweetie?”

“Mmmm,” she replied, and smiled with her eyes closed, still lost in the pleasure. Finally, she opened her eyes and looked down at her naked body. “I’m a mess. You think there’s a shower down here?”

I knew there was from past experience. “Yea, I think so. Let’s go find it.”

We shared the small cabin shower, and had fun soaping and caressing each other.

I was flush with happiness that I got to finally fuck my daughter. There were a million ways today could have gone wrong, or just different. Somehow Sarah had been game and even excited to fuck. I felt bad at deceiving her a bit and not just telling her about the deal my friends and I had made. But how could I have. She wouldn’t have understood.

I had to also laugh to myself to think about how we were going to add up all that we had agreed to pay Sarah over the course of the evening. She really earned every penny of what she bargained. Something was curious though. “Sarah?”

“Yea, dad?” she replied, as she looked down and washed her arms.

“Back there, you said, ‘Maybe you treat the other girls this way.’ Something like that. What did you mean?”

Without looking up from her work in washing her body, she only smiled. “I’ve been friends with John and Frank’s kids for years. You guys think girls don’t talk?”


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