Chloe 3 – Confessions by Fatman50

“Good Mum?” Chloe looked down on her mother as she worked the bottle into her, “l love you Mummy, is it good?” Then she lowered her mouth to her mother’s cunt, taking her swollen clitoris between her teeth, biting gently.

Ann cried out again as her body shook, juices spurting from her cunt into Chloe’s open mouth. She was pushing, her body trying to void her passage of that bottle but Chloe held it firm, sucking hard on her moth’s clitoris, more juices covering her face.

“No more…please, no more……oh l can’t…..please….oh you witch, you beautiful witch,” Ann hugged herself as a wave of coldness spread through her body followed by a surge of heat, she was sure she was on the verge of passing out, then she felt relief as slowly the bottle was allowed to slip from her anus. She exhaled loudly as she felt the void inside her.

Chloe sat back on her haunches, her face covered with her mother’s cunt juices, she looked at her mother’s gaping arsehole. “I want that Mummy,” she said, “one day soon l want that, l love you Mummy.”

“Oh baby,” Ann said, turning towards her daughter, taking her into her arms, “oh my sweet sweet baby.”

They held each other quietly as Ann felt her body returning to normal.

“I do love you sweetheart,” she said, “but you are one perverted little monster.”

“I had to be,” Chloe chuckled, “what else could l be growing up in this family, we’re a family of perverts, it’s wonderful.”

They hugged each other tightly their bodies moulding together as they felt the love.

Ann was the first to move. “I have to shower,” she said, “l have to pick up Suzy soon and take her to Doctor Ramesh, l hope he doesn’t want to fuck me, my cunt feels as big as the Mersey tunnel.”

“And your bum hole l bet,” Chloe giggled.

“Jesus Chloe,” Ann laughed, “how am l supposed to walk after what you did to me.”

“Do you want me to shower with you?”

“Oh no,” Ann said, seeing the wicked smile on her daughter’s face, “god your insatiable.”

“I am what you and Daddy made me Mummy,” Chloe smiled, “this is the best family in the world and l love you all. And if Daddy gets home while you’re out he’s going to have to fuck me, l’m as horny as hell.”

Ann gave her a sharp smack on her bottom to get her to move out of the way, her legs felt like they were made of jelly when she stood up, gingerly she made her way out of the room and up to the bathroom.

Chloe laughed at the way her mother was walking. “Quack, quack,” she called after her.

“Fuck off,” Ann giggled.

Ann and Suzy sat in the waiting room, when their name was called they went through to Doctor Ramesh’s surgery.

“Ah, Mrs Watkins,” he said as they entered, “and….oh, this isn’t your daughter.”

“No Doctor, this is Suzy, she is my daughter’s best friend, they are in school together.”

“Oh, l see,” he said, “what can l do for you?”

“We’ll Suzy needs to go on the birth control pill,” Ann said, “but she doesn’t want her parents to know.”

“Oh well,” he replied, “l’m not sure l can do that, l mean this is very irregular.”

“So is fucking me in your surgery Doctor but that doesn’t stop you,” Ann snapped at him.

“Please Mrs Watkins….l mean….not in front of the girl.”

“Oh don’t be ridiculous Doctor,” Ann scoffed, “Suzy knows you give Chloe the pill, and she knows that l let you fuck me for doing it.”

Doctor Ramesh went silent.

“Perhaps you’d like to examine Suzy like you do with Chloe,” she suggested.

“You mean?”

“Of course Doctor,” she said, then turning to Suzy she told her to take off her dress.

Suzy quickly undid the three buttons at the top of her dress, then pulled the whole garment over her head, she was completely naked underneath.

“She’s almost a virgin Doctor,” Ann said, “would you like to check. Would you like me to wait outside while you examine her or would you like me to help you?”

Doctor Ramesh never failed to be excited by Ann, her whole manner excited him, right from the first time she had openly offered herself for sex in return for him prescribing the pill for her daughter. Since then she had kept weekly appointments, always complaining of some ailment that involved undressing and every time it had culminated in them having sex. He was completely under her spell.

“Bend over the end of the desk sweetie,” Ann said to Suzy, “spread your legs and let the Doctor check your pussy.”

As Suzy did as she was told, Ann stepped over to the Doctor. She knelt before him, reaching for his belt.

“You will find her tight Doctor,” she said, “perhaps l should lubricated your examination tool.” She smiled to herself as she looked up at him, he was staring at Suzy like a predator, positively drooling at the prospect of that tight cunt that was being offered to him. She expertly undid his trousers and released his cock. From the first time she was fascinated that although he was light skinned, his cock was a deep black with a deep purple head. She saw a bead of pre cum oozing from the eye of his cock, she took it with the tip of her tongue then engulfed his cock in her mouth. She heard him groan as she took him right to the back of her throat.

She drew on his cock, listening to his breath shortening, knowing that his orgasm was close.

With a powerful force he pushed her away, standing and shuffling behind Suzy. Despite the fact that he wasn’t tall, he still had to lift the girl to get his cock located at the entrance of her cunt.

‘Be gentle with me Doctor,” Suzy pleaded, looking sideways at Ann, smiling at her and winking.

Ramesh just groaned as he gripped her hips and thrusted his cock deep into her cunt.

“Oh Doctor,” Suzy cried, “oh you’re so big Doctor, l’m almost a virgin, be gentle with me.”

Ramesh was beyond control, a red mist had descended over him, he humped into the girl, forcing her down on the desk.

“Oh don’t make babies in me please Doctor,” she begged.

Ann stood up beside him, her lips close to his ear.

“Give the little slut what she deserves,” she whispered, “cum inside her, fill her with your seed.”

With a loud groan he rammed deep into the girl, holding inside as his cock erupted.

“Oh Doctor, l can feel you cumming,” Suzy cried, “oh Doctor, what have you done, you’re making babies in me, l begged you not to, oh it’s so hot, your cum is so hot.”

Ramesh just grunted and groaned as he humped against her, his cock pulsating wildly as he pumped his sperm into her.

Finally he collapsed onto her back, his chest heaving as he tried to regain control of himself. He felt Suzy trembling, realising that she was sobbing.

“Oh my god!” He said as the realisation of what he had done hit him. He pulled out, desperately grabbing his trousers and pulling them up.

Ann went to Suzy, holding her as she sobbed.

“I asked him not to make babies in me,” Suzy cried, tears streaming down her face, “l didn’t realise he was going to do that, he said he just wanted to examine me, he hurt me.”

Ann turned to stare at Ramesh. “You had better hope l can persuade her not to report you,” she said, you had better write that pre***********ion and add one for the morning after pill as well, and hope that l can calm her down and not report you.”

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