Dani by Elvenkraft

Dani by Elvenkraft


Jean had expected Danica to call first. He told her she could use the pool anytime during the week since the house was all his. His parents were away for ten days, and this was the most privacy he’d ever been able to enjoy. What to do. His cousin was standing on the front porch holding a beach towel and waiting to be let through to the back yard. “-kind of presumptive” Jean thought, but he was never unhappy to see Danica. They weren’t the closest of cousins but were never strangers either. Neither of them could remember the first time they met the other. They were only a few months apart in age and had just always been around.

Jean had expected Danica to call first. He was on his way to the pool himself, and wearing his blue spandex racer briefs, the ones he wore for the school water polo team. Not standard pool gear in North America, and Jean had never been seen in them except on the pool deck. “Well, if she’s uncomfortable then this is what happens when you show up unannounced” he thought, not dwelling on the matter too much. She’s family, after all. They may have taken a few baths together as toddlers. Jean opened the door.

“Hi Danica,” he said in a jokingly accusatory tone.

Danica held back a laugh as her eye lit-up slightly to see her cousin again. It had been a few months.

“Come on. How’ve you been?” Jean welcomed her in and they shared a quick hug.

Danica was a very average girl in many ways. Average height, light skin, dark hair, slightly chubby, not really pretty but not plain either. Her usually positive demeanor gave her a certain cuteness that drew people in. She was wearing a loose T-shirt and shorts and had her hair back in a ponytail.

After the formalities she decided it would be awkward not to address the elephant in the room.

“So I guess you’ll be joining me then?”

“Yeah, I was about to get in the pool myself. I figured you would call first.”

As Jean lead her to the patio door he felt her eyes moving over his backside. When he was facing her she tried not to look at his crotch. We walked to the edge of the pool and stretched his arms before diving in. Dani dropped her towel on a lounge chair and kicked-off her sandals. Something in Jean’s mind made sure he surfaced in time to watch her take off her shirt. They had both, of course, been hit by puberty years ago and were well aware that they weren’t kids anymore. He had noticed her shape change over the years and was well aware of how these things worked. But as she pulled her shirt over her head and revealed first a strip of her soft midriff, then a dark blue bikini top. Jean had never seen her in a bikini before.

“Holy crap” he thought, “Put it out of your mind, it’s just a body, she’s your cousin” he repeated to himself while trying to act normal and pretend to be occupied with the water. Her hands moved to the waistband of her shorts and Jean’s mind started racing again.

“Of course she’s not going to wear shorts in the pool” he thought as she pulled them to her ankles and left them on the deck. All this happened in the span of a few seconds but Jean’s mind was going a hundred different directions in those few seconds. Her dark blue bikini bottoms sat a few inches below her waist, and while she had a bit of a belly spilling over the waistband and thick thighs that rubbed together, she actually looked more fit in her bikini than when fully clothed. She pulled the band out of her hair and started to step into the pool. From Jean’s perspective she was being bold and confident; truthfully she was a bit embarrassed and tried to fight the cold and just get fully underwater as fast as possible. She was more nervous and embarrassed than she let on but it would be more embarrassing to leave just because she saw her cousin in a swimsuit he’d never wear to the beach. She’d either have to think of a brilliant excuse or make them both uncomfortable. “He’s your cousin” she thought to herself “It’s just a body. Why did you stare?”

Danica finally decided to stop fighting these emotions. She was in a safe place, she knew she was safe with Jean. If he wanted to make a move on her she could let it happen and nothing detrimental would come of it. Besides, she figured, this was all just happening in her mind anyway and he was probably in a totally different place mentally.

* * *

When Danica ran to the bathroom she left everything behind, not even bringing her towel with her. Jean knew this meant she intended to come right back and was feeling more comfortable. He decided to go to the kitchen to grab a drink he didn’t need. Dani would have to walk through the kitchen to get back to the pool and Jean wanted to share the space with her for a moment, with nothing between them but air and a few thin layers of wet spandex. To his delight Dani didn’t go straight back outside but also grabbed a soda from the fridge, right where Jean was waiting.

“I like your suit.” Jean forced himself to say.

Somehow that made Dani feel both nervous and less inhibited. At the same time. Jean had given her an opportunity to comment on it.

“Thank you, I like yours too. We match!” she lightly bumped her hip against Jean’s, as if comparing the colors of their swimsuits to an absent observer, with the need to get them as close as possible. That moment when her hip touched his sent a bolt of energy through his body and the immediate increase in his blood pressure made his cock move slightly with a sudden increase in size. Jean knew Dani must have noticed that he was starting to get hard. And unlike when she arrived, his suit was now wet, clinging, and shiny. Jean wanted to feel her touch again.

“Fuck it” he though and fought past the lump in his throat.

“You look really hot in it,” he finally said.

“Christ!” thought Dani, “Is it happening? How much of this can I still play off as friendly joking?!”

“Thank you” she responded without missing a beat and playfully shaking her butt side to side, which she hoped should play either way. She waited to see how Jean responded, the ball being back in his court. Jean just took the opportunity to stare at her and the slight wedgie that was inevitable with that kind of suit on that kind of ass.

“That’s it” she thought, “this is happening.”

Dani’s heart was racing and and the warm flutter in her stomach got stronger. She turned back around and looked at Jean up and down, making sure he could see that she was taking him in. A few drops of water fell down his chest and over his stomach, disappearing into the waistband of his suit. Jean knew there was no hiding his erection anymore.

“You look really hot in yours.” Dani slowly reached for Jean’s waistband, gauging his response by the moment. “I like that I can almost see your cock.”

She gently moved her fingers down from the waistband and across his bulge which was growing by the second. Jean wanted to just grab her and finally, finally start kissing her and stick his tongue as far down her throat as possible but right now the most thrilling experience was to feel how far she would go by herself. Feeling her hand on his crotch was a new experience and something he needed to process. Dani cupped his bulge in her hand and started to feel around until she got a decent hold of his cock through the fabric. She started rubbing and working it with both hands, pulling-up on his suit at the same time to make it tighter on his crotch.

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