Marie’s Mind Control – 2 by Zillapat

Mick entered the kitchen a few minutes later, wearing my robe that he must have claimed from the back of the bathroom door and took a seat at the table. Marie brought over two cups of steaming coffee. She leaned over and kissed him lovingly.

“Last night was amazing honey” she said, adding “I’ve never felt an orgasm so strong, or so many”

“yes sis, well overdue, you’re an amazing fuck”, responded Mick, “If I had known you fantasized about me I would have been fucking you every night when we were teens”.

“that would have saved a lot of wear and tear on your panties” he added teasingly and took a sip of his coffee.

Marie punched him with mock annoyance before taking her seat opposite.

“Sis, I have a serious question”

“go on”, she responded, listening attentively while taking a sip of coffee herself.

“I heard you and Pat were trying to have a baby, aren’t you worried that I will get you pregnant, after all, I’ve lost track of how many times I’ve cum in you”.

“I’m on the pill”, she responded immediately, adding “Pat and I are just taking a break from trying to have a child just now”.

Mick sat and pondered her reply for a few minutes, enjoying the warmth and stimulation of the coffee.

“Why haven’t you conceived so far, sis?” Mick inquired almost innocently

“I don’t know, I guess we’ve just not been lucky”, replied Marie.

Mick again mulled over his coffee for a few minutes before continuing his line of conversation.

“what if I asked you to stop taking the pill, to stop right now?” Mick looked at his sister with a serious expression.

“why would you want me to do that, I thought you enjoyed making love with me”

“I do” replied Mick, “it’s just… I want to get you pregnant; I want you to have my baby”, he said, emphasizing the words “my baby”

Marie’s mouth fell open, with a look that resembled a mix of shock, concern, and excitement.

I was shocked, I hadn’t expected Mick to actually have any intention like that. I half wondered whether to call home and tell Marie that the conference had been cancelled and that I was flying home shortly, but part of me was excited at the prospect of Mick getting her pregnant and she wasn’t really on the pill after all, it was just a false memory that I had implanted in her mind. It was that risk that had excited me.

Mick continued

“Pat’s had his chances and he’s not been able to make you conceive yet but I’m pretty confident that I can”

“But Pat will know it’s not his” blurted out Marie, sounding distressed.

“Not if you play your cards right sis, tell him you missed him and fuck him the moment he comes home. There’s only a couple of days till he returns, and he will never guess”.

“But what if it turns out, you know… deformed or something, you’re my brother?”

“There’s a slight risk of that, but it’s only slight, it’s not like it will be generations of inbreeding, chances are it would be a perfectly healthy baby. Besides which, he or she will be sure of having a loving mother and father and a devoted uncle. It will be our secret”

Marie looked at Mick in silence for the longest time, I knew the word secret excited her and I held my breath waiting for her response.

“OK” she said finally, “but promise me it will always be our secret, I would die if Pat ever found out the truth”

Mick beamed, “I promise” he said with all seriousness, “Pinky Promise” he added, holding out his little finger. Marie held here hand out and hooked her little finger with Mick’s.

I couldn’t believe my ears and my eyes as my devoted wife just agreed to let her brother get her pregnant, but the thought still excited me in unspeakable ways.

Marie released her little finger and rose from the table, “I guess I should make us some breakfast, you’re going to need the stamina”, she said, winking at him. She went to the fridge and took out some bacon and some eggs and started readying some breakfast, reminding me of how hungry I was. She looked gorgeously sexy standing at the counter-top, totally naked, her dark hair cascading over her shoulders, her breasts swaying naturally as she moved, the rivulets of cum running down her inner thighs had grown bigger.

After setting the bacon on the hob to cook, she made another pot of coffee.

Mick quietly came up behind her and wrapped his arms around her, cupping her breasts, pinching her nipples. Marie turned to face him and pulled him to her, kissing him passionately, the kiss continuing for more than a minute.

Breakfast passed surprisingly unremarkably, with the exception of my wife sitting there naked as the day she was born. The Bacon, Eggs, and Coffee were consumed totally.

“You’ll have to excuse me, I need to pee” Maria announced, rising from the table.

“Wait!”, Mick exclaimed.

Marie stopped and took her seat again, looking anxious.

“I really need to go”, she said.

“I know” replied Mark, “but I want to tell you something and then I want you to do something for me”.

Marie looked at him, curiously

“Do you remember, when you were young, you had a problem with peeing yourself, sometimes even as late as in high-school”

Marie’s expression turned to one of absolute embarrassment

“No, no, wait sis, let me finish… I never thought that was bad, in fact the thought of you peeing your panties was one of the things that turned me on to fantasising about you and taking or should I say borrowing your panties. I always used to wonder whether you had peed in them”. Mick continued “sometimes I would search the laundry basket to see if I could find a freshly peed pair of your panties, but somehow there never were any”.

I found myself becoming intently curious about this new revelation, Marie had never disclosed the fact that she used to pee herself, obviously she was very embarrassed about the whole situation from her past and had never mentioned it. She always seemed to have a weak bladder and was always popping to the toilet whenever she drank any quantity of liquid. This revelation explained a lot.

Marie looked at her brother sheepishly, still uncertain about discussing her former problem.

“So what are you saying Mick?”

“What I’m saying sis, or more, what I want you to do, is go upstairs, get fully dressed, put on some panties and a bra, and some pantyhose, then let me know when you’re ready and don’t go pee before I’m there. I’m just going to go to my room and get something”.

Marie looked at him disbelievingly, as if uncertain exactly what her brother had got planned for her but then silently got up from her chair and left the kitchen. I clicked over to the bedroom camera and saw her enter. I watched as Marie went over to her chest of drawers and pulled out a simple, white padded bra and a pair of pale blue panties, which she stepped into hurriedly, before sliding her arms into her bra and reaching behind, fastened it in one go, adjusting the fit of the cups and position of the shoulder straps. Although I had programmed Marie to remain naked the whole time, I figured that she was only dressing because Mick had specifically asked her to. She reached into the drawer again and withdrew a pair of dark pantyhose, sitting on the bed to slide her feet down each leg. She worked them up over her thighs and her but, up to her waist.

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