Mommy’s Special Medicine – Chap 1 by Jasmines_Pet

“Excellent!” his Mother beamed, immediately setting about unscrewing the small black top from the bottle in front of her.

‘Er wait a sec… I thought maybe I could take some before I go to bed or something?”

“No I think it would be a good idea for you to do it now,” she insisted, picking up the glass of wine with her free hand and taking a sip “see I’m drinking my wine, feeling nice and relaxed and I want the same for you.”

It looked like she wouldn’t be taking no for an answer and he didn’t have it in him to argue with her. So Toby simply shrugged his shoulders and agreed to do as he was told.

“There’s a good boy, now what I want you to do is put your nose right up to the bottle here and take a great big sniff.”

Toby didn’t notice, but as he leaned in to bring his head to that little brown bottle, his Mother’s eyes shone with pure, unadulterated excitement. If he’d seen that twinkle of victory, Toby might just have heeded that voice in his head warning him that something was off. But he didn’t. So instead of following his gut and thinking for himself, Toby placed his nostrils above the bottle as he’d been told and took a long, deep sniff, filling his lungs with the medicine’s potent fumes.

From the moment he inhaled, Toby was struck by an arrow of fire that shot from the back of his throat right down to his chest. It was like he’d snorted a shot of tequila through his nose! Whatever the hell this medicine was, he’d certainly never taken anything quite like it before. His instinct was to pull away immediately, yet it was like a small part of him already craved more. Instead of running for the hills, Toby left his head where it was and inhaled again.

The second time hurt less, in fact it was almost a pleasurable sensation as it burned its way through his throat. The heat in his chest slowly spread outwards until it touched every inch of his body. Not only were all nerves instantly forgotten but Toby felt positively euphoric! It was as though he had been wrapped from head to toe in a blanket of pure joy. Never before had he felt happier and more at peace.

“That’s it, nice deep breaths… just allow it to drift up to your little brain.”

His Mother’s heavenly voice brought him slightly back to reality. As he looked at the beautiful woman still holding the bottle under his nose, his eyes widened in surprise. He’d always accepted his Mother was very attractive, but as he looked at her now she was just the most stunning person he’d ever seen. In his drug induced haze, her pale skin appeared to be glowing while her emerald eyes sparkled alluringly. For years he’d felt such shame that he felt this arousal for his Mother, but the medicine washed that away, and for the first time he felt he could truly appreciate the woman’s beauty.

“See, look how relaxed you are now! Oh gosh your eyes, they’re so glazed over,” his Mother giggled like a schoolgirl “that’s right, this feels so good doesn’t it? Come on, sniff more. Sniff more for Mommy.”

No longer bothered in the slightest about what his Mother called herself, Toby obediently inhaled more of this intensely powerful concoction. Now his vision started to blur, the only thing he could focus on was the absolute Goddess sat across from him; with her midnight black hair and bright red grin. As he stared in disbelief that such a gorgeous woman could even exist, he felt his cock stiffen under his jeans. Normally this would have him scrambling to cover it up, but he suddenly seemed unable to think for himself, let alone make the effort to hide his arousal.

“There you go, you’re all ready now. My precious boy,” his Mother finally judged he’d had enough and withdrew the bottle. She reached and brushed his cheek gently with her fingers. Though it was the briefest of contact, to Toby her touch sent sparks fizzing across his skin.

“W-what’s happening,” he gasped, though it took all his energy just to muster that.

“Oh darling it’s alright,” his Mother cooed “Mommy’s just drugged you that’s all.”

She said it so kindly, like it was the most normal thing in the world; and in his heavily medicated state, Toby just accepted that it was. There was maybe that little voice, buried deep within his hazy brain that screamed this shouldn’t be happening. That it wasn’t normal or alright for your parents to drug you, but Toby was too far gone to hear it.

“I’m sorry but I didn’t have a choice,” his Mothers angelic words continued to flow over him “I had to drug you after the way you’ve been behaving recently. You’ve been a very bad boy treating your Mommy this way. After everything I’ve done for you.”

Toby was gripped by a sudden fear. What had he done? He didn’t want to be a bad boy! Oh no, he loved his Mom so much and somehow he’d let her down. Tears pricked the corners of his eyes, if he was strong enough he’d have tried to apologise, but right then he could barely string together a sentence let alone hold a conversation. Fortunately, his Mother sensed his distress and gave him an understanding smile.

“Don’t you worry dear, Mommy understands. You only wanted to leave Mommy because you were thinking with that little willy of yours weren’t you? A pretty girl flashed you a smile and you just went along with whatever she said, didn’t you?”

“Y-yeah, I’m sorry,” Toby blubbed, though he still wasn’t sure what he’d done wrong. He thought he was going out with Sophia because he liked her, but if his Mother thought differently then he figured she must be right. She was usually right about most things after all.

“I thought so. A good boy like you doesn’t start misbehaving like that overnight, I knew you were just being led astray. But don’t worry, Mommy is going to make it all better. You see,” she leaned in so close he could feel her breath on his neck and whispered “Mommy knows your little secret.”

Toby was confused. What did she mean? He didn’t have any secrets from her. Sophia aside, he’d never kept anything from his Mother. Well unless you count… No, surely she couldn’t mean…

“That’s right, Mommy knows all about those naughty little fantasies of yours.”

As she spoke her eyes motioned down toward Toby’s crotch, where his erect cock was obvious, pushing up like a tent pole through his jeans. With a feeling of dread, Toby suddenly understood that his worst fears were being realised.

“Yes I’ve always known you were a little peeper, sneaking a look at my bum when I get out of the bath or my tits when I’m relaxing in my bikini. Running off to your room and rubbing your little dick while you think about your Mommy.”

No, no, no! How could she have known? Toby was mortified, how was he ever going to get over the humiliation of his Mother knowing about these thoughts that had plagued him for so many years? What must she think of him?

“You don’t need to worry honey, Mommy understands,” she comforted him as though she could read his mind “this is going to be good for us.”

“R-really?” Toby asked, hardly daring to believe it was true.

“Yes really, you silly boy. You see, Mommy can use this to fix everything, make it all better for you. Doesn’t that sound good? You want Mommy to make everything better right?”

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