Mommy’s Special Medicine – Chap 1 by Jasmines_Pet

“Yes, yes I want that so much. Please, please make everything better.”

“Of course I will, you just have to trust me and do everything I say. Alright?”

“I will, I promise. Thank you Mommy.”

Toby realised with a start that he’d just called her Mommy, the very title he knew she used merely to patronise him. He would never normally have been caught dead saying that word, but in the state he was in it just slipped out, and somehow in a weird way it felt natural to him now. His Mother didn’t draw attention to it, but couldn’t suppress a victorious grin.

“There’s my good boy, now come on and follow Mommy through to the lounge. We’re going to snuggle down somewhere nice and comfy so we can have a little chat.”

Toby let his Mother take his hand and lead him into the living room. Still in a drug induced haze, it was like he was floating aimlessly as she dragged him wherever she pleased. Once they reached the sofa, Toby was pushed roughly forwards so that he landed on it in a heap, looking up at his Mother towering over him.

“Alright then, let’s get you nice and comfortable,” she purred.

Before Toby knew what was happening, she unbuttoned his jeans and pulled them, along with his boxer shorts, down to his ankles, freeing his cock so that it sprang out, standing to attention. Then she pulled his t-shirt up and over his head, leaving him slumped naked and bewildered on the padded leather.

“That’s better,” she said with satisfaction “in fact you look so lovely and cosy I think I might join you.”

With that, she slipped off the thin straps that held her dress onto her shoulders and allowed the thin white silk to slide down her body, landing in a bundle at her feet. She was left wearing nothing but the most brilliant, bright blue set of lingerie, so striking against her pale skin that Toby could barely believe such vivid colours even existed.

With the grace of a dancer she lowered herself onto the sofa beside him, sitting so close that their bare thighs touched together, and turned so that she faced him, her mouth just inches from Toby’s cheek. Her hand crept across his lap and with a single finger she began to trace slow circles over his skin, eliciting a groan of pleasure from the boy.

“There you go, nice and comfy. You can have a lovely evening cuddling on the sofa with Mommy now. Would you like that?”

All Toby could do was nod erratically in response, so overwhelmed was he by the drugs and his Mother’s rhythmic stroking.

“Awww look at you now darling, so nice and relaxed. Mommy makes you feel so good doesn’t she?”

Her hand drifted slowly up between his legs until her fingertips hovered just a hair’s breadth from his cock. She left them there, so tantalisingly close, for a few seconds that felt to Toby like a lifetime, then closed those last millimetres and softly ran her fingers up her son’s virgin cock.

This was just too much for poor Toby. He reached to the touch like he’d been struck by a lightning bolt, jerking his body and gasping in shock. Yet when his Mother moved in and brushed it again, he did nothing to stop her.

This was wrong he thought to himself, this was sick! A Mother shouldn’t drug her son and she certainly shouldn’t be touching his cock! So why then couldn’t he stop it? Why wasn’t he pushing her off of him and running out the door? Was it the drugs? Or was there a part of him that wanted this to happen?

“Hehe,” his Mother tittered “look how hard you are, look how hard Mommy’s made you!”

She leaned in even closer, so that her lips were physically touching his ear.

“Do you want Mommy to stroke it?” she whispered sensually.

The sane part of his brain screamed at him to say no, so far he’d mostly been led along by his Mother but agreeing to this would make him complicit! But of course he didn’t listen. Instead he simply turned to face her and reluctantly stammered “Y-yes.”

With a wolfish grin, his Mother wrapped her hand around his cock and began to ever so slowly pump it up and down, sparking a fire in Toby’s groin that quickly spread through his body and consumed him entirely. He’d never even kissed a girl before tonight, now here he was with the most beautiful woman he’d ever laid eyes on working away at his cock!

“Yeah you like that don’t you honey? Oh your Mommy’s so good to you, why would you ever want to abandon your Mommy when she does such nice things for you?”

Her voice had suddenly taken a more serious tone, though it was still dripping with sexual energy.

“I-I don’t Mommy, I…”

“Why are you so ungrateful after everything I’ve done for you?” she went on, ignoring him completely “Look at how nervous and scared you were until I came in and made everything better. Tell me sweetie, why were you so scared?”

“I-I don’t know.”

“Oh I think you do know. Is it because you knew you would fail? You were scared she’d find out what you’re really like and reject you weren’t you?”

Toby’s lip trembled as he fought back the tears. Though he hadn’t wanted to admit it to himself, that was exactly what he’d been afraid of. He was so fearful and nervous around women, and deep down he was scared that once Sophia got to know him, he wouldn’t be enough for her and she’d lose interest like everyone else.

“Y-yes,” Toby sobbed.

“I know, I know,” she consoled him “and you were right to be scared baby, you would have failed! As soon as this girl realised what a weak, timid little virgin you are she would have left you straight away. Do you know why?”


“Because she doesn’t understand you like I do… only Mommy really understands you.”

Toby’s head was swimming and it was only partly down to the drugs. He had been sure for so long that he was in love with Sophia, that they had such a special connection and she was the perfect girl for him. But how was that possible if she didn’t even understand him? Had he been wrong all this time? His Mother must be right, she’d just flashed him a smile and he’d got carried away.

“It was silly to think a shy, nervous boy like you could ever go on a date like a normal man. You should be staying at home with the one person who really loves you. I bet you regret trying to abandon me now don’t you?”

As she spoke, she subtly increased the pace that she pumped at his cock.

“I do, I promise I do! I’m so sorry,” Toby spluttered, not understanding why he was slowly getting more and more aroused.

“Well that’s alright, Mommy forgives you. Just make sure you behave yourself from now on and we can forget this ever happened.”

‘I…” Toby started, but was interrupted when his Mother shifted her position, swinging her leg up and over so that she sat facing him on his lap.

“Now remember boys who behave themselves do as they’re told,” his Mother warned, taking her hands off his cock, scooping up the open brown bottle from the coffee table and bringing it back to his nose “so go on, sniff. It’s time for your second dose!”

Given he knew the bottle was laced with drugs Toby hesitated, for about half a second. But since the only thought occupying his foggy mind was that he didn’t want to disappoint his Mother, he closed his eyes and took in a deep breath, inhaling the fumes obediently. Then as soon as the euphoric rush hit, he couldn’t understand why he’d hesitated in the first place.

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