Mommy’s Special Medicine – Chap 1 by Jasmines_Pet

“I hope you like it,” his Mother smirked as she noticed him looking “I had them made especially for you.”

Normally he would have told her he didn’t like it one bit! But this was just all so strange it didn’t even feel real. So instead of making a fuss, he continued to follow his Mother up the stairs and into his bedroom. He just wanted to go to bed, things would all be back to normal in the morning.

Before he knew it Toby was tucked up in his nice warm bed. His Mother knelt beside him, fluffed his pillows, then leaned in and tenderly kissed his forehead.

“You’ve been such a good boy tonight,” she cooed “so I’ve got one last little treat here that I know you’ll love.”

She lifted her hand so Toby could see what she held. It was hard to tell exactly what it was at first, some kind of brilliant blue material for sure, but what exactly was it? Then he noticed the little bow on the front and recognised the frilly material. Those were his Mother’s panties!

“Mommy’s been wearing these all day,” she said excitedly “I saw how much you liked them earlier and thought, what better way could there be to give you your night-time medicine?”

Toby watched mutely as his Mother used the contents of the little brown bottle to soak her panties. Suddenly he could hear that voice in his head again screaming that this was wrong.

“Time for bed, little one,” she whispered “you’d better get a good night’s sleep, you have a big day ahead of you tomorrow. Now come on, close those eyes and give Mommy’s panties a sniff.”

In a brief moment of clarity, Toby felt the urge to cry out and stop this madness. But before he could even think to form the words, he found his nose and mouth engulfed by his Mother’s soaking wet panties. Every breath suddenly had him inhaling vast quantities of his ‘night-time medicine,’ each lung full stripping his already depleted energy and sending him spiraling towards unconsciousness.

While he tried to fight, the toll the evening had taken on him made sure it was in vain. His Mother’s vice-like grip kept the panties clamped down on his face, and the debilitating fumes flooding into his body.

“Come on baby, just let it happen,” his Mother’s voice suddenly sounded far away. “Tomorrow you’ll wake up, and your new life with Mommy can really begin.”

Within five, maybe ten seconds, he had already drifted off into a deep, dreamless sleep.


With her son safely tucked up and asleep in his bed, Grace settled back into her seat at the dining room table and poured herself another glass of wine. A couple of swigs helped to calm her a little, which was good as after the events of the last half hour or she really needed it!

Her plan had been executed to perfection. In fact, it had gone so well she’d ended up getting a little carried away with herself! She’d expected to enjoy it, but the thrill she felt being in such total control of another person was like nothing she had ever experienced. Perhaps it was the second hand fumes she’d breathed in from Toby’s little brown bottle, but there were times when she felt almost a little sexually aroused herself!

It was true Grace had suffered some last minute doubts. Of course she knew Toby found her attractive and was excited by her body, frankly what man wouldn’t be? But did his arousal really run so deep as to let him be manipulated to this extent? By his Mother of all people! And even if it did, could Grace really go through with it?

As it turned out the answer to both was a resounding yes. Toby was even more easily led than she could have possibly predicted, and any doubts over whether she could go through with it disappeared the moment she saw Toby’s eyes roll back into his head after being coerced into taking his medicine.

It hadn’t gone perfectly though, tonight was just supposed to be about establishing she was in charge and having him agree to this new arrangement. But with her being so in the zone like that, seeing for herself how her pumping away at his cock had him agreeing to whatever she said, Grace couldn’t help but push things that bit further.

Telling him she was going to stop him ever having a normal relationship certainly hadn’t been part of the plan! Though it was useful to note that even then he hadn’t lifted a finger to stop her. Still, she must make sure to keep her cool in future, she reminded herself, this was going well but one slip at this early stage could still ruin her plans.

Grace pushed those thoughts to the back of her mind. This was a time for celebration! She thought back to the way the sight of her body had Toby overcome with arousal. God it was electrifying knowing she had that effect on him. She had never felt more desired or powerful in her life than she had at that moment. Most exciting of all, this was just the first day of it! She had so many devious plans in store for the two of them, poor Toby had no idea what was coming his way!

Grace drained the rest of her glass and rooted around her handbag until she found her phone. It was time to ring Catherine, her friend had helped her plot this evening and would be dying to hear how it went. Grace was excited to give her the good news, and of course, go over their plans for the morning. He didn’t know it yet, but Toby had quite the day in store for him!

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