“We didn’t even fuck, sir. All he wanted was a blowjob.”

He smiled, “Perhaps, but he was still very much appreciative. You finished off that deal, Connie.” He leaned back and gazed at her naked body sitting in front of him. “What we would like to do is more of that, if we can. We know it is an expansion to what we originally agreed on so this could be a promotion, a significant raise, and a specially structured incentive plan for you.”

She could feel her body responding to his proposal. She knew her nipples were becoming rock hard and her pussy was past the mere wet stage. “I assume you are talking about expansion as being inclusive of customers and other you would want to influence?”

“Exactly, dear. We recognize this can become a big change and too much more a single woman as it takes off … so to speak. So, we propose hiring another PA to assist you. You would be given the title of Executive Personal Assistant. The new woman would be a Personal Assistant reporting to you and dotted-line reporting to all the executive members. She would receive a rewarding salary, benefits, and share in the incentive plan, but at a lesser amount, of course, than you. You would be responsible for training her in all aspects of the job … in the office and … the personal attention you give.” Knowing that the only reason she was in her position was that night he seduced her at the company party and he saw an opportunity in her to do something very outrageous. How was he going to find another woman willing to do this without slapping him with a harassment charge? She expressed those thoughts to him and he smiled back. “Actually, we were hoping you might know someone who might fit the role …” Connie smiled. She just might know the young slut they need.

She stood and leaned onto the desk, her big breasts swaying as she did. She looked at him intently, “Now, sir, with that out of the way … what can I do for you?”

He laughed, pushed his chair back and patted the desk surface in front of him. She walked around the desk and positioned herself on the desk, her ass at the edge, and spread her legs for him. He had already dropped his pants, his hard cock pointing at her. He smiled as he pressed his cock to her pussy, sank into her hole, leaned forward and kissed her. “Are you always wet and ready for a fucking?”

She looked into his eyes and smiled, “I believe those were the same words you asked me that night at the company party when you seduced me into the stairwell.” He laughed. A night that started it all.

When she returned to her desk, Connie sent a text to a woman downstairs, an entry-level secretary, who was her target. It was simple, ‘Call me, tonight, please.’

Connie was in the kitchen of her apartment when the buzzer from the lobby sounded. Her guest was on her way up. She had planned a dinner, one of the salads she gravitated to. When a part of your job is looking attractive and desirable, she found changes were required, especially as she aged. Not only was she controlling her diet, but she religiously took advantage of the gym on the next block. When the doorbell rang, she poured two glasses of white wine that had been chilling and went to the door.

“Hi, Dawn,” she warmly said as she hugged her daughter. “I’m really glad you weren’t already busy.”

Her daughter gave her a kiss on the cheek and entered the apartment. “I was actually, but he wasn’t important. Just some guy I met in a bar and wanted another night.” She chuckled, “I wasn’t impressed with him.”

Connie shook her head. It wasn’t that she was shocked or disapproved, she knew exactly who her daughter learned her promiscuous behavior from. It was also why she immediately thought of her for the new position in the executive offices and, probably, why Mr. Maris asked her if she knew someone for the position. It wouldn’t be a secret that her daughter also worked in the company, the delicate issue would have been if the saying, ‘like mother, like daughter’, would apply.

After covering the casual catching up of their lives since their last contact, Dawn pressed Connie about the urgency of coming to dinner she sensed in the invitation. Connie smiled and launched into her rehearsed explanation and pitch. She had debated if she should feel guilty about wanting her own daughter to be a part of the career path she had chosen, but she knew her daughter and how she was already living … much the same way she had been living before.

“Dawn, honey, how do you think I can afford this apartment?” Dawn shrugged; she had been curious about that. Connie then launched into what her position as Personal Assistant really was for Mr. Maris and why she was in the job. It explained a lot to Dawn and she became curious why her mom was suddenly explaining something that had been kept a secret for the past the year. Finally, Connie admitted the hard truth, “Honey, the truth is neither one of us is the sharpest knife in the drawer, as the saying goes.” Her daughter chuckled and Connie smiled that she was willing to be honest. “We’re the kind of people that can get lost in the system doing our menial jobs and scraping by in life, or … we can accept what we are and take advantage of a unique situation when it presents itself. That’s all I did.” She could see her daughter wasn’t negatively judging her but remained very attentive. “I asked you here specifically because I can offer the same unique situation to you.”

At first, Dawn didn’t react to the words, then it seemed to jolt her. “You mean … give sex for …”

Connie was holding her daughter’s hand and nodding her head. “Yes, that’ exactly what I am suggesting. Dawn, honey, this might be a terrible thing for a mother to encourage her daughter to consider if it wasn’t that we both know what we are. We both love sex and our life skills aren’t that abundant. You give away sex on a regular basis, right?” Dawn nodded. “Your job barely covers you living and you share an apartment with a high school friend. Now, look around you here …” Dawn didn’t physically shift her head, but Connie could see the wheels turning. “I make more than the manager of your supervisor. This apartment is paid for by Mr. Maris. There is a two-bedroom apartment opening up in this building that could be ours. I have a company credit card. My personal expenses are low and my savings are high and the incentive plan they are talking about …”

Dawn took a gulp of her wine and looked at her mom, “Like being a part-time escort?”

Connie shrugged, “You could look at that way, I suppose, but I prefer to think of it as still giving away sex like I would but getting something for it. Maybe I’m deluding myself, but I think of the sex as freely given as part of the company job. I enjoy sex and I know you do. It’s as simple as that.”

Monday morning, Dawn appeared before Connie’s desk as planned at 9:00 AM. Connie looked up, smiled, came around the desk and hugged her. “Are you ready?” Dawn nodded. “There is nothing tricky about the interview. They know you already work here doing similar work. The secretarial duties aren’t that difficult … trust me. Remember to always respond to these men with ‘sir’ and comply positively and immediately to whatever they ask.” Connie looked over her daughter and smiled. She had taken her out to find an appropriate dress that was sexy and barely professional. Dawn’s C-cup breasts presented a different look than Connie’s D-cups so they opted for a deeper opening in front and slightly shorter hem. She moved her hands from her daughter’s shoulders to her face and gazed into the eyes. Dawn could see something change in her mom and was mildly surprised when she received a kiss on the lips … and it wasn’t motherly. Connie searched her daughter’s face, “Am I a terrible mom?” Dawn shook her head. Connie leaned into her, again. The next kiss was full of passion. “How about now?”

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