My darkest dream by Desire2beagurl

“And now the final pinnacle of it all,” he whispered in my ear, “I present to you your ever loving beautiful wife.” He pushed the button on his remote and I almost retched had it not been for the gag still lodged in my mouth and throat. As the light came on it shined down on a small mud pit and inside was my wife, but I couldn’t even recognize her with everything they had done to her. I stared, trying to take stock of what all had happened to my poor wife. All her hair was gone, leaving her skin a bright shade of pink. Her ears were pulled up pulling them to a point at the tip. Her nose was permanently upturned like a snout, her face was full and heavy as it hung above her triple chins. Her hands had been covered with black padded gloves, splitting her fingers to give her the look of having hooves. Her large body swayed from side to side as she plodded through the small pig pen, squishing through all the mud and the muck. Her large tits swayed from side to side under her, and then I saw that she not only had her original two but two more sets swayed behind them to give her a total of six large tits. Her ass was large and rounded, her pussy lips pouting just under her puckering shithole, topped with what looked like a twisting tail. Suddenly I saw it pucker more as a large load of shit emerged and plopped into the mud, mixing into the already filthy mess. She squatted slightly as her pussy let loose it’s own torrent of piss to mix in the pig pen mud. Grunting and oinking with excitement I looked and noticed something was very off about her. The man saw my confusion and explained that they had cut off her legs at the knees and replaced the ends with hooves to give her better mobility. Then he asked me if I wanted to see the best part. I cried and tried to shake my head but proceeded to laugh and push the button on his remote once again. A buzzer sounded and slop poured into the trough at the side of the pen closest to me. I watched as the one I had once known as my wife plodded along in the muck and muck, seeing it smearing all over her underside as she merrily made her way to the trough, plunging her head in to begin munching on the food provided for her. Then I heard the pen open from the other side and about her squishing sound came closer and closer. As it made its way out of the darkness I finally saw it. A huge boar looking creature made a beeline for my wife, and as he got closer I saw a sort of familiarity in his face. As he finally cleared the shadows I was able to make the faint recognition as one of my wife’s former co-workers. Making his way to her backside I heard him start to sniff at her protruding pussy lips and the sound of his tongue lapping at the juices echoed in the room. My once wife stopped eating for a second, looked back, and proceeded to turn back to the food as she shifted her ass upward for the boar to get a better smell. Suddenly I watched as the boar-man jumped up on her back with his front hooves, his hips pushing up against hers. From the angle I was sitting I could clearly see the boar-mans twisted cock starting to push out of its sheath, twisting as it made its way towards my wife’s wet wanting pig-like pussy. Slowly it twisted out more and more until finally slithering into the folds of my wife’s juicy pig-like pussy. She stopped eating for only a moment and then put her face back down in the slop as the boar-man behind her penetrated her deeper and deeper fully seating himself inside his horny sow. I felt the tears in my eyes as I watched the boar bucking against my wife as she pushed back against each of his thrusts pushing him deeper and deeper inside her. Again and again he bucked against her, faster and harder with each thrust and with each thrust she pushed back faster and harder against him. I felt the tears streaming down my face as my wife lifted her head out of the trough grunting and oinking as the boar-man thrust in hard one last time, knowing he was depositing his seed deep inside her, breeding her as his personal sow. I was just relieved that I had the knowledge that she couldn’t get pregnant which brought a small smile to my face. The man saw this and lean in close to me, “By the way, since we gave all of your wife’s eggs to your daughter we decided to go bold and we replaced her reproductive organs with that of a real sow. We also discovered, through her phone calls and text messages, that your wife and her old co-worker have been having an affair for the past few years, ever since they worked together. So we decided to make some changes to him as well as to her giving him a fully functional set of pig reproductive organs. Since your wife now has a new reproductive system that we have heavily saturated with fertility drugs and he is now one of our best breeding boars hopefully we will see a liter of piglets in the near future.” The shock and anguish of hearing this sent me into more tears as I watched the boar-man dismount off of my wife, his seed firmly implanted in her new uterus with the hopes of breeding his new sow. He plodded off to the corner and laid down in the muck, my once wife, having finished her meal, plodded off and laid in the filth next to him, cuddled up to the boar that had just seeded her.

The man in the lab coat looked down at me, the tears streaming down my face, the constant heaving of my chest from sobbing over the loss of my family and the current state of things. He leaned in close to me again, “Don’t worry so much, I’m just a few minutes you won’t remember a thing will you, my sissy bimbo slut.” As he said those final words an unnerving sense of calm started to ease into my mind, flowing over my body, my thoughts beginning to fade, my concentration waning. I can’t believe what they did to me. I can’t believe what they did to my family. Wait…do I have a family. What am I doing here. Where am I. Then as my mind fades into a still blackness a simple mantra presents itself and repeats over and over again…

You are a sissy bimbo slut…

You love cock…

You want cock…

You NEED cock…

You need to service men…

You NEED their cum…

You love cum…

You are are sissy bimbo slut…

As the mantra continues and repeats over and over and over in my head I feel the gag removed from my mouth and throat. I hear a voice, a feminine voice, I know it’s not mine but yet it is mine…I am a sissy bimbo slut. I can hear people all around congratulating each other. I feel the bonds holding me down loosen, freeing me from the chair but I don’t have the will to move. Not until I hear the distinct sound of zippers being undone. My body naturally moves on its own sinking to the floor to my knees, my head tilted back and my mouth wide open. I am a sissy bimbo slut. I love cock. I want cock. I NEED cock. I need to service men. I NEED their cum. I love cum. I am a sissy bimbo slut.


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