Sins of the Father: Chapter 3 by Mojavejoe420

Sins of the Father: Chapter 3 by Mojavejoe420

Immerse yourself in 'Sins of the Father: Chapter 3' by Mojavejoe420, an enticing erotic tale that explores forbidden desires and tantalizing encounters. Uncover the seductive twists and passionate moments that will keep you captivated. Dive into this captivating chapter and experience a story of lust and betrayal like never before!<br/>

Father Daughter dance, with a friend. , Sins of the Father: Chapter 3

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All characters 18 and/or over


Friday: Ten Days later

Ten days… ten days!

That’s a long time to be away from your new lover. What made it worse was that my new lover was so close by, so very close. The only thing that stood between us was my wife. And my two sons. And the civilized world, too.

If I could just hang on a few more hours.

Last Tuesday was supposed to be our day, we were both counting on it. But I had an issue at work that had to be attended to, and Ashley and I missed our window of opportunity.

Fortunately, we had other plans. Tonight was the annual Father/Daughter Benefit at Ashley’s school and I had not one, but two daughters going with me. Alyssa wasn’t technically my daughter, but the school didn’t mind as more attendees meant more donations.

I was terrified when I first found out that Ashley had told her friend Alyssa about our goings-on. A father and daughter romance is not something you want made public. The repercussions would be… well, too terrible to contemplate. But Ashley assured me that she and Alyssa were beyond tight and nothing would ever be said, no matter what.

My wife had the boys ready and packed for their weekend baseball tournament. She’d promised me a blow-job complete with swallowing if I took Alyssa to the father/daughter thing. Little did she know that she didn’t have to ‘pay’ me to do that! Ashley told me how Alyssa was gearing up for the event, and the subsequent sleepover.

I kissed Blaire good-bye and told the boys I loved them and to keep me up to date with their games. And that was that.

Now, what does the well-dressed dad wear to this kind of event? Ashley said no to a suit and tie. She wanted me to look good, though, so we settled on dress shoes, khaki pants, and a nice untucked long sleeve shirt. Topping it off with a cardigan, I kind of looked like a hipster, a mid-40s hipster. Oh well, I thought. She likes it.

“You know what,” I started as Ashley put the finishing touches on her lip gloss. “We could just skip the whole thing and do some… stuff.”

“Calm down, old man,” she teased. “We can’t skip this, I’m on the planning committee. Besides, Alyssa is really excited but really nervous. This will give her a chance to warm up to you.” She puckered her shiny lips a couple of times.

“Cherry?” I asked.

“Strawberry. I know you don’t like cherry, Daddy-O.”

Her phone buzzed and she checked it.

“Will you let Alyssa in? Her mom’s dropping her off.”

I headed downstairs, feeling funny. I was going to have to talk to her mom. Jennifer and I had talked at least a thousand times over the years as the kids grew up. But now I felt like a naughty boy who’s trying to hide his dirty thoughts from the parent.

“Hey you guys!” I said as I opened the door. “Come on in! Ashley’s upstairs, of course.”

Alyssa was just in school clothes as she gave me a quick little wink and a semi-hug, then she dashed up the stairs to get dressed. Jennifer gave me a hug that lasted a couple seconds too long.

“I’m just… so grateful you could take her to this. Darryl has been such an asshole these last few years. She needs… she needs a father sometimes. Men have a certain way of dealing with problems… hey where’s Blaire, is she upstairs too?”

“She took the A-Team to Springfield for the weekend. She’ll be back late Sunday.”

She gave me a flirty little grin.

“Oh really now. Well, damn. Almost makes me wish I wasn’t going with the girls to the spa! You gonna be okay with these two?”

I assured her we’d be fine as they had plans and I had a lot of work to do. No worries, babe.

She made another innuendo about her and I, but I made some comment how being married has really put a damper on my dating life. She laughed and said goodbye after another too-long hug.

Try not to eat your sorrows, babe. If you dropped 30-40 pounds, things might improve for you.

I brushed my teeth and waited impatiently for my girls. I tried watching some historical videos on YouTube, but nothing seemed to hold my attention. I kept hearing the girls giggling upstairs, which didn’t help. I checked out online pics of father-daughter dances and then made a snap decision: I wasn’t going to wear this hipster shit. I’m going to dress like a fucking man should dress.

The girls finally made their grand entrance, parading down the stairs. Their matching Michael Kors party dresses made them look like sisters. I was so relieved about the dresses because most of the time they wore these skimpy little whore-looking dresses that would be inappropriate for Dads. But these were just adorable, catching the part girl/part grown-up vibe perfectly.

Then, they gushed over my simple black Ralph Lauren suit. I worked out pretty religiously and was able to fit into the slim-fit styles. With my hair slicked and styled, silver tie and pocket square, I didn’t look too bad for a middle-aged-father-type, if I do say so myself.

The girls posed and I took three thousand snaps of them. Then, I posed with Alyssa in several different shots, but I made sure they looked completely chaste and innocent. I did the same thing with Ashley but a problem developed. Alyssa wore a bra because she had to, they were just too big. But Ashley was braless, and her girls kept bumping into me. I got a full-on erection.

A few shots later, Alyssa said, “Guys, I can’t take any more pictures. Look.”

She held the camera for us and you could clearly see the bulge in my pants. Also completely apparent was the way we were looking at each other. Yeah, these wouldn’t do at all.

“Maybe…” Alyssa began. “Maybe you guys should just go. I don’t want to be a third wheel. I can, like, watch Netflix or something…”

Ashley looked at me pleadingly. Do something, Dad.

Yeah, I needed to do something and do it fast. She was obviously uncomfortable with me and didn’t know how she was going to fit in with Ash and I. I walked to her and put my hands on her shoulders.

“Young lady. You are pretty much a member of our family already. But tonight, I want you to be my honorary daughter. I will treat you no differently than I do my Ashley. You will be… my Alyssa. How does that sound?”

A shy smile crept across her face.

“Do I still have to call you Mr. Gussman?”

“Mmm, maybe just in front of the other parents. But now, when we are alone, you can call me Jeremy.”

“Oh,” she said, dejected. “I thought I was going to be your honorary daughter.”

I looked at Ashley, her eyes glassy with emotion. She nodded her head enthusiastically.

I pulled Alyssa a little closer to me.

“You could call me… Father?” I couldn’t help but tease her. I’m the fun dad, ya know?

She shook her head and made a face at me. I tried again.

“How about… Dad? No? Hmm… then it has to be Daddy.”

She giggled and threw her arms around me. I hugged her tightly, my hands on her back. She ground up against my hard cock, then looked up at me.

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