Slut Son Ch. 05 – The Delivery Tip by DomGuardi

Slut Son Ch. 05 – The Delivery Tip by DomGuardi

All characters are 18 years of age or older. Any characters, or situations, depicting real-life people or events are purely coincidental. This story contains strong sexual themes, including: unrealistic anatomy, fellatio, cunnilingus, incest, exaggerated volumes of male and female ejaculate, distended abdomens, unprotected sex without resulting in pregnancy, and a threesome. This story is for entertainment purposes only. Please…enjoy yourself.


Chapter 5 – The Delivery Tip

A lot can change in a weekend. Typically, that sentiment is saved for busy weekends that are filled with events like: traveling to see friends and family, celebrating a holiday, going to a game, or possibly the most common, working on the house. On rare occasions, a person might have their entire reality completely turned upside-down in the matter of just a few days. Some might win the lottery, or win an all expenses paid trip. Or perhaps, they celebrate the finding of long lost relatives or get reunited with missed loved ones. Although, on the other end of the scale, others might suffer turmoil or a terrible upheaval, such as the death of someone very dear to them, or suffering abandonment altogether and are left alone and terrified. Fortunately, for Simon Memphis, he suffered no devastating loss or rejection. Instead, he was somewhere in between reuniting with loved ones, and winning the lottery, or sorts. After years of no contact with his aunt, his mother’s eldest sister, he was surprised with a visit from her, and just the mere sight of her gorgeous figure intoxicated him. It was as if his aunt cast a spell and he became lost in a fog of lust and licentiousness, devoid of rational reasoning and thought, and left only with the strongest of carnal desires that succeeded in quickly demolishing his inhibitions.


It was very early on Monday morning and when Simon awoke, his body was slow and sore. An uncomfortable and painful, yet wonderful side-effect from engaging in a weekend long session of imaginative sexual exploits conjured up by his dominating aunt, and his newly discovered insatiable mother.

Crack. Pop. Pop! CRACK! His joints composed an eerie symphony as he stretched his body.

Ow! Fuck! I can’t believe I’m this…CRACK…sore all over. I can barely move. But my god what an incredible weekend. I wish I could just make a living having sex all day. Simon thought to himself. Hmm, if it wasn’t illegal, I’d whore myself out. Better yet, I could start one of those adult channels. Simon frowned as he got dressed. Although, you have to be super hot…and a woman…to make any real money off one of those.

Simon exited his room and when he saw the door to his mother’s bedroom wide open, he peeked inside and found the room completely empty.

Whoa! A dense cloud of sex fumes could still be smelled from the devastated quarters. That’s right. Simon remembered that his mother’s bed had become too saturated by everyone’s sweat and cum. Mom and Aunt Brigit must still be asleep in the guest room.

Simon exited the house as quietly and carefully as possible, got in his car–still parked along the street–and drove away. Never before had Simon been filled with so much dread and depression when leaving his mother’s house to go to work. And no one was more surprised at that revelation than Simon.

The drive to the resort was uneventful, and Simon was early enough that he even had time to swing by one of his favorite local eateries for their trademarked massive breakfast protein smoothies. And by the time he arrived at work, he had finished nearly half of the beverage.

Damn! That’s the fastest I’ve ever drank one of these. Simon thought, never removing his mouth from the straw. I guess I needed to replenish my proteins. He smirked to himself but knew it was such a juvenile reaction.

Simon entered the facility through the loading area by the employee service entrance, got settled at his desk–which was surrounded by boxes and palettes–and opened his email where a delivery schedule was already waiting for him.

Sigh. Simon collapsed in the chair and threw his head back. I really want to fuck someone.


Simon had been left alone for the entire morning, and a fortunate thing for him too, for he couldn’t stop stroking himself through his pants. More often than not, it was a subconscious and comforting reaction, but several times he sat at his desk, opened a mobile browser on his phone in incognito mode, and looked up various milf and cougar pornstars. While he filtered through the images, he focused on the ones that even slightly resembled his mother and aunt, and stroked his thickening member that quickly became horribly obstructed by the confines of his clothes.

Just call out. Just go home. Just tell Kelli something came up. Simon repeated in his mind, trying to psych himself up to leave.

Then, Simon’s phone lit up with messages from both his mother and his aunt. He jumped at first, but quickly scrambled to close the browser and open his messages.

“HOLY SHIT!” Simon said aloud.

First, Simon looked at his mother’s messages. “She didn’t expect this when she woke up,” the first message read. And Candice included an image of herself, straddling her sister’s face, and her sweet pussy cream already coating Brigit’s face. The next pic his mother sent was of the two sisters mashing their breasts together, although his aunt’s clearly overtook his mother’s, he could make out that they were clearly digging their hardening nipples into one another.

Simon then opened the messages from his sexy aunt. The first pic Simon saw was his aunt riding his petite mother’s face while she jammed a dildo into her tiny pink snatch. The caption read, “Payback’s a bitch!” The second image Brigit sent Simon was of herself being impaled on a colorful and rather bulbous looking dildo. Brigit’s face was twisted in agony and only his mother’s hand was visible as she held the grotesque phallus steady. A caption was included that read, “Be careful accepting dares from your mom.” And Simon’s favorite pic was the one of his aunt’s mouth tightly locked onto his mother’s quivering and exploding pussy. Brigit’s eyes were closed tightly and her cheeks bulged at the intense strain of trying to contain an immeasurable amount of fluid. Simon was all too familiar with that sensation, and quite jealous.

The vision of his aunt quenching her thirst on his mother’s cum was too much. Simon fled with his phone to the bathroom, and to his happy surprise, found it completely unoccupied. He intended to quickly rub one out, but just as he had released his cock, his phone alerted him of a message from Kelli.

Kelli: Tried to get you on the radio, no answer. Did you leave for lunch?

Simon rolled his eyes and then responded.

Simon: No, not yet. Stepped away for one sec to go to the bathroom.

Kelli: Someone is here to see you.

Simon: Who?

Kelli: Dunno. But if I were you, I’d get out here now. Seriously, this woman is crazy hot.

Huff, Simon exhaled.

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