Spring Break by Fredrika

“After lunch could you drop us off over by the cove?” she asked, referring to a small inlet on an uninhabited island about two miles offshore.

“If you two don’t mind helping me get the boat in the water I don’t see why not,” I replied.

Slowly, the cabin came alive and by 11:00 we were all eating an early lunch together. The boys wanted to head to the other end of the beach to comb for shark teeth that were often found on that end so my wife said that she would bring them and they’d hang out for a bit. I told her of the plans to put the boat in the water and commented that I’d probably drop my hand at a little fishing and we all agreed to be back at the cabin by 5:00. After we finished eating, everyone got ready and headed out to their activities.

I made all of the final preps for the boat as the girls got ready and finally they came out, each carrying a good sized beach bag. They had thrown shorts and t-shirts over their swimsuits and were wearing sandals, hats, and sunglasses. They hopped in the truck and we headed down to the boat ramp to launch it where both girls readily lent a hand. It was readily apparent that Riley had spent some time around boats before from the way she handled the dock lines. After parking the truck and now empty trailer we headed out toward the island to drop the girls off. As soon as we got out of the narrow channel and were able to open up the speed both of them went to the back of the boat and started talking and giggling like typical teenage girls.

About 20 minutes later we arrived at the island and I brought the boat as close to shore as I could without grounding it and told the girls that they would have to wade the rest of the way in. Standing there on the shore with the bottom half of their shorts wet presented quite the image as I agreed to pick them up in about four hours and I headed off to see what I could catch.

I didn’t end up having great luck that first day but caught three medium sized flounder by the time that I had to go back to the island. When I got there, I didn’t see either of the girls but spotted one of their beach bags down the shore from where I dropped them off. After heading to where the bag was I still didn’t see them so I decided to drop the anchor and swam/waded ashore. Still seeing no sign of them I called out my step-daughter’s name and heard a faint reply. A few minutes later she came out of the tree line and began running down the beach towards me.

Seeing her come out alone, my first thought had been concern that something had happened to Riley. As she got a bit closer I could tell that she had a happy expression on her face and as I calmed my worries was when I noticed the change in her attire. She had removed the T-shirt that she had been wearing and gone was the simple suit that I had seen her wearing this morning. The royal blue bikini top that she had on now covered little more than her nipples and despite being young and firm, her breasts were bouncing all over the place as she jogged down the beach.

She ran up to me and virtually jumped into my arms, mashing her chest into mine. “Sorry that I was running late. We lost track of time.” She spouted off innocently.

“Where’s Riley?” I asked.

“Oh, she’s probably going to be another five minutes or so,” she replied, quickly followed by her leaning up to kiss me, shoving her tongue in my mouth and rubbing my dick through my swim trunks at the same time.

“Sweetheart, what if she sees us? I doubt that she would understand…” I sputtered.

“I really don’t care,” she said. “I want you.” With that comment she plunged her hand down my shorts and grabbed a hold of my rapidly hardening member.

As much as I wanted to throw her down to the sand and make passionate love to her on the beach I simply gave her another deep French kiss, squeezed her ass, and stepped back to open the distance a little. “What’s with the new swimsuit anyway? You know that your mother would probably have a fit if she saw how small that top is.”

She simply grinned and said “she won’t. You think that’s bad, you ought to see the other half.” She gave me a quick wink and then dropped her shorts and whirled around to show me the bottoms. The front had a strip of material that was probably only about one inch wide by four inches long, barely covering her slit. Wisps of her pubes were poking out the top even though she kept them trimmed closely. When she turned around I couldn’t even tell that she had anything on except for the single tan colored string coming around her hips and joining another one coming out of the top of her ass crack that only had about two inches visible.

Still standing in front of me, she bent all the way over and touched her toes while jiggling her ass and I could still barely see the string running up it. She quickly closed the foot between us and started grinding her beautiful ass against my still hardening cock causing it to reach its full size rapidly. She rubbed up and down my cock for a few minutes until finally I gave her a good smack on her ass. Turning around, she jumped up and wrapped her legs around my waist, grinding her pussy against my dick while she once again shoved her tongue in my mouth. After a kiss that seemed to last for an eternity, she clutched tightly with her legs and leaned away from my chest. Letting go with one of her arms, she slid the tiny amount of material covering her breasts to the side and brought my head down to suck first one, then the other nipple.

I really didn’t want to stop but realized that we had to before it went any further and put her down on the ground. I gave each nipple a quick kiss before covering it up and then picked up her shorts from the sand and tossed them to her. “Put these back on,” I said, “and go grab your stuff.”

She gave me a pouty look but complied with the directions. No sooner than she had gotten her T-shirt on, we heard some noise coming from the trees nearby. Less than a minute later Riley emerged carrying her beach bag filled with clams. “Sorry it took so long guys but these really slowed me down,” she exclaimed. I couldn’t help but notice that she too had changed swimsuits since this morning. Her new selection wasn’t quite as revealing as my step-daughter’s suit but it still left little to the imagination. I couldn’t help but notice the clear outline of her hard nipples pressed firmly against the bright red material of a bandeau bikini top and wondered what the cause was since it was still quite warm out.

“Wow, that was a great find and will go perfectly with the flounder I caught,” I remarked. “We really need to get going. Are you going to be able to make it out to the boat with all of your stuff?”

“No problem. There are benefits to being tall…I should be able to wade most, if not all of the way,” Riley quickly replied.

I was beginning to warm up to this girl a bit as I got to know her…very down to earth and apparently resourceful. I was pretty sure that it had been her idea to get the clams, not my step-daughter’s. The girls stripped down to their bikinis and tossed the rest of their clothing in the bags for the swim out. Each of us grabbed a bag with some of their things and the three of us headed out to the boat together.

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