Spring Break by Fredrika

The next few hours were pretty relaxing for all of us. We talked some more about a variety of subjects and combed through the fridge eating leftovers or other items that we wanted to make sure wouldn’t either spoil or go to waste. One of the main items discussed was what we should do on our last day of the vacation. Popular consensus was that another day out in the boat and going to the island was what everyone wanted. We didn’t have to leave on Sunday until about 10 o’clock, so we would have a little time to do a final pack out and clean up and we could prep some things tonight and tomorrow morning to help cut down on the required time Sunday. My wife checked our remaining food supply and determined that everything that we had to get rid of could be adapted into meals that we could bring to the island with us. Finding no particular issues, it appeared that we had a plan.

Around seven, the two girls that the boys had invited arrived at the cabin. They appeared to be younger teenagers a little older than the boys and I would estimate that they were probably about 14 and 16. They were both pretty with bubbly personalities and it didn’t take long to see why the boys had gotten along with them so well. After a little light conversation to break the ice and get to know one another a little, we decided to play a few games that we had brought with us on vacation. Someone suggested that we go out to the hot tub and luckily the two girls were still wearing their suits underneath their clothes so it was agreed upon. Those who needed to, went to change, and a few moments later we all met up outside with topped off drinks in hand.

Eight of us in the tub together was a bit snug, but we made it work. Although there was a little room around us, it was no surprise if our bodies made contact with one another due to the close proximity to our neighbors. Luckily, no one seemed to be overly sensitive about being so close to one another. My wife was seated next to her daughter, followed by me, then Riley, the older of the sisters, my older son, my younger son, and finally the younger of the sisters. With as many bodies as we had crammed into the tub, the water level had risen up to the middle of our chests. Looking around, I noticed that the bubbling action of the tub had soaked each woman’s bikini top but since we had to sit upright, did not cover the breasts, leaving them exposed to the cool night air. To no surprise, there was a pronounced effect leaving hard nipples protruding all around the tub.

Enjoying the hot water and jacuzzi effect, the eight of us began to chat about a variety of things. Among other things, we discovered that the two girls lived only about 30 minutes away from where we did and suggested that we make sure to exchange info so that we could continue to keep in touch after our vacations were over.

I had started out with my arms stretched behind me across the edge of the tub but after a little while I found them growing stiff and slightly cold so brought them around me and placed them on my lap under the water. Very soon after they went into the water I could feel my step-daughter take hold of my hand and place something in it. As soon as she had, her hand left mine and dropped onto my lap to gently massage me through my swim trunks. It took me a minute to figure out what it was that she handed me, but I soon realized that I had her bikini bottoms in my hand. Given how many people were here, in such close proximity, I was a bit shocked and didn’t know what to say or do so I did nothing and simply allowed her to continue playing with me. It didn’t take long before I was rapidly swelling.

Having just about exhausted idle chit-chat, my step-daughter started turning the conversation more interesting. She began talking about fashion designers, mentioning some of the latest designs. The boys and I all rolled our eyes but, outnumbered, conceded defeat since the women all appeared interested in talking about it. She started mentioning one designer, in particular, who had recently been in the fashion news for coming out with some racy designs. At one point in the conversation, she mentioned a famous model that had been photographed in the racy clothing line and said “looking at her in them [the clothes] made me so hot. She is beautiful and has such a gorgeous body, don’t you think?”

Riley, quickly agreed stating “she must be one of the sexiest women around and looks awesome in those outfits.”

My step-daughter replied “I know. I wish that I looked that good!”

The older girl seated next to Riley chimed in “I don’t know what you are talking about…I think that you are positively gorgeous and wish that I could look as sexy as you do. Take your suit, for example…you fill it out so nicely.” Motioning to her own smaller breasts, she continued “it would look awful on me and I might as well wear a potato sack.”

“Tell me about it,” Riley quickly added, taking a moment to make a show of cupping her small breasts in her hands. Even the youngest girl here had breasts slightly larger than Riley’s.

The boys looked a little uncomfortable with where the conversation was headed but couldn’t help but look from one pair of breasts to another since ‘invited’ to do so.

“Girls,” my wife said, “you are as beautiful as you feel and none of you have anything to worry about.” She then glanced in my direction to give me a look telling me that I should help convince the girls that they were beautiful.

Trying to reassure them, I said “I agree. I would be proud to be seen with any of you on my arm as my girlfriend,” quickly adding “if I wasn’t married and was a few years younger” to cover up any awkwardness.

The younger girl and both boys had decided to remain quiet during this whole exchange and I watched as all three fidgeted a little uncomfortably. At first I thought that it might be a cue to change the subject but then noticed that although they were squirming around a little that each had an expression of mild arousal on their face and appeared quite interested in where the talk was going.

I watched as Riley gave her breasts a brief squeeze and then dropped her hands back into the water. The one closest to me subtly landed on my thigh and I felt as she slowly moved it upward until it was slightly underneath the leg of my trunks. It wasn’t long before the two girls’ hands in my lap met in a light touch and they shared a knowing look.

It was a good thing that the combination of diminishing light and bubbles hid anything below the water from view because I felt another swimsuit being placed in my waistband and knew that the girls on either side of me were naked from the waist down.

Continuing the discussion, Riley asked “have you seen the new lingerie line that she came out with?” She was referring to the model previously mentioned and I vaguely recalled seeing some of the lingerie in an online catalog recently. I wasn’t familiar with the entire line but the items that I had seen were definitely made for bedroom allure and not for functionality.

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