Spring Break by Fredrika

“Mom, Dad, please don’t get upset with each other. If anything, it’s my fault. I don’t regret it though because just like everything else, you guys have prepared me well for adulthood.”

I reassured her “I’m not angry sweetie, just shocked. Not to mention that you have also been a bit of a teacher. There are things that have happened recently that I have never experienced before and probably wouldn’t have if it wasn’t for the two of you girls.”

I looked over to my wife and noticed her sheepishly nodding her head in agreement.

“My only real issue is the fact that you felt the need to manipulate us,” I continued. “I would have thought that you knew us well enough to know that you can come to us with anything.”

“Really Dad,” she replied with a tone of sarcasm. “Think about this for a moment. If I had simply asked either of you to have sex with me so that I knew what I was doing, you would have looked at me like I had an extra eye in the middle of my head. Then you would have offered to have a talk with me about finding the right man, the time would come, et cetera, et cetera.”

“I’m sorry that I had to do it this way but you know that I’m right,” she continued. “I don’t regret it though because I know a lot more now about what I like as well as how to do the things that I like. One thing I definitely like is having fun with the two of you, either together or apart. I don’t want to stop.”

“Neither do I,” Riley spoke up. “There’s no way in hell I could broach this at home but I wouldn’t trade this week for anything. I’m an adult now and can make my own decisions about who I want to be with and right now I would like to be with you three. I’m sure I’ll find a boyfriend and things will change eventually but right now I know that all of you care for and wouldn’t hurt me and you make me feel so great that it isn’t funny.”

Her statement left us all silent for a moment and then my step-daughter arose, gave both my wife and me a soft kiss and took Riley by the hand. Riley gave each of us a kiss as well and then the two girls departed with my step-daughter commenting “we’ll leave the two of you now; I’m sure that you two want to talk. I do hope that you will realize that this whole thing is more right than wrong and we can continue it together. We’ll see you soon.”

Once the girls had left the vicinity, my wife and I did exactly that; discussed the situation that had unfolded. It actually didn’t take very long before we had conceded that, although the events that had transpired already broke a number of social taboos, no one was being hurt by it. If anything, it helped to keep the girls from being hurt by someone who wouldn’t care about them and would simply use them for their own gratification. Once that had been cleared out of the way, it was a rather simple decision to allow it to continue until the situation changed. We did, however, decide that there needed to be some ground rules established and the primary one that came out immediately was to ensure that both girls stayed on birth control with no exception to avoid getting pregnant. The next was to keep all four of us safe from STD’s by getting everyone to agree that prior to having any type of sexual relations with someone outside of the four of us that we would inform and discuss it with the rest of the group. This was not so much a control item as it would seem but a safety net since we had not been using condoms thus far and as long as we remained exclusive to the group really didn’t need to be concerned with disease since we were clean. The last stipulation was that there be no more deception and manipulation as there had previously been. All of us knew about each other and it appeared to not be creating jealousy so there was no reason to keep things hidden from one another. Additionally, now that we were over the hurdle of reluctance, there was no reason to not simply ask for what was desired rather than scheming to get it.

Now that these items were decided, my wife and I dressed and walked back down the beach and rejoined the rest of the family and our guests. The remainder of the afternoon was uneventful and was filled by all of us having a lot of fun swimming, boating, sunning ourselves or playing games together on the beach. As we moved into the evening hours, the campfire was lit and we cooked our dinner over it, eating together around the warm glow while telling stories.

Eventually, it came time to head back to the mainland and we loaded up the boat and got underway. On the return trip, most everyone was fairly quiet but had split into a few groups. The two girls in one group, my wife and the boys along with the younger sister in another, and the older sister decided to hang out near me at the console.

We didn’t really talk much so I thought that it was a bit odd that she was hanging out near me instead of near the other youth. Most of the conversation that we did have was thanking me for taking her and her sister with us and assuring me that they had really enjoyed themselves. Maybe I was simply getting too suspicious about everything after the recent events but I swore that I caught her staring at me and checking me out a few times on the way back. As we arrived back at the cabin’s pier, I dismissed the thought since nothing further had transpired.

Everyone helped to offload the gear and then the two girls bid their adieu giving each one of us a hug and kiss goodbye. We had already exchanged information and as they departed, made promises to get in touch with us after they got back from vacation.

I asked Riley to bring the truck down to the boat ramp while everyone else began clean up and packing for departure. I took the boat to the ramp, helped back the trailer down and then the two of us got the boat pulled, rinsed off, and tied down securely. On the way back to the cabin she rested her hand on my thigh and asked if I was OK with things as they were and I suggested that we discuss things a little further with all four of us later after the boys had gone to bed. She seemed to accept that but left her hand on my thigh for the rest of the short trip.

After we arrived back at the cabin, the whole family helped with packing and clean-up in preparation for our departure. We then relaxed out on the patio for a little while longer chatting and playing a few games until we decided it was time to call it an early night so that we would be rested for the next day. Everyone headed off to their respective rooms and the cabin seemed rather quiet.

My wife and I sat naked under the covers in our bed with the bedside table lights on as we talked softly a little more about the earlier events. We really hadn’t yet had an opportunity to discuss things with the girls and felt that we had to do so soon. Talking about the recent sexual escapades was having an effect on me and I found myself slightly aroused. Apparently I wasn’t the only one because my wife leaned over and gave me a passionate kiss as she ran a hand down to my crotch. Feeling my rapidly hardening member, she began to stroke it gently until it was fully erect.

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