Spring Break by Fredrika

Once we were all onboard, we raised the anchor and headed back toward the dock behind the cabin which I knew would take close to a half-hour. Unlike when we headed out to the island, on the way back the girls stayed up near me in the cockpit area. Riley seemed particularly interested in talking to me and I didn’t mind since it gave me a chance to get to know her a little better. If it was possible, her nipples were even more clearly outlined due to the wetness of her suit and I got my first opportunity to see the matching bottom to her new suit. Once again, it was not as revealing as my step-daughter’s suit but showed quite a bit of skin and accentuated what slight curve of her hips was there. Honestly, this was a great suit for her body but the material was obviously made more for lying in the sun and not for swimming because just like the top, her bottom clung to her body once it got wet. It hugged her skin so closely that I could clearly see the outline of her vaginal lips and saw no indication of pubic hair so I assumed that she shaved. tinyurl.com/SexyRiley She was quite an intelligent young woman with ambition and drive and she talked quite confidently but her posture showed that she was a bit insecure of her body. Honestly, she shouldn’t have been, because despite having a quite nubile body, the overall appearance in the right outfit, like now, was one of beauty.

Around the time that we entered the channel, the suits had dried out enough to toss our clothes on over them and about fifteen minutes later we were back at the dock by the house. Bringing both the flounder and clams back up to the house, it was time to get dinner going and retrieving my truck from the parking lot by the boat ramp would have to wait until later.

I fired up the grill and went to clean up while it was heating. After my shower I was heading back out to put the fish on the grill when I passed by Riley who gave me a big, slightly mischievous, smile on her way into the bathroom wrapped in a towel. I wasn’t sure what it was about but I couldn’t help think to myself that it had only been a day and she was already settling in well with our family. I guess that I shouldn’t have been too surprised since my step-daughter normally picked her friends well.

As the food was finishing cooking I decided to open a bottle of white wine that we had brought down with us. I was pouring two glasses for my wife and me when the girls walked in. Instantly my step-daughter asked for a glass as well. I was a little hesitant even though things had been going well with Riley because I didn’t want to ruin it or cause any trouble. Just as I was about to act as if she was joking, Riley took the bottle from me, quickly glanced at the label, and stated very matter-of-factly “pour me one as well, please. I really don’t care for sweet wines so I’m glad that you picked a Sauvignon.”

I was floored by this declaration on so many levels and stood there speechless with, what I assume was a stupid look on my face. Glancing over at my wife, who had an expression similar to my reaction, I received a shoulder shrug and look of “why not?”

Dinner was wonderful and the conversation was great so we opened a second bottle right near the end. As soon as we were done, the boys cleared out to go goof off somewhere and the four of us sat around the fire pit to continue talking as I started the fire going so it would be ready for later in the evening. The topics varied but in general, I was quite impressed by how mature Riley seemed and found it to be a quite pleasant evening.

Around the time that we finished the second bottle it was starting to get dark out and figured that we better clean up from dinner and get the truck and trailer back from the boat ramp. I went and grabbed the keys for my wife’s car and when I came back my step-daughter was elbows deep in dish water and my wife had an armful of dishes in her hands. My wife suggested that I go with Riley to go get the truck. The two of us headed out and as soon as we got in the car, we fell right back into conversation.

This time it was a little different though…the topic almost immediately turned to one about boys and relationships, or rather Riley’s relative lack of them. She expressed concern to me that it was because she was unattractive or that, even at eighteen years old, she hadn’t really developed yet. I did my best to reassure her that she was beautiful and that any boy who couldn’t recognize that didn’t deserve her.

She continued to express feelings of displeasure and insecurity about her sexual inexperience and seemed concerned that it would cause problems for her later down the road. She also worried that she might never really develop and that there might be something wrong with her. I couldn’t believe how candid she was being with me and did my best to comfort her and assure her that she’d be just fine. Before long we were at the boat ramp and I was headed to the truck for us to drive back separately.

The whole trip took about twenty minutes and when we got back to the cabin there were just the faintest tinges of red left in the sky and that the fire was burning nicely now. We went inside and saw that dinner cleanup was mere seconds away from being done so I suggested that all of us head outside and enjoy our first real evening of the vacation. The six of us hung out for the next few hours by the fire and had a lovely time simply relaxing.

As the fire died down, we all decided it was time to retire. I was a little surprised when Riley joined right in with the other kids for a good night hug and kiss. She went last and threw her arms around me in a tight hug, pressing her body firmly against mine. She held me so tight that I swore I could feel her nipples pushing into my chest. She leaned in and gave me a soft kiss on my cheek while holding the other side of my face in her hand and softly said “goodnight. Thanks for everything, especially the talk.” After that she let go and simply trundled off to the bedroom that the girls were sharing.

Only a short bit later I followed suit. I couldn’t tell what was being said but noticed when I walked by their room that the lights were already off but the girls were still awake and busy whispering about something. After the way that the day had gone, I secretly wondered what they were talking about but decided to give them their space and I headed off to bed.

The next day we decided to all go down to the beach together. About half a mile down the beach was a nice area with two beach volleyball courts and a bathroom/shower area so we decided to bring our stuff down there rather than right across from the cabin. The girls’ smaller swimsuits were gone and had been replaced by the more modest ones that I had seen them wear in the back yard. The six of us toted everything down midmorning and were having a great time swimming, playing volleyball, throwing a Frisbee around, and catching the rays. We had brought a picnic lunch with us and after eating, resumed our fun. Everyone was having a blast until around 1:00 when my step-daughter jumped up to block a spike and came down awkwardly. She said that she’d be OK and was just going to sit out for a little but about 20 minutes later she got up to go over to the blankets where our things were and emitted a sharp yelp as soon as she stood up.

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