Spring Break by Fredrika

It was surprising how I could spend all day fishing alone and not get bored but after only about 15 minutes with nothing to do but sit there and listen to the radio, I was bored beyond belief. I decided to head back to the cove and see what the girls were up to and hope that they didn’t mind a little extra company. If they did, I had no clue what I was going to do to kill the next few hours.

It was only a little after one o’clock when I arrived back there, anchored the boat, and stripped down to my swim trunks to head ashore. I grabbed my towel and hat, snagged a six pack from the cooler, and waded to the beach, quickly spotting the girls a few hundred yards away. I was a little surprised that they hadn’t seemed to notice my arrival since the boat isn’t exactly the quietest thing around but as I got closer, I noticed that they both appeared to be dozing. It gave me a good opportunity to take a good look at them and admire their beauty without them getting too self-conscious about their looks.

As for my step-daughter, I had obviously seen her body in great detail before, but looking at it now I was still impressed at her beautiful form. Her face had a very young look to it but her body had truly developed into that of a woman with curves in all of the right places. She was quite fit but had that slight layer of body fat over the muscle to give her form a nice, smooth, curvy appearance. She had a wondrous hourglass shape and lying on her stomach I could see her breasts pushed out to her sides tapering to a slender waist and then curving nicely to rounded hips followed by smooth and sexy legs that barely met at the thighs. The swimsuit that she was wearing was so small that I could barely notice it. She had untied the top to avoid tan lines and her back had just the right amount of muscle definition. The string running around her waist and through the crack of her ass was doing absolutely nothing for support but was merely there to keep the rest of the suit in place yet her butt was still firm and uplifted and gave no appearance of sag what-so-ever, even lying down as she was.

In sharp contrast, her friend Riley had matured quite differently. Her face gave an impression of someone who was years older than her actual eighteen years but without looking like she was aging poorly. Her skin was unblemished and virtually flawless but I think that it was her classic Mediterranean features that caused her to look older than she was. Like my step-daughter, she was lying on her stomach with her top untied and her head was resting on her crossed arms. She had taken her long hair and laid it out next to her on the towel to keep it from interfering with her tanning process. She, also, had a beautiful back that I knew would look great in an open-back dress. There was a little more muscle definition on it but not enough to detract from a smooth and sultry appearance. I found her body strangely sexy. I say strangely because she had almost an absence of curves. Looking closely I could see that she was actually quite skinny but didn’t appear anorexic. Even with her arms above her head and bikini top untied I could see no indication of her breasts. Her chest rolled straight into her torso with barely any change in size.

There was a slight flare at her hips that provided the only curve that had been seen thus far. The thong that she was wearing showed me clearly that her butt was small and well-toned and fell just on the right side of being considered flat. What she had looked nice but she didn’t have much. She was lying with her legs slightly parted and allowed me to take a good look at her long legs. Much of her height came from those legs and looking at them now I could definitely see that they were her best feature. Long, shapely, smooth, and well defined so that you just wanted to run your hands up them. They were so close to perfection that she easily could have gotten a job as a leg model. Her position also provided an additional advantage in that I could see the crotch of her suit clearly. Being a thong, it obviously didn’t cover a whole lot of skin and I could see just a hint of darker color at her ass hole on either side of the suit. It widened out in time to keep her pussy properly covered but was tight enough that I could easily see the shape of her lips and the line of her slit outlined in the material. Yet again I saw absolutely no sign of pubic hair and I was developing a real longing to see her naked not to mention a bit of a hard on from looking so closely at these two sexy ladies.

After a few minutes of ogling them I decided that it would be best to not have them wake up to find me staring at them so I put my towel out next to my step-daughter’s and decided to get a little sun myself. About five minutes later I heard an alarm go off and watched my step-daughter reach into a bag between the two of them to silence the offending sound.

“Riley, time to flip,” she stated quite loudly.

I watched as both girls turned over onto their backs, both of them leaving their tops on the towels as they rolled over, now bare chested.

“Oh…Dad…hi,” sputtered my step-daughter, just now noticing my presence.

Initially she was surprised to see me but after the initial shock, immediately calmed right back down. Riley nearly jumped out of her skin at the comment and had a slightly worried look on her face.

“Who else came out?” she inquired.

“Just me,” was the simple answer I gave her.

“Oh. You don’t mind, do you?” my step-daughter continued while motioning to her absence of a top. “We don’t want any harsh tan lines.”

Her calm demeanor reassured Riley who relaxed a bit but still had a slightly concerned look on her face until she heard my reply.

“Sure sweetie. It’s not a big deal. I hope that I am not raining on your parade but the fish were biting like you wouldn’t believe and I have already caught plenty for us to eat so I thought that I would join you. If it particularly bothers you I’m sure that I can figure out something to do.”

“No Dad, that’s OK. We don’t mind at all having a hunky man to keep us company,” she gibed causing both of the girls to giggle.

Riley hadn’t said a single word during the entire exchange but seemed to be OK since she neither offered a protest nor made any move to cover herself or put her top back on. The three of us were simply lying there on the beach on our backs enjoying the warm rays of sunshine and chatting.

The next time the alarm went off; my step-daughter sat up and asked me if I would help renew her sunscreen. She turned her back toward me and held the bottle of sunscreen over her shoulder, waiting for me to take it.

As I sat up and reached for the bottle I got my first good look at Riley’s naked breasts. Before now she had been mostly hidden from my view since my step-daughter had been in between us and I didn’t want to get caught leering at her. As I have stated previously, they were quite small; probably an A-cup. Their shape was perfect though, clearly defined on her chest with the outlined area a natural fit for her frame. She had dark areola a little larger than a quarter centered around pencil sized nipples that were standing out significantly in their hardened state. I wasn’t sure what had them hard right now (weather or arousal from the thought of her exposure) but I remembered that I had noticed them hard frequently during the past few days.

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