Spring Break by Fredrika

My step-daughter began to moan and sigh like she was getting a massage as I rubbed the lotion into her shoulders and back. She was thoroughly enjoying herself and started making the sounds more and more sexual in nature until finally it sounded like she was about to orgasm. In all honesty it was having an effect on me but I did my best not to let on and tried to ignore her antics until finally I had finished and told her so.

“Awww,” she said and gave me a pouty look but returned to her prone position on the towel to get some more color on her back.

As soon as she had done so, Riley sat up and said “my turn. Come over here and rub me all over with some of that cream.” The thick innuendo to her comment was not lost on me, especially after seeing the grin on her face.

Regardless of the tone of her comment I figured that there was no reason not to, so I went over and knelt down behind her. Being this close to her allowed me to get a good whiff of her scent. There was an overtone of the sunscreen in the air but I detected a subtle fragrance of orange blossom underneath it that was a little intoxicating. Before starting, I began gathering her long hair so that it wouldn’t get in the way or end up with lotion in it. I hadn’t realized what an arduous task it would be, but the volume of hair took a good few minutes to ensure that I had all of it gathered without any strays across her shoulders or back. While I was effectively stroking her hair I thought that I heard her emit a soft cooing sound. Finally complete, I had to lean in close to hand the bundle of hair over her shoulder so that she could keep it out of the way and got another good whiff of that nice feminine smell. My new vantage point also provided me with a nice close-up look down her chest. Her wonderfully hard nipples were, indeed, perfectly shaped and were simply begging to be sucked on. I wanted so badly to simply reach around her and cup each of her small breasts, rubbing them and playing with her nipples but I resisted the urge and took a final look before shifting back to begin applying the lotion.

The weight on my knees was starting to get uncomfortable so I changed positions and sat down with my legs outstretched on either side of hers, allowing me to be close enough to do a proper job. I put a good amount of the lotion on one of my palms and distributed it between both of my hands and started in on her shoulders. As I worked the sunscreen into her skin and moved toward her neck, Riley leaned back toward me and let out an audible “mmmm” sound.

I finished with her neck area and moved to her upper arms, making sure to get good coverage all the way around them and finished on the inside of her bicep. When I moved up the inside of her arm she began to giggle a little despite my best attempts not to tickle her in the process. I directed her to lean forward again as I reapplied more lotion to my hands so that I could get the main area of her back. She was so flexible that even while sitting cross-legged, she put her face almost all the way to the towel with arms outstretched above her head, virtually doubled over, and caused her hips to shift back toward me a bit. When I reached out to pick up where I had left off the slight gap left between us was closed and I felt my groin contact her ass.

I tried to act oblivious to the contact despite being well aware of it because in her position I didn’t think that there was any way to avoid it plus I didn’t want to draw attention to it either. The shifting around caused by applying the sunscreen didn’t help at all. It was causing her ass to rub on my penis, threatening to make me get a hard-on that, while wearing nothing but swim trunks, would be impossible for me to hide.

I worked the rest of the way down her back and made sure to get under the waistband of her suit. As soon as my fingertips went underneath the material, Riley shifted her position again causing my hands to go further than I had intended and I found the fingers of one hand all the way inside her suit, touching the cleft of her ass. I was a bit shocked so I quickly moved around the waistband to the sides. Once again she let out a little giggle from being tickled inadvertently. Done with the waistband area, I reapplied more of the sunscreen to my hands and started on her sides working my way upward.

As my hands moved up, I found it increasingly difficult to reach without grinding myself into her. We were definitely in solid contact now and when I couldn’t reach any further without laying on top of her back I asked her to sit back up while I continued to rub the lotion on her. The way that she sat up did two things…first, it molded her ass directly around my dick, almost squeezing it between her cheeks. Second, she arched her back as she came up and my hands suddenly went further forward than I had intended and I felt them resting on the underside of her breasts.

Before I had had a chance to move them she playfully said “oooh, naughty, naughty,” but made no effort to move away. If anything, her movement caused them to move up a little bit more until I believe that I was feeling the change in her skin from breast to areola at the top of my hands.

I enjoyed this brief moment but didn’t want to linger so I removed my hands and finished the last little bit of skin that needed sunscreen. Thinking that I was now complete, I started to get up and go back to my own towel. Before I had even had a chance to stand up, Riley said “wait a minute, you’re not done yet.”

“I got everything,” I replied. “Don’t worry, you won’t get a burn.”

“I need some on my legs too and it’s easier for someone else to do than to do it myself.”

There was no question in her mind if I would do it or not and she simply presumed that I would do her bidding. With that she stood up, placing her cute ass directly in front of me for the second time and moved to lie back down on her belly.

“Come on now, let your hands work their magic,” she stated and then threw in “please” as an afterthought.

Honestly, I knew that she could have done it herself if she wanted to, but I really didn’t mind letting my hands rub down her supple teenage body some more. I worked some of the lotion into her skin starting at one foot progressing upward to her knee and then repeating the process on her other leg. A few giggles as well as some “ooohs” and “ahhhs” later I had completed everything up to her knees and had to shift positions to be able to reach further. Sensing this, Riley moved her legs apart to allow me to position myself in between them.

I had originally intended to go sit on one side of her and reach across but her new position negated that idea so I scooted up in between her legs, stopping around her knees. I put more sunscreen on my hands and went to start where I left off on her right leg. As soon as I looked down, I noticed a new development that was causing a development in me as well. Her crotch, covered only by the smallest amount of material in her thong, was completely exposed to me. The thin swimsuit was pulled tight into her folds and showed nearly every detail though the fabric. I could even see her outer labia peeking out the edges of her suit and if I wasn’t mistaken, it appeared that the crotch of her suit was a little darker than the rest of her suit from dampness.

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