Spring Break by Fredrika

Pausing for a moment to collect myself, I resumed the work on her right leg and was greeted with a few more sighs and one outright moan as I went up the inside of her thigh. As I reached the top of her leg, I was a bit hesitant but didn’t want to leave an area bare, only to get severely burnt. While I closed the last few inches, I swear that she elongated her body and I suddenly felt warmth against the back of my left hand. Looking down, I saw that my hand was squarely against her crotch. Before I had even had a chance to react I watched as she performed a little roll or her hips and rubbed herself against the back of my hand, emitting a long “mmmmm.” I quickly withdrew my hand and got some more lotion to do her left leg before I completely betrayed my feelings and started becoming a more active participant.

At this point, I wanted to finish this up before anything got completely out of control or the baggy swim trunks that I was wearing could no longer hide the state of my penis. Right now it was in a semi (mostly) hard state but wasn’t so bad as to be tenting out. Glancing to the side I was glad to see that my step-daughter appeared to be asleep again and oblivious to the goings-on right next to her. I was so focused that I had almost forgotten about her presence until now.

As I resumed applying the lotion on her left leg I took a slightly faster pace, wanting to finish the job quickly and put a little distance between Riley and me. As I reached her upper thigh, I watched as she actually widened her legs a little bit more than what they already were. Her suit bottom was so small that it caused the material to slide into her slit on one side and I saw that her left outer labium was now completely exposed. I was not prepared to touch her bare pussy so I stopped a little bit short and hoped that she wouldn’t burn there since I’m sure that would have been a terribly painful spot. Proclaiming that she was all done, I started to withdraw my hands when she quickly reached back and lightly grabbed one of my wrists.

“Wait, you forgot an area,” she said and placed my hand square on her exposed rear.

“Riley…” I stammered.

“I sure don’t want to get burnt there, especially since we have a long car ride in a few days. No one here will care that you touched my bum and if you are that worried, it will be our little secret,” she replied with a little grin on her face.

I had to admit that a part of her argument made sense but it was obvious that there was more to her game than simply wanting the sunscreen applied. The bad part is that I had an extreme weakness when it came to making my step-daughter, and now her friend, happy.

Riley was already using her hand to guide mine over her buttocks when I decided to cave in. Feeling my hand move more of its own accord, she relaxed her grip on my wrist and allowed me to proceed with a little bit of guidance. At one point, as I applied the sunscreen near the cleft of her ass, the tip of my middle finger grazed over her sphincter and caused her to give a sudden jolt and a sharp intake of breath. At the same time, she rolled her hips a little bit that pushed her up against my finger and I could feel her hole pucker for that brief moment. I looked down and noticed that a small dollop of the lotion had clung to her puckered hole and I couldn’t help think that it looked like someone had cum in her ass. After that thought I quickly finished up before anything else could happen.

I gave her a little swat on the butt as I stated that I was all done but before I could actually get up, she twisted around a little kind of trapping me between her legs and reached out to give me a big hug while expressing her thanks. Normally, I wouldn’t have thought much about it except for the fact that our bare tops were now pressed together. I could feel her rock hard nipples burrowing holes into my chest and couldn’t help getting even harder while we embraced. Not wanting to be discovered, I let go of her and began to shift my weight away from her. She got the hint that the hug was over and let me go as I backed up, arose, and went back to my own towel to hide my engorgement.

I lay down on my stomach to hide the swelling in my groin and tried as hard as I could to get comfortable but was completely unable. I finally gave up and decided to get away from the two bikini clad beauties for a while. I put my sandals on and asked Riley if she could tell me how to get to the spot where they had found all of the clams.

She propped herself up on her elbows and then pointed down the beach. “You go about a third of the way down the beach and there is a little trail and then…” she started. “Oh hell,” she exclaimed and stood up, “after that it gets a little convoluted. Why don’t I just take you there?” She grabbed a t-shirt and put it on over her bare chest and then slid on her shorts and sandals.

Although this defeated the real purpose of my leaving it wasn’t like I could exactly tell her that I didn’t want her to come because her teasing was making me hard and horny.

“I recommend that you put your shirt on because there are a few tight spots in the trail and you don’t want to get all scratched up” she stated.

As soon as I had grabbed my shirt and a net bag to put the clams in she headed off down the beach and said “follow me.”

Despite that fact that I had been trying to get away, I had to admit as we headed there that I was actually glad for the guide because a few forks in the trail were not very obvious and wouldn’t have been easy to find if I didn’t know where I was going. About twenty minutes later we emerged from the woods in a secluded little niche between some large rocks that was probably only about fifteen feet wide but penetrated the shore line easily by one hundred feet or so. Looking at it from the shore line I wasn’t even sure that it would have been easy to find from the boat.

Riley walked over to one of the rocks, said “this is it,” and removed her sandals, shorts, and shirt and placed them on the rock leaving her in nothing but the thong again.

I quickly removed my shirt and sandals as well and placed them on the nearest rock to me and waded into the water to hide my again hardening cock. I was feeling around for clams with my feet when I suddenly became aware of Riley’s presence next to me as she put her hand on my arm.

“Over here is the best spot,” she said as she came in close, pressing her nipples into my arm when she took it to lead the way.

She pulled me over to a spot about 30 feet away telling me that it was where she had found the most clams and the two of us began to dig around in the silt. Success came fairly quickly and for the next five minutes we were both putting great quality clams into the bag. Riley then declared that she was going to lie out on the rocks and encouraged me to have fun. She did a quick arch through the water that flashed her bare ass at me, swam to shore, and exited the water in a pose straight out of a swimsuit magazine.

The whole thing was sexy as hell but I quickly put it out of my mind by returning to the task at hand. I spent almost the next hour collecting good number of clams and got pretty picky about the size and quality that I decided to keep rather than throw back. Once I decided that I had enough, I headed back to the shore to let Riley know that I was done in case she wanted to return to the beach area. I dropped off the bag at the waterline and walked over to the five foot tall rock that she was laying out on only to receive my next shock.

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