Princess Boss Ch. 07 by AimEnigmaClick

“You know what, Hairy?” she started, making my heart race again. “That’s actually, like, pretty big of you to come in here and apologize a second time.”

I was frozen, not sure if this was just another one of her tricks. “Do you mean it, Miss Trish?” I asked in a quiet voice.

“I do,” she answered with a giggle. “I mean, like… look at you right now. You’re in here trying to fix your relationship with your boss, but they’re not. I mean, like, where are they?”

My eyes got big, like I had seen a shooting star. “That’s true!” I exclaimed with pure excitement. “They didn’t have the decency to come in here and apologize a second time like I did!”

“Yes, that’s right,” she said, baby-talking me like I was a little kid. “You’re my good girl, aren’t you?”

I was embarrassed, but I felt a sense of pride because I had never heard her say anything positive about me or the other workers. With my hands on my hips, and my chest poking forward, I nodded my head. “Yes, I am! I’m your good girl!”

“You’re not a bad girl like Baldy and Stubbly, huh?”

“Of course, I’m not! Sometimes I’m a bad girl because I make mistakes, but for the most part, I’m a good girl!”

“Yes, you are. You’re my good girl, right?”

“Uh huh! I’m your good girl!”

Trish then giggled for a second before walking right up to me. With her short stature, she looked up at me with a smile. “Well, I appreciate you for coming in here and telling me that you want to be my good girl.”

“Of course, Miss Trish! Anything for you!”

“And you know what, Hairy?” the blonde started with a little wink. “I think my good girl, like, deserves an award or something. What do you think?”

Finally, the recognition I deserve! I screamed in my head. “Yes! Your good girl does deserve a reward.”

“So, like, what do you want?”

I took a moment to think about it, but I began to pout because there were just so many different things I wanted. She must have noticed the struggle on my face, because she whispered in a soothing voice, “Don’t think about it too hard. Just tell me what my good girl really wants.”

Finally, I just let out the first thing that came to my mind. “It’s not like I’ve been keeping count or anything, but I just feel like I’m a bit behind on kisses compared to Baldy and Stubbly.

“Oh? Is that right?”

“Yeah!” I reacted, putting my foot down. “May I have a few more, just to make sure I’m all caught up?”

Trish giggled, but it wasn’t demeaning to me. It felt like she was actually proud of my request. She asked, “You want to catch up to them, huh? What if I accidentally give you too many, and you like, pass them?”

My cheeks went bright at the prospect of being in first place for kisses. “That would be totally fine, Miss Trish!”

She then laughed at me again with a surprised face. “You’re a motivated one, aren’t you?”

“Yes! Motivated to be your good girl!”

“Well then, like, get over here and give your princess boss a kiss.”

I stepped closer to her, with my exposed body almost pressing against her much smaller frame. My voluptuous breasts were close to her face, but she was looking up at my eyes. It’s not that I wanted her to look at my chest; I just hoped when she caught a glimpse of them that she would think they were up to her standards.

Leaning down, I puckered up to give her a peck on the lips. By this time, she had stopped turning her head so we could give her kisses on the cheek. She didn’t even make it seem like an accident anymore when my lips connected with hers. It was all probably a game, just a humiliate me, but that didn’t matter; I wanted my kisses, and I wanted to be her good girl!

When I received my kiss, a smile came over my face. “Did you enjoy that, Hairy?” she asked with a smirk.

Brushing my hair out of my face, I answered, “I did, Miss Trish. Thank you!”

“How about a couple more, just to make sure you’re all caught up with the other bitches?”

“Yes, please!” I squealed, squirming in place.

Unfortunately, before I could lean down to kiss her lips again, she did something that distracted me. Just as I was about to close my eyes, I caught a glimpse of her hand reaching towards my crotch. I didn’t know why, but my heart started to race.

Much to my confusion, Trish placed her hand against my fluff before gently grabbing a hold of it. I looked down at her and whimpered, “What are you doing, Miss Trish?”

“I just needed something to hold you by,” she answered with a snarky little laugh. “It’s a good thing you have all this hair for me to hold on to, isn’t it?”

I wanted to stomp my feet and pout, but I didn’t want to appear ungrateful to her. After all, I was getting the kisses I wanted. She was just going to hold me by my pubes while I received them.

“What’s wrong, Hairy? You’ve gotten so quiet, even though it looks like there’s something on your mind.”

“Nothing’s wrong, Miss Trish,” I responded, because there was nothing else I could say. It wasn’t like I could tell her that I wished she was just holding onto my hips or my shoulders while we were kissing.

“That’s a good girl. Now come here and give your amazing boss a kiss.”

As I started to lean into her, I could feel a sharp pain in my crotch. Trish was tugging me by my pubes, bringing me into her. I was already coming towards her, so I didn’t see the point, but it was almost all I could think about as I reached down and touched her lips with mine.

Immediately after the kiss, I began to pull away. However, Trish pulled me right back by my fluff, forcing me to lean into her again. Out of pure instinct, I gave her another kiss because our faces were so close. But once I pulled away again, she just brought me right back, by my pubic hair, for yet another kiss.

“Miss Trish, what are you doing?!” I whined while struggling under her control.

She kept pulling me towards her, and I gave her a kiss every time, despite how flustered I was. Of course, I loved getting to taste her lips, but I was humiliated from being womanhandled by my pubic hairs!

“I’m giving you what you wanted, don’t you remember?” she said, making a “muah!” sound every time our lips touched. “Do you not like it?”

“I like it, but… you’re pulling my pubes so hard!”

“Don’t you love it? Your little fluff is like a handle for me. I can pull you in closer anytime I need.”

I continued to struggle and moan as she jerked me back and forth. Eventually, I placed my hands on her little shoulders for stability, but now only my hips were moving back and forth, almost like I was humping her.

Trish giggled at me, and I felt even more embarrassed, but she continued to kiss me so I guess I couldn’t complain. However, when she finally let me go, I stumbled backwards, almost tripping over myself. I was red in the cheeks, staring at her while she looked back at me with her devious blue eyes.

“Shouldn’t you be, like… thanking me for all those kisses I gave you?”

I struggled to get myself back together. “Um… yes, Miss Trish! Thank you so much!”

“That was like… so many kisses… You’re like… totally in first place now.”

“Am I really, Miss Trish?!” I reacted as my eyes lit up. “Do you just mean in kisses, or do you mean overall?”


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