Princess Boss Ch. 07 by AimEnigmaClick

She placed a finger on her chin, pondering my question for a second. “Hmm… you’re probably in first place overall, but it’s still a tight race.”

Without even thinking about it, I jumped up for joy. As my heels hit the floor, there was a loud clack, and my breasts bounced up and down. I could only imagine how immature I looked to her in that moment.

“Oh, that excited you, didn’t it?”

My face went red, and I covered my mouth with my hands. “Yes… Sorry if I overreacted… Being in first place is all I’ve ever wanted…”

Trish giggled and rolled her eyes for some reason. “You’re like… so funny, Hairy.”

“Um… sorry… Is that a bad thing?”

Shaking her head, she answered, “No, it’s actually a good thing. I find you entertaining, and that’s like the best compliment I can give someone.”

Once again, I jumped for joy, not even realizing I had done it. “It just makes me so happy to hear things like that!”

Trish giggled as she walked slowly towards the couch. Taking a seat, she started to kick her shoes off. “Maybe you deserve another award? Would you like to suck my toes again?”

Immediately, I ran over and got down on my knees in front of her. As her shoes slowly fell off, I placed her cute little toes into my mouth, sucking each of them one at a time. “Mhmm! Yes! Thank you!”

“Oh, my! You really are my good girl, aren’t you?”

I could hardly talk with her wiggly little toes in my mouth. I just mumbled, “Mmmhmmm! Mmm!”

Whenever Trish pushed her other foot towards me, I switched and took care of that one. It didn’t matter to me how many times I sucked each one of her cute toes; all that mattered was that I was providing her pleasure, and the other girls weren’t.

“You’re like… doing such a good job, my good girl,” she said with a pretentious chuckle. “I bet you wish you could do this all day.”

“Mhmm! Yes!”

“Well, that’s a little too bad, isn’t it? I only have so much time in my busy day. I like… need to get going soon.”

Suddenly, my eyes grew big at the idea that she would be leaving me soon. I wanted another kiss, but even more than that, I wanted to separate myself even further from the pack.

Looking up with sad eyes, I took her foot out of my mouth and massaged it with my hands. “Miss Trish… may I make one more request?”

“What is it, Hairy?”

After a quiet moan, I made my embarrassing revelation. “I was really sad when I found out Sally… I mean Stubbly.. was licking your toes before me, because I get super jealous when they get to do something with you that I haven’t done. So… may I please do something the others haven’t done yet?”

A sly smile started to grow over the young blonde. “Hmm… you get jealous, huh? Well, what did you, like… want?”

“Um… I don’t really know… I really didn’t have anything in mind yet…”

“I think I have something in mind,” she interrupted, as the smile on her face only grew bigger. With just her finger, she waved me closer to her, and I followed like an obedient puppy.

As I waited there quietly, she started to take off her jacket. Now, only covered by her tank top, I noticed her starting to play with the straps.

My eyes grew big as she slid not only her tank top, but her bra straps, down the side of her arm. She then pulled one side of her top down, revealing her small breast and her tiny but hard nipple.

“Miss… Trish…”

“Since you like sucking my feet so much, why don’t you suck on this instead?”

For the first time, despite all the kisses, playing with my pubes, and spankings to my bottom, I started to question my boss’s sexuality. With a nervous tone, I asked, “Why do you want me to suck on your nipple… Miss Trish?”

Immediately, she rolled her eyes and began fixing her bra and tank top. “Oh, never mind then. If you don’t want to do it, you don’t have to. I just thought you wanted to be in first place.”

Without a thought, I dropped back to my knees and placed my hands in her lap. “That’s not what I meant, Miss Trish! I’m so sorry! I would love to suck on your nipple!”

As soon as she released that adorable breast again, I plunged my mouth onto it and sucked relentlessly. I couldn’t miss this opportunity to separate myself from the others.

“Oh, my! It seems like you’ve had a change of heart.”

Once again, I wanted to express my gratitude, but I didn’t want to keep my lips from her either. With my mouth full of her tit, I just moaned in pleasure, hoping that would represent how honored I was in that moment.

“You’re being, like… such a good girl right now,” Trish whispered as she combed her little fingers through my long brown hair. She then pulled the other side of her tank top down, exposing her other tit. “Maybe I should, like, double your reward.”

I latched on to her other nipple immediately, sucking and licking on it like I was desperate for milk. Her breathing grew just a bit heavier, making me think that I had possibly given her some pleasure. It gave me the adrenaline I needed to stimulate her nipples the way she deserved, without any hesitation on my part.

Trish continued to comb her little fingers through my hair and even pressed me against her by the back of my head. “You’re, like… doing such a good job, Hairy. You’re definitely in first place now.”

There was no telling how much time had passed with me latched onto her nipples. I felt like I could have done it forever, because knowing that I was providing her pleasure was the most satisfaction I had felt in a long time.


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All I know is that Trish didn’t allow me to suck on her nips nearly as long as I wanted to. Once she was satisfied with my performance, she just placed her hand under my chin and moved me away from her. I was still thirsty for more, but I understood that I had taken enough of her precious time already.

Once I was dismissed and allowed to put my clothes back on, I left Trish’s office with my head held high. I didn’t get another kiss goodbye, but that didn’t matter. All that mattered was that I was definitely in first place now, and I just couldn’t wait to get her little tits back in my mouth…

… ideally… the next day…

To be continued…

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