The Same Old Story – End 01 by NylonDreams

The Same Old Story – End 01 by NylonDreams

I was working through another story, my final one, I told myself but boxed myself in. I will complete it when I unbox myself.

Amongst the Loving Wives section, there has been a common theme of a husband discovering his wife about to head out on a date and the effect it has on him, them. So many comments had very different outcomes than the stories themselves. This idea came to mind closely followed by four alternative endings.

So, the beginning in each will be the same but the outcome completely different. They will be posted together. The characters, some events, the essence of some dialogues are repeated but only to highlight how the same set of circumstances led to different conclusions. There are also references to events contained in other versions. The more observant may have noticed there are now five. As I reached towards the end of the third, I realised that there was one option, I hadn’t included. It was the one I hoped would have happened in real life. There are sex scenes, not wrist busters but rather than repeat those, I have tried to change them.

If you have read another version and want to skip the beginning, scroll to “She stammered, “It’s not what it seems!”

I had concluded a business meeting and was heading back to my office. As I sat in the seemingly endless traffic, I thought, “Why go back?” At this rate it would take at least an hour and a bit to get there. At the most, I’d get 20-30 minutes of work before struggling home. If I turned to home now, I could be home in 20 minutes. Logic won. I went home.

Now, as it was Friday, I never had any thought that my wife would be at home. At least at the time I normally arrived home, just after 6.30pm, she never was. For almost four months she had been going on “Girls’ Nights Out” with colleagues from her work. I wasn’t happy as we had our date nights either on a Friday or Saturday. In fact, we have never had any date nights since she started going out. Like all couples, we have our arguments but recently, it seemed like that was all we were doing.

I’m Andrew or Andy to my small group of friends. I’m not really an outgoing person, quite introverted in many ways. I do have a good sense of humour and when I know someone, I do let it out. I’m fairly average in looks, height and body. My hair is receding already. I joke I traded that for a larger penis, about 8 inches and fairly thick. It’s probably my only stand out feature!

I do work out as it helps me deal with the stress of my job. I’m fairly easy going and willing to help anyone. I do a lot of the jobs around the house including the laundry, ironing and shopping, as required, to ease the burden on my wife, Katrina or Kat. She works in a private firm contracted to the government as an administrative assistant.

Kat is beautiful though she doesn’t believe she is and dresses down, very demurely. My friends couldn’t believe I managed to get her to have a date with me, let alone have her end up marrying me. She’s about 5’6″ with long hazel hair which comes to the middle of her back. Her green eyes show a love for life. Her mouth is just perfect for kissing. She had a body which inspires wet dreams. I love her large breasts, 38DD with nipples which could knock your eye out as they become so long when she is aroused. Her pussy tastes better than any honey, whisky or anything else you might love. If I’d had sticky out ears when I met her, I wouldn’t have any now as she squeezes her thighs so tightly around my head as she cums. As we have a very active sex life, even if fairly tame, that used to be very often.

Sex lately has been missing. Looking back, probably around when the girls’ nights out started. I definitely should have noticed but I never thought anything like this would happen. I was blind to what was obviously going on.

It was just before 4pm when I drew up at our apartment block. I headed in to our third floor, one bedroom flat. As I entered, I heard the shower so knew it was a waste of time shouting for her. I dropped my briefcase and headed to the bedroom.

When I entered, I took a double take. Hanging on the outside of her wardrobe was a very slinky little black dress. The low V front promised onlookers a view of heaven. The length meant a lot and I mean a lot of thigh would be on display. If that was bad, what was on the bed was even worse. There was a sheer black bra, matching suspender belt, a sheer thong and stockings. I had never seen those items nor the three-inch heels laid out by the bed.

For most of the time I’d known Kat, her underwear was functional, barely sexy in any way. I couldn’t recall her wearing heels more than an inch high. When I had suggested anything like those items, I was told I was a misogynist, sexist pig.

I was struggling to breathe. My mind was rushing about, trying to find any reason this wasn’t what it appeared to be. I dismissed the thought that this was for me quickly. I slumped onto the bed.

If that was bad, when Kat came out of the shower it only got worse. Her face upon seeing me there told me all I needed to know. She was shocked, confused, embarrassed, alarmed and bloody nervous.

As I took that in, my mind registered that her pubic hair was missing. When I had suggested that, I was called a paedophile!

She stammered, “It’s not what it seems!”

I felt the tears running down my face. I never knew the true meaning of the word, devastated, until then. In fact, that doesn’t scratch the surface to what I was feeling. Six years of my life just disappeared in the time from me entering the bedroom to her coming out of that shower. Our fourth anniversary was in seven weeks for fuck’s sake!

“Andy, it’s not what it seems. I love you. I can’t tell you just now but I will. I haven’t fucked anyone,” she was shouting trying to get my attention.

I was numb. I had almost shut down. I looked at her and asked quietly, “Why?”

I broke down then, I was crying my heart out. I left the bedroom and went to the living room and sat in my chair. I couldn’t focus my thoughts. Everything I thought I knew had just blown up in my face. I don’t recall Kat checking on me. My eyes were focussed on the fireplace but I wasn’t in that room. My mind was running over those last six years. The only thought which came was this was payback for having the temerity to have someone so far out of my league.

It was after 7pm when my brother James came in. He sounded very concerned. “Andy, what’s up? Kat called and said you needed me. She wouldn’t say why. She sounded very upset. I came as soon as I could.”

James came round in front of me and I heard the anguish in his voice. It seemed to rouse my brain.

“Christ, I’ve never seen you like this. What’s wrong? Where’s Kat?”

I started crying again and James held me for what seemed like ages. Between the sobbing, I told him how I had found Kat.

James was stunned, “Fucking hell! I’d never have thought that of her. What’s she up to? She’ll never get anyone like you again.”

James’s presence seemed to galvanise me. “I need to pack. I can’t stay here. I’ll find a hotel room and look for a flat tomorrow.”


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