Toxic Attraction Ch. 14 by DonSilver

Dan’s lips pressed hard into hers. They kissed passionately as Dan guided them across the room to the waiting couch. Soon, Sarah was on her back, and Dan undid his belt buckle. Sarah smiled and pulled him back down on top of her. She felt his cock straining against his boxers as it pushed against the crotch of her dress pants.

Dan broke their kiss and sat up. He thumbed the button on her pants and pulled them off of her in one quick motion. Dan grinned, seeing the wet spot on her panties, believing that was entirely his doing.

Soon he was inside his wife. Her arms and legs were wrapped around her husband as they fucked hard on the couch. Neither of them even seemed to care that the living room blinds weren’t drawn. They fucked like they hadn’t seen each other for weeks.

Dan had an overwhelming urge to reclaim his wife and Sarah eagerly wanted her husband, especially after the domineering display he had just shown.

“Ohhh fuck Dan!” Sarah screamed as an orgasm hit her body. She tensed and her pussy gripped Dan’s cock.

“Fuck Sarah,” Dan grunted as he came, erupting inside of her. His cum shooting into her pussy. Adding to the overwhelming amount of cum that Lester had deposited. The couple laid there catching their breath for several minutes. Sarah closed her eyes for a second.

When she opened them, Dan wasn’t next to her. The sun coming from the window had dimmed. Had she really fallen asleep? She quickly got dressed and hoped no one saw them through the window. Sounds from the kitchen drew her attention and she followed them.

Dan was standing at the sink cleaning the dirty dishes from the night before. Sarah was relieved she didn’t have to do it but felt a pang of disappointment that her husband was cleaning up Lester’s mess.

“Hey there,” Dan smiled. “Sorry, I just couldn’t wake you sleeping beauty.”

“Hmmmm,” Sarah leaned over the counter and watched him work. His muscles were tight as he scrubbed a stubborn pan. “You are my prince charming.”

“Heh,” Dan smiled, looking at her.

“So I unpacked my bag upstairs while you were sleeping.” His face turned more somber, “The sheets in the bedroom were a mess, so I threw them in the washing machine.”

This was the moment Sarah had been dreading, to be faced with the reality of the previous night, “Yeah, ugh, last night Lester demanded dinner in exchange for his help at the hospital. Obviously, he tried more than just that.”

“Tried? Or succeeded?” Dan was staring intently down at the dishes as he scrubbed them. It was almost like he wanted to take in the information but not look at her and acknowledge the reality.

“Succeeded,” Sarah said guiltily.

“In our bed?” Dan already knew the answer but asked anyway.

“Yes,” Sarah said quietly, “Twice.”

“Twice?” Dan looked up, shocked.

“I’m so, so sorry, Dan. He said I looked tense and massaged me. Then, when I got worked up. Well, you can imagine. After I fell asleep and sometime in the middle of the night….”

Dan held up his hand, “Okay. I get it. Listen, I’m just a little upset at how he came into our house when I’m not here and just took over. You still turn me on and want to hear more details later, but I just need to process it right now.”

“Okay,” Sarah said. She couldn’t help it. She needed to unburden herself, “And this morning before work in the shower.”

Dan dropped the plate he was washing into the sink. It clanked as it hit another one, “Jesus Christ, three times? Lester fucked you three times since last night?”

“I know. I’m sorry,” Sarah put her hands in her face, “It’s like he has some spell on me. I just can’t stop him. It’s like in the moment, I can’t stop it but after, I just feel like shit. Like I’m so weak that I couldn’t say no. I’m sorry, Dan.”

Dan furrowed his brow and picked the plate back up before scrubbing it hard. He started breathing slowly, trying to relax himself. After a minute of silence, he finally said, “I’m sorry too. For my part in all of this. Anything else?”

Sarah stared at the granite countertop, unable to look up at Dan, “He didn’t wear a condom.”

“This is why I came home and made those new rules,” Dan said. “I fucking knew he was going to try something. Sarah, that was our one rule? Our last rule, honestly. Every single one of them has been broken!”

“I know, I know! I hate myself for it. I’m sorry Dan!” Sarah put her face in her hands again, “I asked him if he had one, and he said yes! Then he just didn’t use it, and it was too late before I realized it.”

“Really?” Dan said, looking up at her, “When you realized it, you could have stopped. Told him to stop and put one on. You’re telling me he tricked you three different times and you still went along with it?”

Sarah didn’t say a thing. She just stared at the counter ashamed.

“I assume you enjoyed yourself?” Dan asked.

Sarah looked up at him with tears beginning to form in her eyes, “Yes. I’m not going to lie to you.”

Dan sighed. “Look, I know how we can get carried away and lost in the moment. Believe me, you know I can. You’ve seen how far I let things get out of control in Chicago. It’s just, this is a big one. Did he at least pull out?”

“I don’t think so,” Sarah said, shaking her head.

Dan picked up the bristle brush and started working on the pan with the dried-up pasta. He wanted to go over and console Sarah. He hated seeing her this way. But he didn’t want her to feel his erection that was pressing against the lower cabinets. Knowing that Lester had cum in his wife was something that he was having trouble processing. It was a golden rule broken, but it was also extremely hot, thinking that some ugly troll like Lester came bare inside of his sexy young wife.

“At least he is fixed,” Dan said as he finished the dishes, “I’m not sure how I would take it if he wasn’t.”

“Do you hate me?” Sarah asked. “I’m sorry.”

“No, I love you, dummy,” Dan said, “It’s just a lot to process. A whole lot to process.”

“I know, I know,” Sarah said, looking at the ceiling as if the right words were written there, “I can’t stop thinking about how much our lives have changed since you got laid off. I never in a million years would have thought I would be sleeping with someone like Lester in our own bed. Let alone everything that’s happened in the last day.”

Dan pulled the drain plug in the bottom of the sink before grabbing a bottle of wine from the cabinet. He poured two glasses and slid one across the island to his wife. Sarah eagerly grabbed it and took a long drink. Dan took a sip. He noticed that Sarah wasn’t wearing her wedding band but decided not to poke the bear too much. He’d ask her where it was later.

“Listen, I want to go shower and clean up,” He moved strategically to conceal his erection. “We can talk more about this later but for now just enjoy that wine, okay? We’re still good. We just need to figure some things out.”

“You don’t hate me?” Sarah said, turning to look at him.

“I love you, you naughty girl,” He kissed the top of her head. “We’ll figure it out.”


As Dan showered, he couldn’t stop thinking about Lester taking Sarah bare and cumming inside of her. He wanted to hear all the details of what happened. Needed to hear them. But he didn’t want to seem overly aroused when he did. He needed to take care of his dick so he could have a level-headed conversation with his wife.

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