Toxic Attraction Ch. 14 by DonSilver

He wasn’t sure that was possible, though. Any details would probably send him into overdrive. His mind was filling in all the blanks of what could have potentially happened. The positions Lester took her in. The things he said to her. How did it happen when he came? Did he tell her what he was doing? Did she nod her consent to it?

Dan reached down and found his raging hard dick. He stroked it. He hated that he was pleasuring himself to the thought of Lester taking Sarah. His plan on the train was to be strong and rise above all of this. He didn’t want to backslide.

She said they fucked again this morning. Dan opened his eyes and looked around at the shower he was standing in. They fucked right in here this morning.

Images flooded his mind of how they might have done it. Sarah screaming in ecstasy as Lester’s cum filled her, flooding her pussy..

Dan closed his eyes and rested his forehead against the shower wall as he stroked his cock until he came. His cum hit the wall before the water carried his seed down the drain.


Dan worked from the kitchen table in their home for the rest of the week. Much to Sarah’s relief, Lester kept to his word and didn’t bother her at work. The most she saw of him was his occasional appearance in the war room, giving updates on his progress unlocking their systems.

From what Sarah said, it sounded like the team at the hospital had begun to worship the ground Lester walked on. They were impressed with his technical prowess and grateful about getting back into their systems. It made sense, considering they were originally told it would be months to have their systems rebuilt. Now Lester had them unlocked and back to work in a matter of days.

Dan felt like he was making great progress. In fact he felt that he was more productive at home than he was in the office in Chicago. He wondered whether or not Walt would let him work from home permanently. Walt was kind of old school, though, but if Dan could demonstrate results, it might just be possible.

During his lunch hour, Dan continued to apply for jobs, but he found he was enjoying the engagement his LinkedIn posts were getting. In just a few days, he got dozens of responses to his posts. He enjoyed the interaction and feeling like a thought leader. He just hoped he could parlay these posts into something income-generating.

One small thought kept dancing in the back of his head. He hadn’t seen Sarah wear her wedding band this week. They were in a good place now, and he was sure there was a good reason for it, but he hadn’t mentioned it yet.

As he began to type up another post his cell phone rang. It was Sarah. His heart skipped a beat. Even though she said Lester left her alone, he wondered if something had happened every time she called. He felt his cock stiffen as he answered the phone.

“Hey honey,” Dan said, trying to sound normal. He didn’t want her to hear the anticipation in his voice.

“Hey baby,” Sarah said cheerfully, “I have some news.”

Dan felt his heart beating in his ears, “Good news or bad news?”

“Maybe both?” Sarah said, “Jerry just briefed us in the war room. It sounds like Lester has gotten us back access to our critical systems. By the end of the day, he should finally have the payroll system back online. There are some other minor applications still locked, but Jerry says they aren’t critical and don’t have data stored in them. His team can just wipe and reinstall them.”

“That’s great news, honey. But does that mean that Lester is done with his work?” Dan asked with bated breath.

“I think so. They are already talking about finalizing his payment, pending board approval. So tonight might be the night.” Sarah said quietly.

“I didn’t expect that to happen so soon,” Dan said. “He hasn’t tried anything at work has he?”

“No, he has stayed away like you told him to. I wouldn’t be surprised if he shows up to ensure we are going to hold up our side of things,” Sarah said. Dan was suddenly very distracted from his work.

“Do you think your parents can take the kids again? If not I could ask my folks,” Dan was absently staring at his computer screen. He couldn’t believe how unproductive he suddenly felt. He stood up and walked into the living room.

“I’ll text them and see. It shouldn’t be a problem. They are always eager to spend time with the kids. Though they might invite us over for dinner. It’s been awhile since they’ve seen you.” Sarah said into the phone.

“Yeah. Well, if that’s the case, I wouldn’t mind seeing them too. We’ll just tell Lester to come over later on, unless he waits until tomorrow.” Dan said.

“Okay, I’ll shoot them a text right now. I’ll message you if I have any updates. How is work going there?” Sarah asked.

“It’s going,” Dan said looking back into this laptop in the other room, “Work stuff is pretty much buttoned up. I’m actually wondering if Walt would let me work remotely. I’ll see if I can pitch that to him. Those LinkedIn posts I mentioned are starting to pick up traction. We’ll see if I can make anything come of that.” Dan sat down on the couch and put his feet up on the coffee table.

“I’m so proud of you, baby. I know that soon we’ll be back on track and be able to close this chapter behind us.” Sarah said.

I hope so. Dan cleared his throat, “Yeah, I know we will, baby.”

“Alright, honey, I have to run. I love you.” Sarah said.

“I love you too boo. Hope the rest of your day is good.” Dan said before hanging up the phone. He sighed and rested his head on the back of the couch. He knew he needed to get back to work but his mind was elsewhere.

After a few minutes, he pushed the thoughts of Lester and Sarah aside and strode back into the kitchen to focus on what mattered. Moving his goals forward. At some point in the afternoon, Sarah texted him that Lester had spoken with her about his intention to visit tonight. Sarah’s parents had also offered to take their girls and did want to have them over for dinner. Dan didn’t let the message rattle him too much. He was able to successfully focus on getting his work tasks done for the week. He needed some fresh air so he took a walk to brainstorm ideas for his social posts.

A few hours later, Dan and Sarah had eaten dinner with her parents and left the girls in their care for the night. At home, Sarah and Dan opened a new bottle of wine and shared a glass before texting Lester and letting him know it was clear to come over.

“I can’t believe we are actually doing this,” Sarah was sitting on the kitchen counter with her wine glass cupped in both hands.

“What do you mean?” Dan asked, “I know it’s kind of out there, but it’s pretty par for the course of the last few months.”

“I just mean,” Sarah started, “It’s in our house, and we’re waiting for someone to come over to have sex with me. It just feels like we are living in a different reality.”

“I guess in some ways we are,” Dan crossed his arms and leaned back against the countertop across from Sarah. “Ever since my job blew up, it is like we’ve been living in the twilight zone.”

“I guess you’re right,” Sarah took a drink of her wine. “Before he gets here, is there anything we need to talk about? Or go over?”

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