Alumni: Dee Makes the Call by Imp Again

Alumni: Dee Makes the Call by Imp Again

The second of the series, this continues the relation between Dee and Mr. Evans. It’s highly conversational, and doesn’t jump right to the sex, so don’t expect that. I’m interested in exploring a realistic development between the characters. Hopefully you find the set up worth it when the sex heats up. , Dee gave Mr. Evans, her former coach, a call a few days after she and her friend Bobbi had spent an afternoon seducing him at his home. Having just graduated earlier that summer, they had found themselves bored and had stopped by to see his new place, then took their relationship with him to a whole new level by having an intense threesome in his bedroom after a tour of the house. During their adventure, Dee had promised to come back whenever he wanted now that they had discovered their mutually satisfying desires for one another.

In the days that followed Mr. Evans was unsure if he should take her up on the offer. It seemed a bit risky, to say the least, to be fooling around with his recent graduates, even though it was all perfectly legal. He was pretty sure neither the administration nor parents of his current athletes would look favorably upon the situation. If this event had come to light, he’d likely never be allowed to work in the field again.

Because of this he’d been very worried about how things would proceed. Much of him hoped it would be an isolated incident. The professional thing to do would be to not allow it to happen again, and hope that the girls would never speak of it to anyone, as they had promised to do. They liked and respected him enough to protect him, and were perfectly aware of the potential danger of their collective actions.

But another part of him was ecstatic at the prospect of what might continue to be. Dee had long been a favorite of his, and not simply because of the physical attraction. Almost all of the girls he worked with were attractive to some degree. They were athletes in the prime of their lives, how could they not? But between Dee and him there had been a tighter bond than there had been with the others. Their personalities matched up nicely, and she had all the traits that he looked for in a woman: smart, witty, energetic. Obviously she was far too young to be involved with, but he had the sense that if their ages were closer, had they been of the same generation, there would certainly be a strong chemistry between them. He harbored no illusions, however, and while it was pleasant enough to think about, he knew it was nothing to be hoped for. It simply wouldn’t, it couldn’t, happen.

So he decided not to pursue it. In the days since he thought constantly of Dee or Bobbi and what had happened, but he made no effort to contact either of them, and had begun to think of it as something to be cherished as a crazy event that would stick in his memory. So when he got the call in the evening later in the week he didn’t know what to say. As had happen the first time, it was Dee who moved things forward.

“Hi, Mr. Evans,” she said without a trace of suggestion when he answered his cell.

“Hey, Dee,” he countered flatly, although his heart immediately raced.

“How’re you doing?” she asked with the expected irony in her voice, ‘now that we’ve fucked each other silly’ the question continued unspoken.

“Oh, you know, really pretty good, actually,” he sort of laughed, trying to play along. “What are you up to?”

“Nothing much, just hanging around the house. I might see what Bobbi’s up to later and go out, but I’m not sure. Hey, I was wondering,” as if the thought just occurred to her, “should I still call you Mr. Evans, or can I call you Mark now?”

“You can call me whatever, or whenever, you like,” he responded, nonchalantly.

“Ok, then. Mark.” Then she giggled. “That feels weird to say; it’ll take some getting used to. I might still just call you Mr. Evans.”

“Suit yourself. I’m gonna keep calling you Dee,” he said to be a smart ass.

“What?? I’m not Miss Chandler now that I’ve graduated and am all grown up?” playing along in a wounded voice. “I thought I’d get to be treated with a little more respect than that, being all worldly wise and mature and all. Hmph.”

“Oh, alright, he acquiesced, “Miss Chandler. How’s that?”

“That’s better. But my friends call me Dee, so you can too,” she teased. “So, I wanted to talk about what happened the other day.”

Uh oh, here it comes, he thought. Either it was about to be all over, or all good, one of the two. “Ok, what about it?” he said, trying to conceal both anticipation and trepidation.

“Well,” she began slowly, “I’ve been thinking about it, you know, about how it was a whole lot of fun, and how I kinda want to keep doing that with you if it’s ok.” She paused for a second, then continued, “but before it happens again I want to get to know more about what you like.”

“You mean you want me to tell you what I like about sex?” he asked, encouraged by her direction.

“Yeah, I guess.” She thought a second for a better way to explain it. “It’s like, I know a little about what you like now, because you obviously liked everything we were doing. But when I started whispering to you, while Bobbi was on top of you, it was like a whole other part of you came out. You got so completely aroused by my talking to you, and it really turned me on to be able to do that to you. So I figure if we talk about it more it might make it even better next time. Plus, you know, I bet you know a bit more about it than I do at this point. Sex, I mean.”

He’d been with a number of girls before, all of them fun, some more adventurous than others, and each with her special attributes. But he’d never encountered a woman who had specifically asked him what he wanted point blank, much less everything. Now here was this sweet little vixen, for whom he was already having strong emotional feelings, on top of the pure, raging lust he felt, asking him to confess his every desire.

“You’re quite an interesting girl, Dee,” he said contemplatively. She really was turning out to be unlike anyone he’d ever been with. “So how do you want to go about this?”

“Well, here’s what I was thinking,” her voice perking up. “I’ll ask the questions and you give the answers, and when I feel like I know enough about you, I’ll come back over and we can have some more fun.”

“Ah, so you get to say when. I suppose that’s fair.” A woman in control, he liked that. “I hope I get to see you sooner than later, though. Hurry up and ask, already, will ya?”

“Jeez, calm down, big boy,” she said playfully. “I’ll be able to tell if your trying to rush it, so you’d better just relax and get ready to chat for a while.”

“Oh, alright, if I must,” he pouted. This could really be a whole lot of fun– sexual psychoanalysis with a hot coed. Then he thought to ask, “Hey, do I get to ask any questions? I mean, am I going to get to know what you like also, or do I just have to wait and find out?”

“Oh, you can ask, too. I have nothing to hide,” she said confidently. “Maybe I’ll even volunteer some stuff as we go along, but only if you’re a good boy an answer all the questions. So, ready? Question number one. Do you masturbate?”


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