Building a Dream: Part Ten by Steveandjay

“Wow.” Katy said absorbing everything. “That’s quite a story. Well, if you need an extra pair of hands to help get her paintings back, count me in.”

“That’s great,” I replied. “But we don’t know the plan yet. If you want to help and Manus did say it may take a few people, then the offer is accepted.”

Katy lent back in the bath and smiled at us both before saying, “I really like you guys and I think you’re enjoying your new swinging lifestyle.” Jay looked like she was thinking about what Katy had just said before replying, “This isn’t permanent, all this sex. In a few days we’ll be back in High Wycombe and that’ll be the end of our adventures.”

“Why?” Katy asked sitting up in the bath, her wonderful tits rising above the bubbles showing her nipples just above the water line. “You’re obviously enjoying it, why stop now?”

“Because we’re normal,” Jay replied also sitting up. “We live in a fairly normal, well, very big house with a lot of land and lead a normal High Wycombe lifestyle. We’re not actually experienced swingers and if it wasn’t for what happened that night with the guys, we wouldn’t even be sat here now talking to you. We would be out having dinner or at a show”

“But you have had a taster and you like what you’ve had. I bet when you get home, you’ll get your ‘itch,’ again and will soon be joining the local swingers group.”

“What? In High Wycombe?” Jay said almost laughing. “There are no swingers in High Wycombe.”

Katy shook her head in disbelief saying, “Of course there are swingers in High Wycombe. There’s swingers everywhere and it’s always the people you least expect. When you get home, look at your neighbours and think to yourself, ‘I wonder if they’re swingers?’ because if others in your neighbourhood thought the same about you, what do you think their answer would be? It would be no, because, apparently, you’re ‘normal,’ but you’re not. You’ve become swingers and I bet others in your neighbourhood, who you would never consider to be a part of that lifestyle, are too.”

This gave Jay something to think about for a while as she went quiet. After a little while the girls got out the bath dried themselves then we went back into the bedroom.

“I had better be going,” Katy said reaching for her clothes.

“No,” Jay said quite firmly as she climbed into bed. “Not tonight. Stay with us. Not for sex. It would just be nice if you stayed. You could meet Kylie in the morning and hear Manus’s plan.” Katy thought about it for a moment before replying, “Okay, it would be nice to not go home to an empty flat for once.”

Katy got into bed next to Jay and I got in next to Katy. I turned the lights off. Jay had turned and was cuddling Katy who had snuggled into her. I could feel Jay’s arms as they wrapped around Katy’s smooth naked body, her hands holding her close to her while Katy did the same, her head resting against Jay’s chest. I wrapped an arm over Katy and around Jay. Katy’s naked body tight against mine, my cock resting against her arse cheeks and my legs wrapping over hers. To one side lay my wife, the love of my life and between us laid the girl who I was becoming more attracted to every day and not just in a sexual way. Within minutes we were all asleep.

I was the first to awake the next morning. At some point in the night, Katy had turned to me and I found myself cuddling and holding her tight, face-to-face. I gently pulled away and she moved in her sleep to face Jay and resumed cuddling her. I shut myself in the bathroom and took a shower followed by filling the kettle and making three coffees. The girls awoke to the sound of the spoon stirring in the cups. They yawned, sat up and rubbed their eyes awake.

“What time is it?” Jay asked getting up and going to the loo. “9:45,” I answered, moving the curtain, and looking out the window and seeing Sara and Manus waiting on the other side of the road. “Manus and Sara are here. I’ll go and get them.”

I passed Katy her coffee and asked, “Sleep well.” “Oh, yeah,” she replied. “I slept very well.” She was sat up and the sight of her naked breasts caused that twitch in me again. She sat smiling at me and I wanted to fuck her again, there and then but realism set in and I headed to the door and down to the street, greeting our friends.

They followed me in and we went up to the room. “Morning,” Sara said brightly as she went through the door and stopped short when she saw Jay and Katy sat up in bed, naked, the bedsheets now having been discarded. They both looked a bit ‘shifty,’ as if they had been up to something in the short time I was away. “Oh, my,” Sara said smiling, kissing each of them and sitting on the bed. “What have we all been up to?”

“Katy’s said she would like to help with Kylie’s problem. It just made sense for her to stay overnight and be here early to meet Kylie and hear your plan,” I said to Manus.

“Great,” he replied winking at me. “The more the merrier.” At that, there was a knock on the door followed by a voice on the other side saying, “Housekeeping.”

I opened the door to a very happy Kylie. She had a big smile on her face as I waved her to push her trolley in, shutting the door behind her. Her face dropped when she took in the situation before her. Jay was sat up naked in bed along with Katy, drinking coffee. Sara was sat near them and was absentmindedly stroking Katy’s leg. Manus nodded a hello to her and held out his hand which Kylie took as he introduced himself. I don’t think Kylie even knew she was shaking his hand; she seemed too shocked to say anything. Sara stood up and hugged and kissed Kylie, introducing herself and Katy as ‘very good friends,’ of Steve and Jay and those they were here to help Kylie get her paintings back.

Kylie was still in shock and said nothing. “It’s okay,” I said to her, holding her gently by the shoulders, “We’re all here and ready to help.”

“Sorry,” she said, still in shock and nodding towards Jay and Katy on the bed. “It’s not the sort of thing I expected to see first thing in the morning. I feel a bit overdressed”

“You can get undressed if it will make you feel better.” Sara said to her with a wink. Kylie put her hand up and replied, “No, no, that’s not what I meant. I’m okay thanks.”

“Come sit,” Sara said patting a space next to her on the bed, “And tell us everything. My husband thinks he’s got a plan to get your paintings back but we need to know everything about them, the house where your stepfather lives and everyone who lives there.”

Kylie obediently sat next to her and Sara took her hands in hers and said, “Okay, tell all.”

Kylie began with the same story she had told me and Jay about her mum and dad, the birthday when she received the paintings, her father’s death, her mum’s remarriage, her mother’s death and when she got kicked out leaving the paintings behind. She then went on to describe the people now living there.

“Neil Campbell works for a marketing company here in London and commutes every day by train. He’s forty-five and likes to work out. His daughter is Gloria, Glo for short. She’s twenty, very attractive and has a reputation as a gold-digging slut. She’d sleep with anyone for a free meal. She works in a restaurant as a waitress and, apparently, takes great pleasure in fucking the clientele and receiving any gifts they may offer. Darren is his son. He’s a year older than Glo. He works with his dad and they often commute together. Handsome, but a complete tosser towards woman. He has no respect for them. ‘Fuck and forget,’ he would proudly say. He and his mates are known for picking up woman, taking them to the top of Box Hill, shagging and sharing them before driving off and leaving them there. A horrible piece of work. Despite my age at the time, he tried it on me several times. I always manged to get away but he would make little comments, leering at me, saying he would have me one day.”

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