Building a Dream: Part Ten by Steveandjay

“Jay will be alright,” I said, or hoped. “She can look after herself.”

“Let’s hope so,” said Simon as we all headed for the door. We bid our farewells as they headed off to work while me and Manus headed for Waterloo Station. As we walked past a print shop, Manus stopped and we both went in. They had one of those do it yourself business card machines. Manus typed on it for a while before pressing the relevant buttons and a pile of business cards dropped out the slot which he pocketed before we carried on our journey. “I’ll explain when we get there,” he said winking.

On the train Manus showed me the contents of the small backpack he was carrying. Camera, builder’s tape measure, notebook and a couple of cold bottles of water. We needed to know everything about the house, he explained. We then talked about our relevant jobs; mine as a business owner with a staff of fifty and his work as a test technician in the wind turbine industry. He told me about the times he has to either go to turbines on land or on a boat in a rough sea to the offshore sights.

The time passed as we talked and soon, we were heading out of Dorking Station and heading to the taxi rank where Manus gave the destination to the waiting driver and we were driven and dropped off on a main road by a small lane that lead to a solitary house surrounded by gardens a short walk away.

Manus handed me a half of the business cards which said: ‘Visser Adult Entertainment Productions.’ It had a small logo of a clip-art clapperboard, outline of a Playboy Bunny and a mobile number.

“We need to get in that house.” Manus explained, “When Kylie said that Sonia had done nude modelling and kept herself fit, an idea came to mind. She’s obviously a bit open-minded and liberal. We need to get in that house and get a good look around. So, we say we run an adult film company and we’ve been scouting for locations in the area and her house is ideal. It’s discretely tucked away from the other houses and, we’ll tell her that if it has enough rooms, we could shoot a complete film inside for which she will be richly paid.”

“There’s no way she’ll fall for that.” I said, astonished at the idea.

“You never know until you’ve tried. Leave the talking to me. I’ll be Jan Visser, the owner of the company and you can be whoever you want as the location manager.”

“Okay,” I said as we walked up the lane and got to the expansive gardens, “I’ll be Sean Bennett. I used to know a lad by that name at school. He was the ‘cool’ one.”

We went through the gate and walked up the path between immaculately kept flower beds and neat lawn. Manus used the oversize knocker on the large wooden, front door and waited. A few moments later, the door was opened by, who I presumed to be, Sonia. She was wearing denim shorts and a T-shirt and looked like she had just come in from the back-garden judging by the gloves and trowel in her hand. Her brown hair was bunched up in a scrunchy and she wore barely any make up. Despite this, Kylie’s information was correct. She was very attractive and had a very fit and sexy body; Very slim, long shapely legs and good size tits.

“Good afternoon,” said Manus, his Dutch accent showing stronger than normal. “My name is Jan Visser and this is Sean Bennett, and I run a film company. We are in the area looking for locations of a production we will be starting soon and we saw your house from the road and thought this would be ideal for what we’re looking for.”

“Sorry?” Sonia replied trying to take in what Manus had just said. “You run a film company and you want to film one here?”

“That’s right,” Manus replied running his hand around the garden and back to the house. “It’s beautiful and would be perfect for what we need.” He handed over a business card which she took and read. Still looking at the card, she said, “Is this Neil trying to wind me up?”

“Neil?” Asked Manus.

“My husband, Neil. He’s always trying to wind me up. He can be a real sod sometimes.”

“No, no,” replied Manus. “I don’t know this Neil. Sorry. We are really looking for filming locations and saw your house. It’s perfect. I really love your garden.”

“Thanks, that’s all my work. That lazy bugger of a husband of mine doesn’t lift a finger to help.” Sonia read the card again and asked with a suspicious tone, “Adult Entertainment Productions. What sort of film are you doing exactly?”

“It’s like it say on the card. We cater for the adult entertainment sector, mainly in the Netherlands but I decided that I would like to film here, in England, with an English cast.”

“So, it’s porn.” Sonia said quite bluntly. “You want to film a porn film in my house. Are you serious? Are you sure it isn’t a wind up?”

“No wind up,” Manus replied. “It will be an actual film with a proper storyline. We call our productions ‘adult films,’ but if you want to call it porn, then so be it. We just need to find the right house. Would you be interested in letting us film here? You will be well paid.”

“I don’t think so,” she replied, reading and fingering the card. “Although it might be quite exciting to have something like that to break the monotony. But Neil would never allow it.”

“He doesn’t have to know. We could come and film one day when he’s at work and be out of the way before he gets home. You’ll be the only one who gets paid then.” Sonia was clearly considering it but shook her head. “No, I don’t think it’s a very good idea.” She replied firmly.

“Well, that’s a shame.” said Manus stepping back and leaving to go. “We’ll try your neighbour further down the road instead. That house might just do it, although here would be better and you would have been paid well. Also, you’re very attractive. You could even have been an extra, in the background of course. Should you change your mind, give me a call on that number but we won’t be around too long today.”

We waved goodbye and walked out the garden and down the lane back to the main road leaving Sonia holding the card and watching us leave.

“What now?” I asked, realising that we had probably lost the chance to get inside.

“Just wait,” he replied. “We’ve left her with something to ponder on. She was certainly thinking about it.” Just then, a phone started ringing in the backpack. Manus pulled out a cheap pay and go phone and answered it on speaker phone. “Visser productions.”

“Hi,” said a female voice. “It’s Sonia, the lady you just met at Crossland’s House. I’ve been thinking about your offer. Cold you come back in an hour? I would like to now a bit more about your offer.”

“Certainly Mrs?”

“Sonia, just call me Sonia.”

“Okay Sonia, we’ll be back in an hour.” Manus replied winking at me. He hung up and said, “See, she’s tempted.”

We walked up and down the main road killing time before we returned to the house and knocked on the door again. Sonia answered and had transformed herself. She had changed into a short and loose summer dress, had done her hair and applied make up. She looked great. If we really were doing a porno film then I’m sure she would have been offered a part.

“Come in,” she said smiling at both of us. “So, what would you like to see? She asked.

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