Dead Stick 11 by pars001

Dead Stick 11 by pars001

Explore the steamy world of erotic fiction with "Dead Stick 11_(0) by pars001." Dive into this tantalizing sex story that promises to captivate and excite your senses. Get ready for a wild ride filled with passion, desire, and intense encounters. Get lost in the pages of this sensual masterpiece today!
Can Tyrome make it in time? , As I continued to stare at the door to the bathroom that Cloe had just gone through, I could still hear my sister laughing at me. Then I heard her sharp intake of breath, oh crap she’d obviously gotten to my deep thoughts of Cloe,

<Hey! Get out of there! Those are personal! Besides you don’t know the whole story or everything I’ve been through since Cedric killed everyone!> I told my sister a little more forceful than I meant to. <I’m sorry there are a lot of very painful memories there.> I told her as I hung my head, some were almost too much to take even after all these centuries.

<I’m sorry too brother, I know it hasn’t been easy for you since then all the people you have lost, plus your entire family, Cloe was right how you didn’t end up like her is amazing. I am proud of you brother, in so many ways hopefully you can end our brother’s murderous rampage before it starts.> Eluria told me, I could feel the swelling of pride that she had.

<I’m going to do all I can, I am the only hope we have, so no pressure ’bout a normal day for me.> I told her as the bathroom door opened and Cloe came out still looking a little miffed but better after her declaration.

“Alright I have to go to class today, I haven’t been able to check on Celina, any chance you could Cloe? Even though she came through the attack better than she did I am still worried about her.” I asked Cloe.

A sincere smile crossed Cloe’s face as she nodded yes, then I flashed out I really needed to start getting up earlier; I’d never have these kids ready in time at this rate. As I suspected there were a few already there when I flashed in. Opening the door I watched as they started to move in when a stray thought hit me.

the voice stated.

<Stop,> I told the voice, A small giggle sounded followed by another from Gena.

Gena started.

I told her.

<Ah!> Then they launched into a conversation that for some strange reason I wasn’t privy to and seemed to include a fair amount of giggling.

Growling I had work to do, <Enough! I have a class to do, Eluria release all control I need everything if I am going to keep these young mages alive.> I heard both gasp as they could feel that I was deadly serious.

Both got quiet then I felt Eluria let go, stepping in front of the class I brought up a screen in the front. “Alright today I want to show you what quick and slow thinking can do. I have been trying to instill in each of you the need for immediate action. Now as you all know I was an enforcer for the council for over two centuries, the following are two examples that I want you to pay close attention to.”

I started the memories that I had pulled to show them, the first was the recent case at the club, many were shocked at the almost immediate response I had, plus the fact that it had saved my life. Then I showed them my last official case when I took my wife. Many were laughing when the creeping arbor started to over take me then gasp as I reversed it as fast as I did.

“Alright, as I said before, quick thinking can save your life. If you let your emotion take over then you are as good as dead as I nearly was in the second example. This is a tireless almost thankless job; the scum out there don’t give a shit who you are, who your family is or what powers you have. Their only concern is getting away and killing you in the process. The underworld considers these idiots special; killing one of the enforcers for the council is a huge status move. Have no doubt they will not hesitate to kill you or a partner if you are lucky enough to have one. You just have to remember always think, there is almost always a way out.” I said, at the head of the class, several gasp when one of the elders (though not as old looking) appeared next to me.

“I want to introduce you to council elder Pena, he was affected by a new aging spell that was similar to most but different enough that it took me over 100 years to counter. As you can see even I never stop learning it is one of the things that has kept me alive as long as it has. I was finally able to reverse it; I made a promise that I would. A promise from an enforcer is an almost sacred thing, we do not give it lightly, and we are always deadly serious when we give it. As stated before this is a serious job, an important job one that has to be done.” I nodded my head at my friend as he smiled and moved back to watch.

“Alright today we are pairing off again, I have become far too powerful to spar with any of you, and so I will be watching you. Pair off I want to see what you have learned in these three weeks.” Looking at Pena I asked, “Can you take your son? He is at mage level two barely, moved into it yesterday, the rest are still at sub level 10 but coming along they should all be at mage level next week, if I survive that long.” My friend looked at me with concern.

“Tyrome you defeated him before you can again, besides you have help.” Here he chuckled indicating my little sister’s spirit within me, sparking a small giggle from her. I nodded though I didn’t feel that confident, Cedric had something up his sleeve to be as damn cocky as he was. At first I had thought it was having the family’s magic but this was something different, something that definitely had him convinced that nothing could beat him this time.

Moving around the room I watched as they all were doing exceptionally well, nothing like the raw kids that had walked in a few weeks ago. Then an almost disaster struck, Gena was frustrated she still couldn’t get the attacks down right, venting a moment a huge fireball flew from her toward her partner. Snatching the girl away I erected a shield around the fireball, that’s when I felt it. Holy shit! She had the wild energy also like Johnathon and his father, straining I was finally able to extinguish it but it had been close. Looking at her I told her, A fearful look crept onto her face then she nodded.

Thankfully things went a lot smoother after that, Gena actually listened and made marked improvement which I told her, finally increasing her confidence. Hours later I dismissed the class and placed another paper home to her parents. I was sitting at my desk an hour after they left, when there was a booming crash then a thundering pounding on my door.

“Come in Ben,” I told the door as it burst open and not only Ben but Evelyn Timmings both walked into my office.

“Just who in the hell do you think you are!!” Ben started yelling as soon as he saw me.

Growling I froze him, almost laughing at the comical look of surprise on his face. “Please remember Mr. Timmings that this building is keyed to me, plus I am far stronger than I was when we worked together. Now then if you wish to be involved in this conversation I suggest you sit and be civil.” Waving my hand around the room I went on, “the building takes offense when someone is a threat of any kind towards me.” I watched Ben’s eyes grow wide then he tried to nod.

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