Dead Stick 11 by pars001

“Again Mrs. Timmings I was expecting Johnathon and Lana though, as you explained last time, they are trying for their third child.” Looking at Ben I could see that he was still in shock from being frozen. “Ben I had to stop Gena from killing another student today, I felt the wild magic flair in her. As far as I know this is the first time I have ever heard of a female mage having the wild magic.”

“This is bad Evelyn, if she has started to develop it; we are going to have a problem. I take it you were able to stop her?” Ben asked.

“Yes barely even the fourteen levels I have gone up were barely enough.” I told them.

“Fourteen! Boy you are higher than almost anyone I have heard of! No wonder you stopped me cold. How did you handle her after the incident?” Ben asked me.

“I got her to smother her emotions, getting her under control, after that she did extremely well but I am afraid that she may kill someone if I am not there to monitor her. I have too much going on right now to be able to watch her as close as I want to. I don’t want to pull her from the class; she has finally started to grasp the fundamentals of defensive attack, and can finally defend herself. I can’t have her killing the others I am responsible for them also.” I told both of them a serious look starting to cross both their faces.

“Tyrome I don’t think you realize what you did,” Evelyn said as she looked into my eyes, “no one has ever been able to teach a wild magic user the control that you did Gena, as I remember it took Johnathon trying to kill his father that enabled him to finally gain control. Please Tyrome don’t pull her she feels bad enough as it is your words towards the end of class helped her far more than you thought. I’ll speak to Tom he may have suggestions to aid the situation.”

I nodded then rose as they started to go, “I always do the best I can Ma’am,” I said as she shook her head at me.

“Evelyn please!” she told me.

“I’m sorry Ma’am but I cannot, I owe you far too much to ever disrespect you like that at least to me it is disrespect. It was good to see you again after all this time Ben, though it was under these conditions.” I told them both as they walked out the door, then in a flourish and another boom they both disappeared. Sitting back down I started to go through all that we had discussed when almost another hour had past.

Shaking my head as I stood to clear it, I had just reached for the door when there was another whoosh outside the door. This time I felt an incredibly powerful force as I brought up all my shields to full. Opening the door I was shocked to see Tom Timmings standing there. “Mr. Greenstick we have to talk but I think this isn’t the right place for it. If you’d come with me?”

I drew back; the expression on his face wasn’t the friendliest after all. “Where exactly are we going,” I asked him.

“I thought a place we are both familiar with might help to expedite matters, though you are always a welcome guest at our home this takes precedence over everything else. I could make you come.” Tom said with a sly smile.

“That might be harder than you think,” I told him as I increased my shields. Reaching out he tried to pull me his eyes shot wide then he tried harder still nothing finally he started to measure my levels.

“Hmmm fourteen higher than when we first met, very impressive, you may very well be the strongest mage outside of Johnathon or myself. Alright you’ve proven your point, but we still need to discuss Gena, for now it will be only myself, Evelyn and of course Ben. Lana I am afraid won’t allow Johnathon out of their room ’til she is certain she is with child.”

I started laughing I had met Lana a few times before and at first for a vampire she had seemed pretty nice. Later on though I found out that she was one female you didn’t want to cross or piss off. Rubbing my side I still had the scars to prove it. “Yup, I can see that, she can be a terror when she wants to.”

“That’s right she took a swipe at you right after their second child was born. Something about you didn’t have a talisman ready that you said you would?” Tom said a thin smile on his face.

I could tell that he had experienced Lana’s post baby birth blues also, and here I thought it would be different for a vampire. Sighing I relented and Tom opened a doorway for us, my eyes got large I had heard of the transfer portals but had never seen one. Stepping through, I was instantly in the keep, holy shit! That beat the Flash technique any day! The look on my face must have been comical because Tom had a wide smile on his face. “I believe I am now a fan of the transfer method,” I told Tom, “though I take it, it requires a huge amount of power?”

“Actually less than when you when you cured the council elder but you were a little weaker then, once you learn it, it should be simple at your strength. Please in here sit and I’ll retrieve the others.” With that he vanished a few minutes as I sat in the plush sitting room, again I felt envious of Johnathon and his family and the fact that he had one.

<Hey!> I heard Eluria yell out in my mind.

Smiling I felt a warmth spread over my body that I hadn’t in a very long body.

Tom and Evelyn Timmings came back a moment later, “I’m afraid Ben won’t be able to make it.” Tom said.

Evelyn’s eyes were wide as she looked around the room then settled on me. “I thought we were alone,” Evelyn stated as they sat, then Gena also walked in a smile covering her face.

Sighing I didn’t want it public knowledge that I had the spirit of my sister in me; it might gain me a reputation as a pervert. Although I was to a certain extent with Cloe, I wasn’t with family especially my sister; it was bad enough that she could see my deeper thought when I was stressed. That lately was becoming a common thing it seemed.

“May I tell them?” Gena asked. When I only nodded with my head hung low Gena started in on the part of the tale that my sister had told Gena earlier. Taking a deep breath she started, “He has the spirit of his sister in him, he was at home when Cedric tried to attack him in a dream, Mr. Greenstick was able to fend him off and managed to rip the soul of his sister loose from Cedric. Not wanting to be recaptured she hid in her brother. That about it sir?” She said as she turned to me.

“You have a good part of it but not all, not my shame,” I started.

my sister’s voice had risen to a shrill shriek causing me to cringe.

Both Tom and his wife were amazed but had remained quiet the whole time. “I can tell that this is a private matter, obviously Gena is far more sensitive than we at first thought if she can communicate with a spirit.” Tom stated.

Sighing again I nodded and thanked Tom for respecting my privacy but decided that I ought to get this out. As I launched into the tale of my family, the fact that Cedric had killed them for their power, the battle they knew of over 200 years ago that almost killed me. How I had thrown myself into work with Ben the years in between not caring if I lived or died. Taking a deep breath as I neared the end I told them of my only partner, losing him and the renewed pain, then meeting his daughter centuries after Evelyn had restored part of me. All three of their eyes were wide; I could see tears streaming down both females eyes.

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