First Fantasy by Rheyn

So the idea of other women was an actual turn on for me. And to hear my best friend, and coworker Sam, come out to me and is now a carpet muncher too, I grew ecstatic.

Sitting back, I tried to act calm but my pussy was slightly wet as Sam finished telling the story of her one-night stand. “I see, Well… I guess whatever makes you happy Sam.” She smiles seemingly pleased that I was accepting of her life-style.

After finishing our sandwiches, I headed back to work. Sitting at my desk now was a much harder thing to do as every time I began to type. My mind would day dream of Sam in bed with me. Her head between my legs, as her tongue darted between the lips of my pussy. Even the very own thought of my tongue in her pussy sent chills down to my clit.

The rest of my time at work was nothing but sexual frustration, and fantasies of being a submissive again like I was in college. Perhaps that is what I was missing from my life. The sexual adventure that I once had in college.

Without getting a lick of much work as I could have done, I finally clocked out at four and got in my car. Heading home letting the music fill the air all around me as I tried to combat all the early thoughts I had let fill my head at work. When I arrived I was greeted at the door by my two youngest daughters. I bent down giving Savannah, my six-year-old a kiss on the cheek. “Ah! How was mama’s little girl today?” I asked stepping inside the door and closing it behind me.

“It was great mama! I got to finger paint, and play on the monkey bars on the playground! Jimmy pushed me down, but it was okay. I told on him and he got a time out!” I made a sad pouty face at her. “Aww. He pushed you down? I sowwie baby.” I cooed at her.

“As long as you are okay though.” She nodded her head with a big smile. I gave her one more kiss on the cheek before letting go of my soft embrace with her. “Go watch some T.V. honey, and I will be in shortly to join you.”

My twelve-year-old followed right behind me. “I got an A on my science test!” She shouted. Turning around I gave her a big surprised face. “An A?! That’s wonderful Rin!” I told her. Rin being the short brown haired tom boy of the three. I was surprised to hear she was actually doing good in science. She more than often spends her time enjoying the athletics department rather than hitting the books.

“I am proud of you baby!” I told her walking up and giving her a kiss on her forehead. She smiled brightly. “So if I get another A. Will I be able to get ice cream as a treat?”

I cocked a brow at her with a smirk. “So, you are trying to bribe your mama huh?” She giggled innocently. “Alright alright, if you get another A, I will get you ice cream.” Rin threw her hands in the air and shouted a joyful “Yay!” as she ran off.

Taking a breather, I set my purse on the counter in the kitchen and leaned against the counter. My eldest daughter Ally made her way in. Having thought about what Sam said before. She was right. Ally did look a lot like me when I was that age. Wearing nothing but sporty navy blue elastic shorts and a tight t-shirt you could definitely see what Sam was talking about with her clothes thinly covering her body. Her tits were as big as mine but firmer, and her ass was very large and jiggled with each step. God how I would love to bury my face into ass’s like that.

With my cheeks a blush I shook my head to get those thoughts out of my head about my own daughter. She of course looked at me curiously. “You okay mom?” She asked. I nodded my head. “Yeah, I’m okay. Just a long day, and I am feeling a bit light headed.”

She walked up giving me a hug. Her breasts pushed into mine as she wrapped her arms firmly around my back and squeezed. Taking in her smell, she smelled wonderful like always. Our Pomegranate shampoo fragrance in her hair just made me want to stay there and melt in her arms.

Pushing back a little bit I closed my eyes and forced those thoughts out of my head. “No, I can’t be having these thoughts about my daughter. She is my daughter for crying out loud.” I told myself.

She pulled back. “Oh the girls got their homework done, and I just finished mine. Would you like me too cook for you and you can go lay down and try to feel a bit better?” I smiled and placed my palm against her cheek. “I would love that sweetie.” She nodded and walked over to the cabinet’s grabbing some pots and pans. “I am going to head up stairs and take a shower instead, and see if that helps.” I told her. A long shower is exactly what I needed right now. Not only for my head but to hopefully cleanse my mind from the vile thoughts I was having of my daughter. She nodded to me. “Take your time.”

Surprisingly to hear that from her, seeing as she had been so rebellious lately. Usually fighting with me and arguing over the littlest of things. But I really appreciated the help. Especially now since my head was in the gutter and dragging my mind through taboo places.

After my long shower I made my way down stairs. Having thrown on a loose shirt long enough to double as a sun dress and some panties. I sat next to my two youngest, they were watching SpongeBob Square Pants on the T.V. After a few moments of watching with them I got the strong smell of the food Ally was cooking.

Smelling the delicious aroma coming from the kitchen, I decided to get up and see what she was cooking. In the kitchen she was busy making spaghetti and meatballs for dinner. As I watched her stir the pot I couldn’t help but stare at her ass. She hadn’t noticed me yet. When she moved left or right to grab something her large ass just bounced and jiggled in her navy blue shorts. I licked my lips lightly as I let myself wonder what it would be like to just pull those down right now and dive straight for her.

When she turned around I sat up straight. Blushing a bit, I cleared my throat. “Hey sweetie. Uh I was checking to see what you were cooking.” She smirked. “Just spaghetti.” I nodded to her. “Smells divine! I can’t wait.” She chuckled and continued to cook. “It will be done in a few. I will let you know as soon as it is.”

With a nod I headed back into the living room. Sitting back on the couch I stared at the T.V. screen. Not really watching what was on I just loved spending time with my youngest girls even if it meant watching their cartoons. While I was zoned out from the T.V. I couldn’t help but get caught up in my own head. “What is wrong with me? Why am I picturing my daughter and I together? That is sick. Who does such a thing?”

Slightly disgusted with myself I pushed the thoughts into the back of my mind and tried to focus on the television for most of the evening until dinner was done.

After having climbed in bed exhausted by now. I laid there in the dark of the night. I couldn’t help but think about Sam. What she might be doing, or rather whom she might be doing right now. With images of Sam and another woman flooding my mind one after another it was finally too much for me to just try and sleep off.

I got up out of bed walked over to my dresser and pulled out a vibrating pink dildo. Quickly getting back into bed I placed the vibrator against my panties and turned it on. Feeling the buzz against my already wet panties felt wonderful. I began to sink back into my mind once again enjoying the feeling that was reverberating through my entire body.

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