“I saw the mystery woman again. Not sure who she is, but every time I see her at the gym, she’s always working her butt. I gotta say, it’s big and well, really sexy.
Sometimes she glances over to me. She’ll give me a strange look. Like I’m competition, like she’s annoyed at me. Why? I have no idea. I don’t talk to anyone there. I don’t mingle, I don’t socialize. I do my workouts and leave.
Maybe I should say hi to her. She seems so angry though. Oh well, at least I’m doing something to better my health. Whatever.”
Curt flipped another page. He found another entry about the woman.
“She was really staring me down today. So weird. I have no idea what she’s thinking. She did her squats and lunges, almost like she was showing off. Her butt is really big and muscular. Maybe she caught me staring at it. She’s the one that shows it off. She wears these tight little shorts.
I almost laughed when she flipped her long blonde hair and walked to another machine as if she was brushing me off. I didn’t even talk to her!”
“Weird,” Curt thought, turning another few pages, seeing no mention of the woman. He skimmed more paragraphs about his mother’s work, an entry about being lonely on the weekend, a very brief paragraph about his mom growing tired of masturbation.
“I can’t,” Curt whispered, his conscious returning. “This is wrong.”
Curt closed her diary, shoving it back under the cushion, hoping it was in the exact spot he found it.
He went to bed, tossing and turning for most of the night, guilt preventing him from resting. His erection, fantasies of seeing his mom have sex again, mixed with more guilt, anger with himself contributed to his sleeplessness. He was a mess.
Near dawn, Curt was awoken from his very light slumber by a car door slamming shut. He gasped, sitting straight up in bed and nearly tumbling off it. “Mom,” he said.
Throwing the covers off, he peeped out through the blinds of the window. He could see a car backing out of the driveway and his mother walking toward the front door. “All night. She was out all night,” Curt glared at her.
He hopped back in bed, throwing the covers over himself, anger returning. “Why am I so mad at her?” he asked himself, before drifting back to sleep for an hour or so.
“You’re up early,” Miranda smiled at her son when he entered the kitchen. She was cooking breakfast, bacon, eggs, standing in a long t-shirt and socks. Curt couldn’t tell if she was wearing underwear, he assumed so, since she looked as though she just got out of the shower.
“So are you,” Curt sighed.
“Yep, I’ll probably go back to bed in a little bit,” Miranda said.
“Yeah,” Curt discreetly rolled his eyes.
“I’m cooking you a huge dinner tonight before I go out.”
“I’m going to hang out with a friend again tonight,” Miranda said, plopping some scrambled eggs onto a plate for her son.
“Thanks for being so sweet about this and not complaining. You’re 18, you’re an adult now,” she said, sitting across from him, nibbling on her bacon.
“I figured I’m not getting younger, making friends and going out is something I’ve never really done. Might as well do it now! Maybe you can hang out with me some time,” his mother suggested.
“Uh, no thanks,” Curt smiled awkwardly. He didn’t want to see her out with her friend, but at the same time he wanted to be at home to catch a glimpse of her gorgeous body riding a black cock.
“You ok?” Miranda caught him staring out into space, towards her direction.
“Huh? Yeah,” Curt chomped down on bacon, looking away from his mother.
“Why am I so angry at her?” Curt barged into his mother’s bedroom after she left for her night out. He didn’t answer himself, instead immediately finding her diary. He sat on the chair and opened it, finding his spot from the previous night.
“This woman is insane. Every day I see her in the mornings at the gym she is squatting. She adds huge weights to barbells and slings them over her shoulders. I can’t help but stare when she squats low and uses her powerful ass to lift herself back up.
She caught me staring again. I could’ve sworn she winked at me. I’ve been single for a long time. I’ve been lonely, tired, bored, but something about her – would I date her? I have no idea.
Just before I left, I glanced at her again. I think I saw a wedding ring on her finger.”
Curt looked away. He was so confused now. “Is she a lesbo? Is she bi? I don’t get it. Why the black dude?”
He kept reading.
“I had trouble focusing at work today. I was thinking about her. It’s so stupid, but I was imaging grabbing and slapping her ass. I wish mine looked as good as hers. I’m getting there though. I’ve always been large back there. Maybe if I focus only on my butt, it’ll be as incredibly juicy as hers. What I am saying?
It has to be the loneliness talking. She’s married. I’m not a lesbian. Still though, the thought of her taking me out to dinner, then making me…”
Curt reached the end of the current entry. He flipped the page, seeing his mother continuing.
“It has to be the loneliness. I just masturbated to thoughts of her. Truthfully, I prefer a cock. A big one. I need one in me…to remind me I’m not gay. I wonder how often she and her husband have sex. I bet she’s on top, always.
I’m getting myself worked up again. I need to meet a man.”
Curt shook his head. “Where he is?” he annoyingly asked out loud, flipping through a few pages, seeing nothing about the gym, the woman, or the black man.
“I’m not stopping tonight,” Curt told himself.
“I had to leave the locker room. She arrived, propping one of her muscular legs on the bench. She was dripping sweat; her midriff exposed. I couldn’t look away. I had to force myself to leave. She’s an incredible specimen.
Luckily, I was so flustered; I wasn’t watching where I was going. I left the locker room and collided with someone. A man.”
“This is it!” Curt said, continuing reading.
“I apologized, he laughed it off – and he introduced himself. His name is TJ. It was the first time I saw him there. I asked if he was an employee. He was huge. Extremely muscular, and tall. He said he wasn’t and that this was his first day there. Lucky me.
I told him my name, apologizing for my flustered state. Then he asked for my number, saying he had to go. I gave it to him without hesitation.
He actually called me.
He asked me to dinner. I said yes. I paced around my room, trying to figure out what to wear. After all, my plan was sex. I wore no underwear and a short dress. This night would end in my or his bed. Was it because he was black? Not entirely. I’ve never been with a black man before. My overwhelming loneliness, horniness, overrode any reservations I might’ve had.
I’m getting laid, I’m getting fucked. I can’t wait.
TJ was polite, charming, a gentleman. He recently became a personal trainer after over a decade of service as a police officer.
We took a long walk after dinner. My hand rested on his huge bicep. We look at some of the new shops finally looping back to the restaurant. I felt a gentle breeze blow up my dress, kissing my bare pussy.
We arrived back to my car. He kissed me. I nearly collapsed in his arms. When TJ was done, I blurted out if he wanted to come back to my place. I wasn’t thinking of Curt. What would he think if he saw some stranger with me? I backtracked, apologizing to TJ, he interrupted me. He suggested his place. I quickly nodded. I kissed him next, feeling a bulge against my tummy.