His Mother’s Diary by tw_holt

I was petrified, I let her. She asked me if I tasted the semen on her tongue, I nodded. Danielle told me I could drink it every single day if I wanted, she would help me.

She demanded my number again, a devilish grin on her face this time. I sighed, and gave it to her. What was I thinking? Black cock I guess.

She thanked me and asked about TJ. She said she wanted him. I did too, again. I also wanted to see her in action; I wanted to watch her fuck. Later that night, I got a chance to.

Danielle rode with me over to TJ’s after showering in the locker room. I couldn’t help but steal a few glances at her muscular body in the stall next to mine. Maybe her body was built to serve black men. I’d find out soon.

She called her husband, talking sweetly to him, lying about going dinner with a friend. Danielle made sure to use female pronouns. I remained silent, fueled by my own lust for black cock.

She was insane – absolutely insane. She nearly broke TJ’s bed. She squatted up and down on his black pole, never stopping, never slowing, and cumming over and over. Those squats and lunges paid off. I sat in TJ’s bedroom, watching her. She didn’t even let me cum, pushing me off his bed, and attacking him.

TJ couldn’t hold out any longer. He came, filling her pussy, in far less time than he did with me. Perhaps Danielle was just that good. She was built for black cock.

I listened to her cuss and grunt like a man might. She kissed TJ hard, playfully slapping him, saying he had a good dick.

I smiled at TJ, nodding at him. He thanked me for bringing a friend.

I drove back to the gym parking lot, letting her out. She told me she’ll see me soon. I don’t know what to expect. I’m kind of excited but scared at the same time.”

New Year’s Eve dragged on, Curt jacked off while reading his mother’s diary, going from page to page of entries she wrote since his break from reading it back in November. Midnight came and went, Curt didn’t notice.

He read about their escapades, how this Danielle woman introduced his mother to a new world – a world full of fucking black men.

Miranda’s diary entries skipped to weekends only, this explained why Curt hardly saw her write in it. He wondered if she wrote it during the morning before he woke up.

Curt read about Danielle’s “associates”.

“I met Aline and Melissa. Two tall Latina’s, hour glass bodies, big booties like Danielle, and well, me. I’m getting very impressed with the results of my consistent work outs.

Anyway, Danielle called them her associates, or wing women. She sometimes called them black cock hunters. They found black men at the club and brought them to this married woman – Danielle. They also allowed Danielle to stay at one of their apartments and cheat on her husband with black men.

I had to hide my disgust at Danielle and her friends – after all, I wanted black cock too.

The first night the four of us were at a club, a night Danielle told her husband was a girl’s night out, we ended up back at Aline’s with four black men. I don’t even remember the name of the one they found for me.

We switched and took turns with them all.”

Curt paused – disdain toward his mother going down this slutty path rising. It wasn’t the only thing rising. His cock was too. He kept reading.

“I invited TJ out the following weekend. He already knew Aline and Melissa. He no doubt fucks them every once in a while. With a body like his, he probably has pussy every day.

TJ wasn’t alone. He brought a friend. A friend I nearly fainted upon seeing. I thought TJ was a hunk, his friend, a man named Ulysses, was even more so. I wanted to strip naked upon seeing him, and ride both their cocks until the sun rose.

Danielle maintained her composure upon meeting Ulysses. She’s probably had so much black cock that nothing fazes her.

Two Latinas, two white women, two black men was our composition. TJ and Ulysses had a woman on each arm.

We all ended back in TJ’s bed. Six people crammed in there, Danielle directing the event. TJ and Ulysses were on their backs while the four of us slid, slithered, licked, kissed all over their bodies. We took turns sitting on their faces and riding their cocks.

I was sitting on Ulysses’ face, Danielle was riding him. We switched. She was facing away from me, sitting on Ulysses’ face. Her ass, it was so amazing. I only hope I can get mine to be a good as hers – perfect for black cock.

The four of us women eventually fell asleep. After TJ and Ulysses’ cocks erupted like fountains for us. We held our tongues out, collecting their cum.”

Curt put her diary down, squeezed his cock several times, and ejaculated all over himself.


His mother came home on New Year’s Day, smiling sweetly at her son. Curt smiled back, nodding awkwardly to her. He watched her do laundry, clean up the kitchen, and then sit and write in her diary. He shook his head.

“She’s so beautiful,” he thought. “No,” he stopped himself, attempting to build anger toward her.

He felt awkward and ashamed around her, so Curt mostly kept to himself, focusing on school work. He would read her diary on the weekends, when she was out with Danielle.

The two of them were like best friends, sleeping with as many black men as Danielle and her associates could find. However, Curt could tell that his mom didn’t quite approve of Danielle, only using her to obtain more black cock. Miranda never wrote about how Danielle was cheating on her husband, opting to ignore that horrible fact.

Curt read about Miranda, Danielle, and TJ’s threeways. He read about Ulysses joining in when he was in town. He read about the two wing women helping out occasionally.

One entry stood out for Curt. He learned more about Danielle.

“There’s something odd about her. No, not odd, horrible. Danielle’s married, but she also has a son. He’s Curt’s age. He doesn’t go to the same high school though.

I struggle to put my conscience on hold. Every time I’m around Danielle I want to tell her how horrible she is. But I don’t. My mouth is usually filled with black cock and cum. She supplies me with what I crave. My conscience can keep quiet.

Tonight though, on our way back to a random guy’s apartment, she talked more about her family. She belittled them, she mocked them, she bragged about her lifestyle.

She made fun of her husband’s cock and bedroom stamina. Then…”

There was an empty section of the page. Curt’s eyes scrolled down, noticing his mother’s hand writing became jagged, not as clean and eloquent.

“She belittled her son. She called him a little bitch, like his father. She went on about how he’ll never please a woman with a little white dick like his dad.”

“What?” Curt asked out loud. “Danielle’s psychotic.”

“I was too shocked to say anything. How could she? How could a mother ever talk about her son like that? What is wrong with her? What’s wrong with me? Why didn’t I tell her to take me home right then?

Loneliness, boredom, horniness, and wanting black dick. She is the supplier and there is so very much of it. That’s why I shut up. I feel so stupid now. I could never, ever imagine talking about Curt like that. I love him more than anything, more than, well, my own sex life.”


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