His Mother’s Diary by tw_holt

The only thing I’ve done wrong, as a single, lonely, horny mother, is hang out with that piece of trash for as long as I did. I should’ve cut her out of my life far sooner. That’s the only thing I regret – associating with her.”

Curt took deep breaths, the need to run away and hide subsiding. He thought about apologizing, he thought about calling her now, telling her on the phone. He wondered if he should wait until she got home. His mother was right – he was jealous. He felt as though he knew why at this point.

Seeing her riding black cock, her naked body, seeing her suck it, reading of her sex life – he wanted her, badly.
Curt had no idea what to do, so he kept reading.

“What I don’t know is when you’ll read this final entry. It’s lying under the chair cushion waiting for you to read it. I’ll come home every night from work, cook you dinner and act natural. If you come to my room at 10pm, then I’ll know you’ve read this. If I’m asleep, wake me up.”

Curt looked at the date his mother wrote this – three weeks ago.

He couldn’t believe it. She’s said nothing this whole time.

“As I said I’m not punishing you. I think we need to talk though. We haven’t talked much about anything really. Don’t be afraid; just be here in my room at 10pm. I love you.”

That was it. There was nothing left. There were dozens of blank pages remaining in her diary. Curt closed it, and set it on his mother’s bedside table.

He checked the time on his phone – 6:02 pm. She would be home soon from work.

They didn’t speak during dinner, Curt attempting to act normal. Afterward, his mother went to shower and he went to study.

10pm arrived. Curt knocked on her bedroom door. “Come in,” he heard her say on the other side.

When he entered, Miranda was sitting on the edge of her bed in a white bathrobe, smiling softly at him. “Come sit.”

Curt sat next to her, eyes to the floor. She placed her hand on his, patting it gently. Curt fought tears of shame, but finally blurted out an “I’m sorry.”

His mother hugged him tightly, calming his nerves.

“I should’ve fixed that door. A hinge is loose or something. That why it doesn’t close all the way. You wouldn’t have heard TJ and I,” Miranda said.

“No, I never should’ve spied on you, I never should’ve,” Curt spoke up.

“Shhh, it’s over now. It’s fine,” his mother said, caressing his chin, turning his face toward hers.

“Danielle was horrible. All those things she said about her husband, about her son. I would never, ever think that about you. I would never say those things, I would never treat you like that,” Miranda said.

“I know, mom.”

“Do you? Do you know how much you mean to me? More than any,” Miranda paused, “black cock in the world.” A slight smile came over her face.

Curt nodded, smiling back.

“It’s true you were jealous, right?” Miranda asked. Curt looked down, nodding his head.

“You saw me,” she kissed his cheek. “You wanted me to be here with you, to forget about black men, right?”

Curt nodded again.

“You saw me naked, you read about me having sex, you masturbated to it.”

“I did,” Curt said, thoroughly ashamed.

“You wanted it, didn’t you? You still want it,” his mother said.


Curt watched his mother stand and turn around, her back facing him. His eyes went wide as saucers. He watched his mother look over her shoulder and remove her robe, her big, bare ass on display. Miranda further proved she was nothing like Danielle.
“You want it? You want me to give it you instead of black men?”

Curt’s mouth hung open, nodding his head slowly.

“Then it’s yours.”

A small smile came over Curt’s face. He glanced to his mother’s eyes, she nodded at him.

Looking at her ass, inches in front of his face, he grinned. This would be the best night of their lives – one that would change things, for the better, forever A mother and son becoming one.

Curt dove right in. Grabbing her hips, pulling her ass back to his open mouth, he licked and kissed all over her asscheeks. He licked up and down her asscrack, prying her cheeks apart, quickly swirling his tongue all around her asshole.

“Curt, yes,” Miranda moaned.

He guided her to bed, on all fours, his mouth not leaving her ass. He listened to her moan as he ate out her ass, spanking her playfully as he did.
“All of me, you can have all of me,” Miranda whispered over her shoulder.

Curt nodded, removed his shirt, unzipped his pants and fished out his erection.

“Yessss,” Miranda hissed, her pussy dripping wet for the only love that really mattered in her life – her son.

Curt nearly ejaculated upon entering her from behind. So did his mother.

“It’s yours, all of it, all yours,” Miranda encouraged him instead of discouraging him like Danielle did with her son.

“I love you,” Curt said before getting to work, before fucking his beautiful mother’s brains out.

“I love you too,” she said. “You’re all I want and need.”

Several minutes of hard work, grunting, hips slamming into ass transpired. Curt showed this woman she didn’t need a black man to fuck her good. He would gladly do it every day.

He felt his mother cumming, her pussy spasming. It coaxed the semen out of Curt. He filled her with his seed.

He collapsed on top of her, his mother rolling on to her back, wrapping her legs around him, kissing him over and over again. She briefly wondered what became of Danielle, saddened that she was such a horrible mother to her son.

Miranda kissed Curt again, smiling up at her new lover.

“I don’t think I’ll write about this in my diary – it’s not exactly legal,” Miranda giggled.

“It’s fine, mom,” Curt chuckled.

They kissed again and again, like lovers; Curt was hard and ready to make love moments later.

Epilogue – Five Months Later

Danielle left the soup kitchen where she sucked off one of the black cooks for a free meal. She had no job and was living with a nice black man she met at the shelter she was staying at. His tiny one bedroom apartment was several blocks away.

Someone was following her – a hooded figure. Danielle figured it was someone from the shelter wanting a piece of her ass. She’d been taken against her will several times since being kicked out of her home. In an alley, behind a dumpster, and so on. It wasn’t completely rape per se – she enjoyed it, but it wasn’t something she planned for or expected.

This person was picking up speed, getting closer and closer. Danielle looked over her shoulder. “Great. Get it over with,” she thought slowing down. “It’s all I’m good for anyway – serving black cock.”

The man caught up to her, nearly tackling her into an alley. He punched her across the cheek and kneed her in the gut.

On her knees, Danielle watched the man unzip his pants and fish out a cock. Her eyes lit up. She was staring at the biggest cock she’d ever seen – dwarfing all the countless black men she’s been with.

The cock was white.

Looking at the biggest, most beautiful cock gain strength, becoming erect, Danielle instinctively grabbed it by the base and devoured it. Sucking and slurping all over it, not caring that it was white.

Just before she climaxed from sucking on the massive white dick, the man picked her up and spun her around. He tore off her tattered yoga shorts. He slapped her ass several times, and then slid himself in.


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