I Work in a Doctor’s Office – X by spurtz

I Work in a Doctor’s Office – X by spurtz

Explore 'I Work in a Doctor's Office - X by spurtz,' an enticing erotic sex story that delves into irresistible attraction and forbidden romance in a medical setting. Discover unexpected encounters, steamy passion, and tantalizing secrets. Perfect for readers seeking a thrilling escape into desire!<br/>

The 22 year old housekeeper is mesmerized when she sees Jack’s huge erect member. , My full time job is as a female medical assistant to a leading urologist in a major city. I sought out a career in this field mainly due to my fascination with penises. One of my patients recently hired me on the side to tutor his 16-year old son. The son, Jack, was painfully shy, had never dated, and the father felt he was in need of some sex education. Preferably hands-on sex education, which is why he hired me. The father is extremely wealthy and paid me a ridiculous amount of money for two 2-hour classes a week at his home.

By the time we’d had three classes I felt I needed a conference with the father before the fourth class. I called and asked for an appointment and he told me to come by his house after I got off work. So I did. I explained to the dad (Robert) that despite his son’s new found self confidence I felt that he was still somehow ashamed of his penis and didn’t like for anyone to see it. He was ok with exposing it to me because of all the pleasurable things that I did to it. The father was surprised at this because one of the maids had complained that Jack had exposed himself to her last week. I talked to Jack about this and it was totally by accident. He was actually mortified that the girl had seen his penis.

Jack has a huge head to his penis and he thinks it makes him a freak. As many times as I have assured him how beautiful his cock is and how desirable it is to a woman, I think he assumes I am just saying that because I am paid to praise him.

“So what do you think we should do about it?” Robert asked.

“What I have come up with is very unorthodox but I can’t think of anything better. I know you will think this is crazy but I would like to have Jack keep his pants unzipped any time he is around the house and to have his cock and balls hanging out for all to see. You have an all-female staff here don’t you? And Jack tells me they are all young and attractive.”

“Yes, that’s true. After my wife died I thought having a house full of good-looking young women would make life more bearable. And it has.”

“Exactly how many are there and how old are they?” I asked.

“There is a maid, a housekeeper, a chef, an assistant chef, and a driver. All female. The housekeeper is the youngest at 22 and the chef is the oldest at 31.”

“Perfect. Now here is the tough one. I know Jack would be way too self-conscious going around all day with his genitals exposed unless you also participated.”

“What!!” he exclaimed. “Do you mean you want me to have my cock and balls hanging out for the staff to see?”

“Absolutely,” I replied. “I am sure that’s the only way Jack will do it. It will likely only be for a couple of weeks until Jack is comfortable with exposing himself to the women.”

“Well, I must say that it’s an intriguing idea. I guess it’s worth a try. I will explain to the staff that this has been suggested by Jack’s therapist and if anybody has a problem with it, to come see me.”

By the time my next scheduled session with Jack occurred, Robert had talked to the staff and everybody was on board. The next session was three days after the new program started so I asked Jack how things had gone. I will let Jack tell his story in his own words.

The first day or two was really difficult for me. I am very sensitive about the way my cock looks so having it hanging out where everybody could see it was really tough. It helped that dad also walked around the house with his junk out. Most of the women didn’t pay that much attention. Oh, they looked but didn’t make a big thing about staring at it. Except Marie, the housekeeper. She seemed somewhat fascinated by my cock.

On the third day, I was in the living room on the sofa reading a book when Marie came in to do some dusting. I noticed she kept taking peeks out of the corner of her eye at my exposed cock and balls.

“Jack,” she said, “can I ask you a question.” I dreaded what that question might be but told her to go ahead.

“Isn’t it kind of embarrassing to have your penis on display all the time?

“It was at first but once I had it out for a day or two, it seemed to just be kind of normal. Plus dad having his cock hanging out also made it easier.”

“Yesterday,” she said hesitantly, “it looked like you had a partial erection. What was that all about.”

“I’m a teen. Teens get hard all the time for no reason. And it wasn’t fully hard when you saw it. I saw you looking.”

“It looks like it’s getting hard now, “ she said wonderingly.

“What do you expect? You’re standing there staring at it and we are both talking about my cock. Of course it’s going to get hard.”

By now my penis had reached full tumescence and if I do say so myself it’s quite a sight. Fully hard I am just a smidgen over 9-inches long and very, very thick. And of course the bulging knob at the end is really something to behold although I have always wished it was a normal size. At this point my cock was bright red and the head was super shiny. Surprisingly I could see true wonder and awe in Marie’s eyes. She really liked my cock.

“Omigod Jack, that’s the biggest cockhead I have ever seen. It’s beautiful. I have an overwhelming desire to touch it. Can I?”

“Of course you can,” I replied.

With one hand she grasped the shaft of my cock and she ran the tips of her fingers of the other hand all over the engorged and now throbbing head.

“Oh, Jack, it’s so incredibly hard and yet soft at the same time. It’s like a bar of steel. My boyfriend’s cock is never this hard. Can I jack you off? I want to see you cum. When my boyfriend cums it just kind of pours out but I’ve seen videos on the internet where some guys shoot streams of cum. Can you shoot?”

“Honey, I can shoot really hard and if you want to see it, just keep jerking me off.” By now she was gripping my cock and pumping it as hard and fast as she could. As usual it didn’t take me long to cum and a really powerful stream of semen shot out of the end of my prick and hit me under the chin. She kept pumping and cum kept shooting until my shirt and face were covered in the stuff.

“That was amazing, Jack,” she said in wonder, “I am impressed. You’re a real man for sure and that’s the most wonderful cock I’ve ever seen. I’ll never be satisfied again with my boyfriend’s.”

She continued to jack me off until every last drop of semen was coaxed out of my prick.

“We sure made a mess,” she stammered. “How can I clean you up?”

“Don’t worry about it. I will just go up to my room and change my shirt.”

“OK, but at least let me clean all the cum off of your face and your cockhead.” She pulled a handful of Kleenex out of a box on a table next to the sofa and mopped up the cum collected on my face and cock and her hands. I just lay back totally satiated as she tenderly and lovingly cleaned my penis and my face.

“So you are not repulsed by seeing the freakishly large head on my cock?” I asked.

“Are you crazy? Repulsed? What would make you think that? Every guy in the world would kill to have a cock like yours. And every girl who sees it will fantasize about what it would feel like to have that monster up inside her vagina. With that enlarged head and that thick ridge around it the friction on the walls of a woman’s vagina would be way more pleasurable than just having an ordinary dick sliding in there.”


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