It Just Happened!.. Again by JSipes7798

“Cathy you have to stop trying to get me back in your bed. I am your Father and it is called incest if we have sex together.”

“Frankly Dad, I don’t see anything wrong with incest at our age. Sure, I understand the emotional problems it can cause a young girl having her first sexual experience. I read all the papers in college when I took psychology. I am talking about right now; you and I are both mature adults. I had a healthy first sexual experience with someone may own age when I was a teenager. I am emotional stable when it comes to sex. I think you and I can have sex together as two consenting adults without it emotionally destabilizing either of us.”

Jim is conflicted. She is starting to make sense. He is attracted to her sexually and he did enjoy their first impromptu sexual coupling the other night. He still thinks it will cause guilt because it will be cheating on Lucy. He wants Cathy really bad, but he doesn’t want to hurt Lucy or destroy his marriage.

“I understand your thinking, Baby and I agree it wouldn’t hurt you emotionally like it would have as a teenager, but it would hurt your Mother if she ever found out.”

Cathy reaches across the table, taking his hands in hers and says, “We don’t have to let her know about it. We can be very discreet about it.”

Jim gazes into her clear blue eyes as he slips into deep thought. She knows he is about to reject her idea because he is unconsciously shaking his head no as he obviously contemplates the matter. She slips her shoe off her right foot and extends her leg under the table and gently massages her Dad’s hard cock with her foot. Jim instinctively enjoys the feel of her foot on his cock until he realizes it’s happening. He bolts upright in the booth and shoves her foot away.

“We have to go, Cathy!”

He snaps at her as he jumps out of the booth. He motions for the waitress to come take his credit card. Cathy knows she has pushed him too far. Neither of them says a word during the entire trip back to their home.

When they get home they find Lucy frantically rushing around the house with a small suitcase in her hand. It is apparent something serious has happened while they were out shopping.

“Oh good, you are back. I was just getting ready to leave a note.” Lucy is visibly out of breath and upset over something.

“What’s wrong, Lucy? Has something happened? You look awfully upset.”

“It’s my brother. He was hurt in an accident at his work.”

“When did this happen and is he going to be okay?”

“It happened about two weeks ago and yes he is expected to recover shortly.”

“Wait a minute and slow down. If this happened two weeks ago, why are we just learning about it now, and why are you rushing around like it is an emergency that just happened?”

“I’m sorry. Let me collect my thoughts and start from the beginning.”

Lucy sets her suitcase down then takes a deep breath before starting her story over again. “Okay, two weeks ago David had an accident at his place of work. He injured his right shoulder and left knee. He was in the hospital for a week and was sent home with the services of heath care worker who was supposed to come to his home every day and care for him. The heath care worker came last week, but wouldn’t perform some of her duties so David told her to get the hell out.”

“What was her problem?”

“Well at the hospital David was given a daily sponge baths because he can’t walk to the shower because of the injury to his left leg. He can’t bath himself because of the injury to his right shoulder. The health care worker refused to give him a sponge bath. She would only prepare his meals and bring him a bedpan when he needs to go to the bathroom. David needs me to care for him until he can find a dependable heath care worker. That’s where I was rushing to when you got home.”

“He lives an hour away, do you think you can make it before dark?”

Jim is concerned about her being out on the highway after dark.

“Do you want me to drive there?” Jim offers. “It won’t take me a minute to throw a few things in a suitcase.”

“Don’t be silly. I can drive myself. Besides, I may be there a couple of days until he can find another health care worker. And I will call you everyday to let you know how things are going. You stay here and let Cathy take care of you. I will be back before you even miss me. Cathy you make sure he eats the right things every day.”

“Don’t worry Mom, I will make sure he has something delicious to eat every day you are gone.”

I will have him eating my pussy three or four times a day, she mumbles under her breath.

Lucy grabs her suitcase and hurries out the door and drives away. Jim is uneasy about being alone with Cathy in her present state of mind. He is not sure he can withstand the constant pressure she will put on him to have sex with her. Even as a little girl she always pushed him until she got her way.

Lucy arrives approximately one hour later at David’s house and finds his home in a total mess. David is asleep and dirty clothes are on the floor near the hamper and the whole house is filled with the stench of David’s dirty body. She decides to let him sleep. She puts her suitcase in the guest room and then prepares a hot dinner for David.


Cathy prepares spaghetti and meatballs along with a salad and French bread fresh out of the oven. She and her Dad eat quietly with little conversation. Jim wonders if she is still upset with his rejection. After dinner, Cathy cleans the kitchen while Jim retires to the den to watch television.

Cathy slips upstairs and strips naked in front of her bathroom mirror. She pinches her nipples and admires them as they swell and protrude about a quarter inch. She formulates a plan in her mind; one that is guaranteed to lower her Dad’s resistance to her sexual overtures. She slips on one of her tight fitting t-shirts that hits just below her ass. She purposely leaves her panties lying on the bed. Now it is time to launch her plan.


As soon as Lucy hears her brother stir, she delivers a hot bowl of chicken noodle soup to his bedroom. He hadn’t heard her arrive so it startles him with she suddenly appears with his dinner. They hug, exchange pleasantries, and Lucy sits on the edge of his bed while he gulps down the soup. The soup is followed by a ground beef patty, black-eyed peas and broccoli.

Following dinner Lucy tells her brother that he is going to have to have a bath. The stench is so over powering and it is beginning to nauseate her. He asks just who is going to bath him. When she says she is, he just laughs it off. He just can’t picture his baby sister giving him a bath like he was a toddler. He told her it would be too embarrassing for both of them. She dismisses his whining and takes his dirty dinner dishes to the kitchen. Once he sees her gathering everything needed for a sponge bath, he resided himself to the fact it was going to take place. Regardless of how embarrassing it might be, Lucy had no intentions of smelling his dirty, stinky body any longer. Once his little sister says she is going to do something, you can bet it is going to be done.

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