It started with an itch–and continued. part3 by Dolman69

It started with an itch–and continued. part3 by Dolman69

Dive into "It Started with an Itch--and Continued. Part 3" by Dolman69, an enthralling erotic story that unravels passion, desire, and unexpected twists. Follow the sizzling journey of attraction and fantasy as our characters explore their deepest cravings. Join the adventure and ignite your imagination—read now for an unforgettable experience!<br/>

The 2 Bi-lads continue their exploits and Frank joins in , Tim arrived at David’s soon after school on Monday and David led him to his bedroom. “I’ve got 2 things to tell you about” said Tim, “The first is that I’ve changed to a larger tube, the original one wasn’t stretching me anymore and the second thing is about Frank. “Go on” said David.

“Well” said Tim “You know how I said that I caught you checking me out at the swimming pool, well I caught Frank doing the same thing. I saw he was studying my butt so I teased him. I turned my back to him and bent over to pick up my socks which I’d stuffed into my shoes. I think I gave my bum a little wiggle and when I stood up and turned round his thingy had gone hard and he was trying to stuff it into his boxers. He quickly turned his back to me but I still saw what was happening”.

“That more or less confirms what I’ve been thinking about him” said David. He wants to play tennis sometime this week but I think that could just be an excuse to talk to me, let’s wait and see what he has to say. I think I quite fancy him”.

“So what we gonna do now” said Tim, “We have to make it fast as I have to go in 30 minutes”. “Better get ‘em off then” said David, and both lads threw their clothes onto the floor.

They stood there with their boners waving between them until David pulled Tim into an embrace and for a couple of minutes they ground their boners together while they made out. Then David pulled Tim onto the bed and they got into another cuddle with Tim on top. “I really missed you on Sunday” said Tim, “I was thinking about you and I played with myself 3 times”. “Did you” said David “I only did it twice”. “Oh” said Tim “So it is alright to do it more than once”.

“Good gracious, yes” said David, “You can do it as much as you like. It’s very difficult to overdo things as normally you lose the desire before you lose the ability. Most lads start masturbating a good 18 months earlier than you did so you’ve a lot of wanks to catch up on”.

“Here comes one now then” said Tim and he pushed his legs down between David’s and knelt up taking his dick in one hand and David’s in the other.

After a few strokes a gentle moan escaped from David’s lips and he managed to get his hand between Tim’s legs and gently massage his balls. They kept this up for a minute or so during which time David scrambled into a kneeling position and then he noted that Tim’s breathing was becoming more ragged and he started to gyrate his hips. “Hang on” said David, “I know this has to be a quickie but we should make it last a bit longer than 2 minutes”.

With that he forced Tim to stop wanking and squeezed the tip of Tim’s dick, repeating the same action on himself. After a few seconds he released his hold and said “Right, has that calmed you down, and Tim replied “Well it’s made the cum feeling go away”.

“Good” said David “So now we can start over” and he pulled Tim up against him and they rolled their wet boners up against one another’s tummies.

David watched as Tim pulled his tight foreskin back as far as he could, exposing nearly a third of his glans. It was wet with pre-cum as was David’s and he put the two heads together and rolled them around. “That blasted tight skin” said Tim, “I’m sure it would feel so much better if my whole glans was uncovered”.

“Patience” said David, “You’re doing extremely well” and once again he cradled Tim’s scrotum to give him added pleasure. After a while Tim left the dicks alone and started to massage David’s back and buttocks. This was the first time that Tim had taken the initiative and David was pleased to let him carry on. He wiggled 4 fingers down into David’s butt crack with his middle finger hitting David’s bud.

David Jumped and gasped as the contact was made and Tim, seeing his reaction, repeated this several times with a cheeky grin on his face. Then, much to David’s disappointment, Tim released his butt and went back to their dicks where he played for a few seconds before returning again to David’s butt. David then realised what Tim was up to, his fingers were now covered in pre-cum and he proceeded to lubricate David’s anus and try to tease his finger into David’s hole.

David was in his seventh heaven and just froze, enjoying the sensation for several seconds. Then he realised that he was leaving Tim out so he quickly got some pre-cum on his finger and went for Tim’s anus.

The two lads stayed pleasuring their butts for several minutes as they played sword fights and fondled each other. Then Tim started to breath more heavily, his face was contorted and then he held his breath.

He started to jack David’s dick very fast but it had become very sensitive and David almost screamed “Slowly”. Pre-cum was flowing freely and David knew that there was going to be a blast of jizz any second so he let go of Tim’s dick and snatched a handful of tissues. He dropped a few by the side of them and another 4 he stuffed between their legs. As soon as David let go of Tim’s dick, Tim grabbed it himself and jacked hard.

He let his held breath go in a long sigh which was punctuated by his fist slapping against his tummy. David was a long way past the point of no return and as Tim’s frantic wanking slowed almost to a stop and white goo appeared around his fingers, David thrust himself hard up against Tim’s body and rubbed his throbbing dick against his tummy.

They both fell over onto their sides and straightened out their legs, continuing to rub their boners onto each other’s spunk covered tummies while they panted and moaned as they emptied their boy seed onto each other.

David was the first to recover and he kissed Tim tenderly several times while he got his breath back. Then as Tim surfaced, he beamed a big smile and said “We both came together”.

“We certainly did” said David, “That was fab; now we have to see about getting cleaned up”. As luck would have it they had rolled onto the patch where David had dropped the tissues and so the bed linen was spared the spunk which was dribbling from their tummies. They got into the shower and washed and dried each other. The last action being David drying Tim’s feet. This put David’s head a few inches from Tim’s crotch and Tim started to chub again.

David looked at Tim and with a mock stern expression said “And you can stop that; you have to leave in 5 minutes”. Tim acted like a naughty little boy who’d been caught doing something wrong; he quickly pulled his trousers up and tucked his shirt in. David laughed, hugged Tim and kissed him, and then David’s phone started to ring.

It was Frank on the phone enquiring whether this time tomorrow would be good for a game of tennis.

David realised that he would have to put Tim off but he wanted to get this meeting with Frank over ASAP, so he agreed and it was arranged. He turned to Tim and said “Did you get that buddy; Frank’s coming round tomorrow so I’m afraid you will have to wank yourself”. “I can manage that” said Tim “In fact with the way I’m feeling I shouldn’t be surprised if I get another one in before I sleep tonight”.

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