My New Brother Zane 2 by thephantomstallion

My New Brother Zane 2 by thephantomstallion

Discover the tantalizing twists and forbidden desires in “My New Brother Zane 2” by thephantomstallion. This steamy erotic journey will take you deep into the complexities of taboo relationships, igniting passion and intrigue that you won’t be able to resist. Dive in and explore the heat of desire!

This is the second part of the story, so if you are just joining, by all means, read the first so you can follow along. Like most of my stories, it does have some build up to create character and all, so keep that in mind. I hope you enjoy! Looking forward to continuing this story very much! , The think I liked most about us was how close we were. From the very first day together, there was openness between me and my little brother Zane that I never thought I could have, let alone with family. That and we were best friends. Not just the “let’s just do stuff kind” or the “let’s sit and talk for hours” kind. We were the real kind. The kind that did all that, would take a bullet for you no questions asked, read each other’s minds, and more. THAT kind of best friends.

We had no secrets. Not between us at least. Sure, there were lots of secrets we shared with one another that no one else knew about. I knew more about his past and him than our parents. Shoot, we were so close crying in front of the other was ok. I remember him breaking down several times, mostly over stress of adjusting and all the baggage of foster lifestyle, and yeah, honestly, I cried in front of him sometimes too. I guess I’m just saying this to prove my point. We really loved each other, more than anything in the world.

Although the original plan, for several reasons, was for Zane to have his own room, our former guest room before the adoption, we ended up converting my room into our room. I mean hey, we were pretty dang tight, and let’s admit…the kid loved it. Bunk bed, lava lamp, chill beachy surfer vibe…it was a sick room. And hey, he got to be close to his awesome older brother right? Haha.

Most nights we stayed up talking. There was something…I dunno I guess intimate about sitting or laying back on the bottom bunk together (it was pretty spaced out. I’m a tall guy remember so yeah, you could legit sit on it and not whack your head), in the dark, and just talk. My room was pretty separated from the rest of the house, so this helped with the openness we had. No worries about mom or dad or the girls hearing our bro talk.

I guess that’s where the first story started, and now where the second does. Just to catch you up, Zane and I did have a few “trial sleepovers” before the adoption finalized. Honestly, not much happened. We ended up spending the nights talking about our pasts, getting to know each other. Basically, catching up on the 15 or so years we missed together. Actually, the majority was spent on a vacation we went on with the foster parents. We shared a room with most of the guys so…nothing exciting. And the time at home we were so focused on paper work and figuring out his move in that we basically forgot about the first night together. Well…kinda.

“TYYYYYYYY!!!!!!” Zane shouted as I burst through the door, nearly knocking over Mrs. Capelli, my mom’s highscool friend and Zane’s foster mom, over. Bolting off the couch, through the living room, and into the foyer, this blonde haired mop of a kid leaped onto me, wrapping himself around me like a koala and a tree. Bear hug doesn’t even begin…

It was official. The entire process was FINALLY over and we we’re actually brothers. Zane moved in for good today, his last night in foster care now over.

“Broskiiii!!” I laughed, wrapping my arms around him and grinning ear to ear as the rest of the family walked a little more calmly in.

“Awww look at my two precious sons!!” Mom commented, her and Mrs. Capelli chatting about how much we looked alike and how precious it was that we were best friends already. Dad herded the girls in, doing his best to distract them from staring at the cute 7 year old in the corner they were talking about. Even at 5 they were a handful.

The drive home was quick. We talked nonstop about how we were gonna set things up and move him in. Dad barely got a word in on how to unload the van, but that’s ok. He didn’t need to. The moment we parked, Zane and I bailed and had the truck opened up, moving out box after box. Not that he had much, but the Capelli’s were good to him, and being friends, sent a little extra stuff to help out. The coolest was the couch. We ended up taking out a wall in my room to double the size, so along with this couch, we had a weight set and some other stuff. But that was already there. Truck’s worth of clothes out, we were left alone at home while the rest of the family went to something for the girls. Freedom at last!

“Hey Tyler wanna go work out together BRO??” Zane asked, a huge grin on his face as he put extra emphasis on “BRO.”

I nodded and we pounded up the stairs. I mentioned changing into some athletic shorts, and he agreed. Since we hadn’t unpacked yet, and someone hadn’t thought of labeling boxed, he just borrowed mine.

I dropped my pants and grabbed a pair of black shorts, while he hesitated, looking at me, then biting his lip. Halfway through pulling them up, I noticed the awkwardness and looked up. “What’s up dude?” I asked, a puzzled look on my face, as I slid the shorts slowly the rest of the way up.

He squirmed a little, fumbling with the shorts in his hand, and stammered.

“Dude, I’ve seen you naked what’s up man?” I asked, still lost, as I sat on the bench and started curling.

“I uh…kinda poped a boner. Sorta. I mean…” he started, before I interrupted.

I shook my head, laughing a little. “You’re telling me my bulging muscles and a short strip show gave you a boner that quick?” He squirmed a little more, then tried stuffing his hands in his pockets to flare them out, but they got tangled in the knot he made with the athletic shorts, and made a comical show. I just shook my head and rolled my eyes. “Bro, work out something else besides your dick for once!” I said, standing up and handing him a dumbbell.

He dropped the shorts and, staying in cargo ones, started copying my bicep exercise. “You know, you’re good at making me feel comfortable Ty. Thanks.” He said, then intently focused on his muscles flexing, face twisted into an adorable concentration stare as he muscled up the weight.

It was just the distraction he needed. Well until we decided to shower. We agreed to just shower together. We stripped, though it took some reminding him that it was ok to be naked around his brother. Stepping into the shower, his dick “accidentally” bumped into my hand. “Oops” he giggled, starting to get hard instantly. “Hey since we’re both naked and I’m kinda horny…” he started before I cut him off. I heard someone coming up the stairs and quickly dried off while he finished up.

The family was home and we went to dinner to celebrate. After Zane got out, I apologized for bailing, and told him we could make it up tonight.


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