Sally and Billy’s Second Date by Lucky Mann

Sally and Billy’s Second Date by Lucky Mann

Discover the sizzling chemistry in 'Sally and Billy's Second Date' by Lucky Mann. Embark on an erotic journey as this captivating sex story unfolds, exploring desire, passion, and connection. Dive into their steamy encounter and ignite your imagination today!<br/>

Their second date takes them to her high school game. , Sally And Billy Go To The Game

When Sally got home from her first date with Billy, she headed straight to the bathroom. She took a long hot bubble bath. Her freshly deflowered pussy was quite sore, and she thought a bath would help. She also wanted to remove the aroma of sex she knew would be all over her body. After washing herself, Sally blissfully soaked in the hot water and day-dreamed about her new boyfriend and lover.

Billy had been so wonderful to her. He had told her he loved her as much as she loved him. When she offered him her virginity, he had refused to take her on the couch where they were. Instead, he took her to his bedroom. He had taken her cherry as gently as he could. Sally felt Billy truly loved her and was happy they were boyfriend and girlfriend.

Sally knew she would have to be honest with her mother when asked about her date. Sally and her mother had always been honest with each other about important things. However, she didn’t need to be blatant about what had happened with Billy and reek of sex while they talked. Luckily, Sally’s mother had been in bed when she came in.

After her bath, Sally went to bed. She fell asleep thinking of Billy and their love making. She slept soundly all night. She awoke a little earlier than usual for a Friday morning. She tentatively reached down between her legs and felt herself. To her delight, she wasn’t very sore at all. She dressed for school and went down to the kitchen to face her mother’s expected questions about her date.

As Sally walked into the kitchen she spoke to her mother, “Good morning, Mom.” Sally’s voice was cheerful.

“Good morning, Sally. You seem to be in a very good mood this morning. I guess your date with Billy went well.”

“Oh Mom, it was perfect. I told him I loved him and asked him to my boyfriend. He said he has loved me for a long time too and would be honored to be my boyfriend and for me to be his girlfriend.” Sally replied.

Sally’s mother looked seriously her dreamy-eyed daughter and cocked her head. She could see something was different about Sally. She had to asked, “Sally, that’s wonderful. Tell me the truth, now. Is that all that happened?”

Sally nervously hesitated and hung her head before answering her mother. “No, Mom, there’s more. It was so wonderful. Mom, Billy and I made love.”

“Sally, you know I had hoped you would wait a little longer. However, I know how you feel about Billy, and I think Billy feels the same way about you. Now, I must tell you a little secret. I was about your age when your father and I got together and made love the first time. So, I know how you feel right now. Just be sure you keep up with your birth control pills. None of us want any surprises, do we?”

Sally replied, “No Mom.”

Her mother asked, “So, what happens now.”

Sally quickly answered, “Billy and I are going to the basketball game tonight.”

“Are you sure? You never go to the games.”

“I know Mom, but now I have a boyfriend that will be close by. I want to show him off to all those who picked on me for years.”

Sally’s mother smiled at her daughter. “I understand, and I know Billy will be there for you. But, will that be fair to him.”

Sally smiled broadly and said, “He’s okay with it. I think he wants to impress on the other students that I am his girlfriend, and he will be there to protect me if I need him.” Sally then darted out the door and headed off to school.

I had already left. I had an early class at college.

The school day dragged slowly on for both Sally and me. Even though she was at the head of her class academically, Sally couldn’t seem to concentrate on her lessons. She even answered a question wrong in her advanced placement science class. All she could think of was Billy. Sally was in deeply love.

I was also struggling with my classes. I just could not get Sally out of my mind. Every time I tried to concentrate on something, Sally’s smiling face popped into my mind. I am truly in love with my young girlfriend.

Classes finally ended for both of us. I drove to my old high school where Sally was waiting for me to pick her up. She practically ran toward his car as I pulled into the parking lot. After a brief but passionate kiss, we settled down and headed for our homes. Along the way, Sally told me of her conversation with here mother.

I tensed up. “Did you tell her everything? Did you tell her we made love?”

“Yes Billy. Mom and I don’t have secrets about important things.” Sally answered.

I nervously asked, “What did she say about us making love?”

Sally smiled at me and replied. “She told me they had hoped I would have waited a little longer, but she understood. She then told me that she and Dad had gotten together for the first time at about the same age as I am right now.”

I visibly relaxed. “I am so glad she is not mad at me for taking advantage of her daughter.”

Sally giggled. “I’m not sure, but I think it was I who took advantage of you. Anyway, she’s not mad at either of us.”

About that time, we pulled into Sally’s driveway. Being a well raised young man, I accompanied Sally into her home. I thought, ‘I might as well get this over with. I’ll have to face her parents at some time. It might as well be right now.’

As Sally and I entered her home, we were greeted by her mother. I spoke to her first. “I need to explain about last night. Sally and I….”

Sally’s mother interrupted, “You don’t need to explain anything, Billy. Her father and I understand what happened. Even though we wished you had waited a little longer, we had been expecting something like this. You two have been best friends for such a long time, and you have helped Sally out so many times over the years. It was bound to happen eventually. As long as you don’t hurt her, you won’t have any trouble from her father or me. Now go get ready to take your girlfriend to the ball game.”

“Yes Mam.” I kissed Sally on her cheek and headed home.

Sally’s mother then turned to her daughter. “Sally, by coming in and facing what could have been a very stressful situation, Billy has shown me you have a brave and caring boyfriend. I hope you take good care of him, and don’t let him get away.”

“I won’t Mom.” Sally then darted up the steps to shower and change clothes. A short time later, she came down wearing a pair of tight jeans and a snug fitting blouse. Even though she was completely covered, her blouse helped show off her substantial breasts. Her jeans accentuated her plump butt. Even though she was overweight, she felt sexy. She wanted to be sexy for her boyfriend.

About an hour and a half later, I knocked on Sally’s door. Sally opened the door and was surprised to see me there so soon. “You’re a little early aren’t you?”

“Just a bit. I thought we’d get a bite to eat on the way to the game.” I then noticed her clothing. Like most young men, I am sometimes a bit slow to see what was right in front of my face. “Wow! You look great, Sally.”

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