Stranded at Sea by Swagspray

Stranded at Sea by Swagspray

It was the end of my long internship at an advertising agency, and I was looking forward to the kicking off the summer the right way. I would have never believed what was in store for me , My friend Roger was very well off on the financial side and was having a massive party at his dad’s private beach house down the countryside. Knowing Roger it would be over the top and very fancy looking.

My name’s Andy. I’m 25, have blue eyes and very light brown (nearly blonde) hair. I’m pretty tall and while I have an average amount of muscle, my body looks quite toned. I was 23 at the time and was still in college but had been out on a yearlong work experience internship. I had been single for two years now, having the odd fling here and there but nothing much to brag about.

I was looking forward to seeing everyone again. Work had been pretty intense for the last two or three months so I barely had time for them. This being one of Rogers parties, it was guaranteed everyone would be there like old times.

I set out on the three hour drive without a care in the world, stopping briefly to pick up my friend Jeff along the way. I still saw Jeff regularly enough due to him living close by.

We enjoyed the drive down, catching up on the latest events and laughing over old memories. The sea eventually began to appear on the horizon. It looked beautiful in the afternoon sun. It was the perfect day for an event like this.

We arrived shortly after noon and were immediately greeted by Roger and his girlfriend Sarah. We were rushed into the beach house and given the grand tour. It was all very spectacular to see but what really grabbed my attention was the massive yacht out the back.

“Holy shit Roger. Is that yours?” I blurted out in the middle of him demonstrating the stereo system. His face lit up.

“Aha Andy it is indeed and you’re gonna love this. We are all going to be partying through the night on it and into the morning”, his grin was suddenly mirrored onto my own face. This was even better than normal. I had always envied Roger for having the amazing things he had. But you couldn’t hate him for it. He was very generous to his friends. While he did throw big over the top parties occasionally, his head didn’t blow up to a snobby size.

More and more people began to arrive throughout the day. Plenty of people I knew but there were others I didn’t. All the guests were offered champagne and other beverages. I helped myself. It was summer. Time to let go.

I was in the middle of a conversation with some random friend of Rogers when I noticed a group of people walk in that made my eyes light right up.

“Andy you sneaky bastard! Where the hell have you been hiding?” It was Chris, an old friend of mine. We used to be close. I hadn’t seen the guy in nearly a year now. “Last time I saw you was at another of Rodgers parties. What’s up with that?” He ran and tackled me to the ground and began bear hugging me and then made humping motions.

“It’s because of these damn greetings you always give”, I laughed. “I see you still haven’t gotten him chained up”, I called to the figure behind us with a big smile on her face. Janet and her friend Kathy were standing over us now looking at us as if we were hyperactive children. They weren’t completely wrong to be fair.

Janet was neither thin nor fat. She was about half a foot shorter than me. She was pretty and could be flirty at times without meaning to be. She was Chris’ girlfriend of two or so years. She was also an old enough friend of mine. I had met Janet through a buddy and we had actually gone on a few dates together. Eventually we decided we were better off as friends. I then met Chris while away on holiday with Janet and some other friends and I had introduced the two. They had hit it off since. Janet had brought Kathy along tonight. I had met a couple of times before. She had a very similar body shape to Janet but was a little shorter, with brown hair. She was nice and funny but I didn’t know her all that well. She sort of knew Roger too. I had to admit they both looked stunning. Janet was wearing a tight black dress that cut off mid-thigh. It suited her well. Her black hair was longer than usual and let down. It looked nice. Chris looked scruffy as usual. But it was a scruffy look that suited him. Kathy was wearing a blue low cut dress. Like Janet’s, it ended mid-thigh area and it complimented her body. She was wearing a light fitting opened white shirt over it. Roger ran over to greet them all and I turned my attention to the other side of the room where Jeff was chatting up some girl I didn’t know. Typical Jeff.

The sun started to set as the last of the guests arrived. Even for a large beach house, the place was absolutely packed. I got talking to a lot of new people, and hugged and laughed with familiar faces. I was never allowed to talk to one person for long before I’d be interrupted by someone I knew or pulled away to be introduced to somebody. The laughter in the rooms increased in volume as more alcohol was consumed and soon people were singing and dancing. I eventually managed to drag myself to a corner where Chris, Kathy and Janet were sitting, talking.

“I am going to pass out at this rate. There are so many-” I was cut off by Roger and Sarah grabbing us and pulling us towards a door.

“Come on. You’re gonna wanna see the boat before everyone gets on!” Sarah said excitedly. We happily agreed, taking pleasure from the cold breeze outside. We walked down the small pier to the glorious looking yacht at the end. How Roger’s Dad has given him permission to use this was beyond me. Maybe he hadn’t. We stood beside it, all swaying on the spot from the small gust and the effects of the booze. It only really hit me how drunk I was when I stepped outside.

Roger hurried us on board and began showing us about. We ended in the bridge with Roger showing us all the controls.
“I had something special kept here for this occasion.” He opened a little cupboard which turned out to be a sort of cooler and produced a bottle of champagne and a bunch of glasses. He poured out enough for everyone and gave a toast. Almost straight away, his phone began to ring. “Shit, a fight has broken out. You guys chill here. I’ll be right back”. He ran off the yacht and was gone.

“More champagne for us”, Sarah giggled. Kathy and Janet stepped out onto the deck to get some air while Sarah continued to show me and Chris random gadgets. Somehow, the conversation ended up as a competition between Sarah and Chris over who knew more about boats. I sat to the side, humored by their taunts.

Sarah turned on the engine and began demonstrating her knowledge of all the various controls and screens on board while Chris criticized her. I decided to leave them at it and stumbled outside to the front of the boat. Janet brushed past me. “Hello stranger. I can hear you guys squabbling from outside. I want to see what’s so entertaining. And why has Sarah turned on the engines?”, she chuckled and went inside. I continued across the deck to where Kathy was standing, looking out across the dark bay, her dress and shirt blowing in the wind. I lent on the rail beside her and she jumped in surprise and then laughed.


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