Summer Fun – Chapter 3 – Bartlett Farms by JTrevor

Summer Fun – Chapter 3 – Bartlett Farms by JTrevor

Discover the sultry adventures in 'Summer Fun – Chapter 3 – Bartlett Farms' by JTrevor. Dive into this captivating erotic tale filled with passion, desire, and steamy encounters set against the backdrop of a vibrant summer at the farm. Perfect for fans of seductive storytelling and unforgettable romance!

Pulling over to the side of this back-country road that looks like it’s only traveled on once a week at best, Renee flashes me a devious grin, “It’s okay, we’ve got time for a little fun.” , CHAPTER 3 – BARTLETT FARMS

Five days after finishing the second unit, Renee and I started painting, well, painting and our “other activities”, on the third of the five apartments that need a re-paint this summer. The days in between went better this time, I kept my sex drive in-check. Jacked-off a few times, sure, but overall, I did a much better job of occupying my mind on other things.

The day started off with some good, sloppy (and loud) fucking on the pile of painter’s sheets before we spread them around the apartment to cover the floor. No need to be so quiet in this building so we had our loud music blasting while we were actually working.

Before noon, Bill texted us and brought pizza from Pizza Depot again. He told us once again how good everything looked and likes how well we work together, but he had to leave shortly after to settle another matter. I don’t think that man ever has a chance to sit down and relax.

Renee, once again, snuck in a six-pack of cold beer that we enjoyed with our pizza. Pizza and beer, what a wonderful combination. For dessert, we piled up some sheets into a make-shift bed and had another great screwing session. Between all the awesome sex, free pizza and beer, I have to admit I was beginning to feel a little bit guilty about actually being paid for these wonderful days of helping Renee paint.

By the end of the day, we both stank of sex and sweat. Renee pulls out a duffle bag she brought containing towels, soap and shampoo. “I’m going to take a bubble bath. Do you want to join me?”

“Yeah, that sounds great!”

I uncover the masking from the air conditioning vents, this will help the apartment cool down while Renee draws the bath. She strips down, pulls a small cordless electric shaver from her duffle bag and trims-up the edges of her pubic hair. I like how she takes care to keep it looking nice.

Sitting down on the toilet, she says, “Take your clothes off Sport and come over here.” Without giving a second thought, I drop my shorts, remove my shirt and walk over to stand in front of Renee.

“Do you want me to trim you up a little bit? Do a little man-scaping?”


“Your pubic hair. I can give it a little trim, clean it up for you. Or make some other style, or even trim it all off, if you want?”

“Uh…” I shrug, “What do you think would look best?”

Renee thinks for a moment, running her fingers through my curly patch, “Your pubes come in nice and full. They’re so soft and fluffy, I hate the idea of shaving them off. They look really good on you; I like ‘em anyway…”

She slowly keeps combing her fingers through and enjoying how they feel. In a way, it’s like she’s momentarily mesmerized and lost in her thoughts playing in my private little hairy area. After a while, she says, “I think just a little clean-up trim around the edges should do it.”

“Okay, go for it.”

She gently runs the shaver across the top edge, making it clean and straight. Then she touches up each side where my legs meet my body, making sure to be extra careful with the shaver near my balls. This little bit of attention she’s giving me, trimming up my pubes, is making part of me grow again.

“There you go. That looks perfect!” she says, patting my semi-boner.

She gets in the tub and sits down as I realize that I need to take a leak. “Damn, I should have peed first.”

Renee laughs at me, “Oh, for god’s sake, Sport! Go ahead and pee! It’s not like I’ve never seen anyone do that before.”

Ever notice how awkward it is to urinate when someone is watching? Sitting in the tub right next to the toilet, Renee has a front row seat for the big event. She stares at my penis and giggles at me standing here waiting… waiting for what seems like a mini-eternity. I look up at the ceiling for a while and imagine that I’m all alone, thinking of things I’ll do later today, anything to occupy my mind for my stream to start.

Ahh, there we go, my warm yellow water finally begins to flow…

I glance over and notice she’s watching all of this very closely and enjoying seeing how my pee stream comes out. Once getting over the “being-watched” jitters, I grin to myself and find her interest in what I’m doing to be kind of kinky-sexy in its own way…

With that taken care of, I jiggle it to fling-off any last drops and join her in the tub of bubbly fun. We have a good time soaping each other up. I make sure I do a really extra-good job soaping up all of her girl bits. She makes sure that every square inch of my body, especially my boy-parts, are extra-clean. So much so, that all the soaping and lathering between my legs gives me another nice big, stiff one.

I lean back at one end of the tub. Renee lays back on me, sitting between my legs. “I’m so glad you are helping me with all of this painting, thank you so much Kyle.”

“Absolutely. I really enjoy being with you, and it’s not just because of the… you know… fun we have…”

Renee laughs and then says, with a sigh, “You do know that I will be leaving in a few weeks to go back to school, don’t you?”

“Yeah, I kinda figured that was coming eventually.”

“On the bright side, we still have two more apartments. I saved the best one for last.”

“What’s up with the last one?”

“You’ll just have to wait and see, it’s a surprise.”


Two days later, I get a text from Renee first thing in the morning, “Hey Sport! What-cha doin’?”

“Nothing. Why?” I text back.

“Wanna go for a ride with me out to Bartlett Farms?”


“Cool! Pick you up in half an hour.”

I jump in the shower to help wake myself up.

Being that Mom and Dad have already left for work, I had better let Luke know I’m going to be gone. I poke my head into his room, “Hey, Luke.”

“What? Can’t you see I’m sleeping?”

“I’m going with Renee from work, to help her with something, I’ll be back later.”

“Yeah, yeah… bye…”

On our way out of town, Renee explains that, “Bartlett Farms is the supplier Pizza Depot buys all their fresh produce from. We ran out of onions and their delivery truck is broken down, so it will be a few days before they can ship more.”

“Why can’t you just get more onions at the grocery store?” I ask.

“We could, but it would cost three-times as much and, as you know, we go through a lot of onions.”

“Makes sense.”

“Plus, it’s a beautiful day for a little road trip, I don’t mind driving out.”

“How far is it?”

“A little more than an hour away. I thought you might like to come along and keep me company.”

“Fine with me, I had no plans today.”

We get clear of town and out into the country. Renee and I talk about all kinds of things. “So, what high school did you go to?” I ask.

“Maplewood, same as you. I graduated three years ago.”

“So, you were done the year before I started?”

“Yeah, I liked going there, had a lot of fun on the track team. Do you play on any teams?”

“Nah, I never really got into school sports much. I do sort of like running though.”


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