The Mystery of Lakeview Mall by BashfulScribe

“Putting who on speakerphone?” Nami asked, but Zoe just put a finger to her lips. The phone rang twice, and Angelo, Zoe’s boring old ex, answered. “H-hey, Zoe?”

“Angelo,” Zoe acknowledged coldly. “I need you to tell me again what you found out for me.”

“Again? What do you mean?” Angelo’s voice beamed from the phone.

“I just can’t contact Tyler, so I want to know whatever’s going on.”

“Oh,” he simply said. “Well, it’s probably nothing you need to, like, worry about. He’s not in trouble or anything. He happened to start talking to a few of the popular kids, and he apparently introduced a whole clique of them to this new hideout.”

“Which clique?” Zoe barked.

A chuckle. “I didn’t exactly go down a checklist,” Angelo quipped. “I dunno. The popular ones? More girls than guys. I always thought Tyler was kind of awkward, but he was clearly a hundred percent charm with these w- wait. Were you two… you know…?”

Zoe sighed. “No, we were not a couple, no, I won’t get jealous, so just say everything.”

“Okay. Well, it seemed like the popular girls really liked him. Some, like, really warmed up to him. Allowing him to grab their waists and all that. I don’t think he has, like, one girlfriend, because he was doing that to more than one girl. Guys too. He was being really flirty.”

Zoe and Nami exchanged looks. “And all this since he started hanging out with them? You know, their newest hideout?”

“I guess. It all happened really fast. They don’t usually go in groups. He seems to like to hang out with them one at a time, but that’s just my guess. Zoe, this is starting to feel intrusive. Do I really need to-”

“Keep going!” Zoe ordered.

“That’s all I know! Tyler is hanging out with popular kids. That’s it. That’s all. Is this just because he stopped hanging out with your friend group?”

“This isn’t about that, Angelo.”

“I just feel like you’re calling me to sort out your current boy trouble. And you keep ordering me around. If I have permission to speak freely-”

“Well, you don’t, idiot, this means more than you think.”

“Well, I’m going to speak freely anyway, it seems like I dodged a bullet when you broke up with me.”

The next thing the two girls heard was the dialtone. Zoe attempted to cut in with, “No, Angelo, stop-” She held the phone against her forehead in frustration when she heard the tone. She sighed and looked at Nami in resignation. “He’s bringing other people here.”

“Yeah,” Nami mumbled, her cheeks burning.

“He’s bringing his new friends here. And then they just become like us, they can’t resist him, and – yeah. What’s that thing they say about absolute power?”

“What do we do now?” Nami asked.

“I have no fucking idea. Keep our ears to the ground. Do our best to think the mall is inaccessible.” She looked at Nami, who was looking away, and laughed a sad laugh. “As soon as you can, you’re going in there, aren’t you?”

Nami shamelessly replied, “Yes.” She was already snaking her hand down her leg.

Zoe sighed. “Whatever. I’m biking home. Do what you want, Nami. Do what you want. Text me as soon as you have any kind of plan.”

Zoe didn’t bother looking behind her as she got her bike. Her horniness was a curse. This whole situation was like a pleasure-filled nightmare. And now, she felt more alone than ever.


The worst-case scenario Zoe had feared was happening all around her. Ever since that call, she made a point to be personally involved in the gossip of Hazelwood high. It was like being in the Secret Service or something – to had to parse through a lot of white noise, small stuff and bullshit, but when she found stuff, she hit big, and soon, she was able to deduce a pattern.

The teachers were chalking it up to some huge case of end-of-semester senioritis. Students, especially popular students, were starting to slack in their classes, big-time, with notably more fidgeting and ADHD symptoms or something. Gossip-hungry students were being fed more than ever, with it being more and more clear that certain students were sleeping around.

Almost as if they couldn’t help it.

And sure enough, a lot of these stories traced back to Tyler, worming his way into the popular group. According to one admittedly unreliable source, he got in by convincing some sporty prep boy to come to the mall with him after offering him a trip through an old abandoned building. Of course other students would be adrenaline junkies.

This was where there was a gap in the story. Zoe guessed that he blew the boy after a few visits or something, because it was clear the guy was sold afterwards, and let Tyler into the friend group. Sure enough, after he was in, armed with his new friend’s enthusiastic story about how cool exploring the old mall was, the other students fell like dominoes.

Absurd stories began popping up. “I heard that Steve had a threesome with Jen and Tyler,” “Lena has been slutting it up to anyone that will ask lately,” “Bree handed out blowjobs like they were candy at the last party,” it just went on and on. The rumors got bad, to such an extent Zoe hoped the rumor mill was exaggerating. There was a particularly vile and notably illegal-if-true rumor going around about Mina Harper. Gossip was disgusting, but truth was becoming fouler still.

Zoe needed to know if Nami had some kind of plan. Even though she was under this spell too, if Zoe trusted anyone, she trusted Nami. After school, she texted Nami that she was coming over to her house, and started to bike over, cursing the wetness that accumulated along the way.

As far as Zoe knew, this was irreversible. She was stuck like this. A whole group of Hazelwood’s students, to some extent, had been struck with The Horny Disease and had to worry about it until… menopause? Their whole lives? When did it end? She didn’t know. All she knew was, she seemed to have the resolve to, despite her horniness, do something about it.

Even so, as she knocked on the front door, she thought about quickly eating out Nami to ease her into the conversation. To make the pill easier to swallow, to make them both comfortable. Whatever she had to tell herself.

Realizing Nami’s parents weren’t home yet, she opened the door, calling out quickly, before marching up the stairs and making her way up to Nami’s room.

And then immediately pivoting as soon as she heard the moans. Nami was clearly getting busy in there with some… person. Some boy, if the moans were any indication.

Zoe thought about the threesome she was so close to having with Tyler and Nami, and her hand traced lines around her pussy, beneath her jeans. She moaned as her fingers brushed past her clit, then realized the trap she was getting herself into. With great restraint, she pulled her hand out of her pants and cleared her throat. She couldn’t. Not like this.

Walking down the stairs and out the door, she whipped out her phone and texted Nami again.

I knocked but no one was there. This is an emergency, DEFCON One. Please come to the park as soon as you can.

There was a park right by Nami’s house, and it was a good place to meet her if it was too awkward and… tempting to stay at her house. Zoe simply, and nervously, stayed in the park, not only knowing it was close to Nami but also knowing she wouldn’t dare lose herself masturbating on a park bench or anything. Annoyingly, an hour passed before Nami even responded.

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