The Photo by Dingg007

The Photo by Dingg007

Discover 'The Photo' by Dingg007, an erotic sex story that ignites desire and passion. Dive into a tantalizing narrative filled with steamy encounters and unexpected twists. Perfect for readers seeking captivating adult fiction that thrills and seduces. Experience the allure now!<br/>

Boys are naturally sporty. Two boys find young love in the court as they realize that competition is a very good form of bonding , Poster’s notes

This is a story originally posted on Nifty by a friend of mine. On his behalf (because for some reason, he couldn’t get an account here), I’m posting it here. He reckons people who read here might like it too.

While waiting for the next chapter of my friend’s series “Webcam Boys” (which admittedly is taking a long while), I decided to post another of his stories here to make up for the long wait, though this is one of his earlier (if not the first) stories. What follows is a mostly true event* that happened to my friend when he was younger, and he wrote it from his recollections once he got older and better at writing. Only his name was changed for the sake of the story. Also for reference, the sport the story is referencing is badminton.

He highly appreciates feedback, criticism and encourages people to spot any typos or errors and if you wish to email him he’s at:

I hope you enjoy his story.


The Photo

“So what’s your name?” the coach asked the new boy.

“Christopher. But you can call me Topher.” the boy replied in a cheeky yet respectful manner.

I was present during this little introduction, and I saw the new boy for the first time. He was probably four feet and eight inches tall. He had a mop of dark brown hair that was naturally messy but in a way that looked good. He was fair-skinned like a dream come true. He wasn’t too lean or fat either, just the regular amount of boyfat a boy like him would have. His cheeks were smooth and soft-looking just as a child’s would be, and yet there was something more. He had an air of confidence that I never saw on any of our new recruits before. Really though, the first thing that came to my mind was ‘hell, he’s the cutest boy I’ve ever seen’.

That being said, I was practically ogling at Topher the whole time I was there. Suddenly, an idea sprung up within me, among other things.

“Hey coach, mind if I teach the new kid the ropes?” being one of the older and more experienced players, I was expected to do these things. No one said that this expectation denied ulterior motives.

“That’s a good idea, Martin. You guys can go over to court seven and do some drills. You can have a practice match later if you want.”

So that’s how Topher got to stand in front of me at court seven, with the face of an overeager kid wanting to learn and at the same time the swagger of a veteran who wanted to do better things.

“So new kid, what’s your name?” I already knew, but it seemed as good a conversation starter as any.


“Topher?” Now, I wouldn’t be truthful if I said I wasn’t serious about his name sounding too dorky to continuously say. Sure, his whole first name was Christopher, and that Topher was the logical nickname, but at that point, I just had to give him a personal nickname. Besides, I read somewhere once that name-calling belied a certain measure of authority, so I went with it. ”Sounds like a ‘gopher’. I might switch the two if I keep calling you that, and you might get pissed at me. Say, why don’t I call you ‘Tophy’?”

“But I like ‘Topher’…” he was faking a pout, and that made him all the more boyishly charming. It took a lot of my willpower just to keep a straight face.

“Don’t worry, if you really want it that way, then I’ll be the only one who calls you ‘Tophy’. Just between us.” I gave him a wink, and he seemed to lighten up at the thought of some secret codename that’s exclusive to just us. I could feel it then; he began to open up a little bit more.

“Alright Tophy, coach wants me to see how good you are, so we’ll have our very own court to play in before I move you up to the regular training.”

“Wait, why are you gonna be the one to train me? We’re practically the same age!” he complained with a hint of overconfidence. I guess he thought that being the same age meant that I was supposed to suck.

“That’s just the thing, Tophy. I’m—wait how old are you anyway?”

“I’m eleven. Why, aren’t you?

Okay, so puberty had yet to give me my manly appearance and I admit that I was still looking a bit too young for my age, not that I was complaining.

“Well, believe it or believe it, I’m already thirteen. So trust me to know more than you, kiddo.” I said with a laugh. His half open mouth shouted incredulity at how I’m older despite the small one inch difference in height.

“Anyway, let’s get started!”

I got him through the basic drills. Leg exercises, obstacle jogs, relays, that sort of thing. I was amazed at how good Tophy already was at these things. It was obvious he was already trained before he ever came here. Another thing that caught my notice was how his cute legs were boyish yet muscular enough to be agile, and how it showed a lot because of his sporty shorts being really, well, short.

“Damn, you were good out there! You’ve trained before, haven’t you?”

“Yeah. My family is staying around here for a while and this was the nearest court, but back home I was already in a team.”

“No wonder you’re a boy wonder.” I laughed. He knew I was teasing and laughed along, but not without an obligatory jab at my shoulder.

“Okay, you’re good at running, but let’s see you with a racquet. C’mon, one on one with me.” I smirked a bit arrogantly. To my surprise, he returned the smirk, with an even more amused one. It just occurred to me that he was also sizing me up.

So we got into playing. With every hit I made, he returned it with equal force. I used all of my tactics and ability to the point where I wasn’t even taking it easy on him. I made it serious. But I was seriously challenged. Tophy showed that he could counter all my moves and give good ones from his own side. I barely won our game with only a couple of points in my favour. I didn’t just break a sweat, I was sweating buckets. The same seemed true of him. We just looked at each other through the net and it seemed like the same thought hit us at the same time: we were equals. We both smiled. And just for me, this realization made me fall for him that much more.

They say that you can only truly know a guy when you trade blows with him. Well, in our game, we certainly did that. In that instant, we were friends.

From that day on, I was always with Tophy during trainings. Forget the whole student-teacher relationship, we were best buds. I always partnered off with him, and coach even saw it fit to always make sure I was with him since we got along so well. At break times, we’d be sitting on a bench talking about everything and nothing and joking and laughing like we’d known each other for years. When we play, he’s one of the few who can seriously keep up with my fast hits. My other friends there couldn’t help but notice how close we were. They said we were like rivals on those kids’ cartoons, except we weren’t actually fighting. Well, it did seem that way, but there was one thing they didn’t know. I was falling for Tophy faster than a maglev.
Pretty soon, the whole court knew me and Tophy as the ‘twins’ on account of him and me always being together and almost looking the same. Well, we both looked like kids anyway. Everybody also took to just calling him Tophy like me. He seemed to like it.

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