Tina and the Stuffed Pussy – Chapter 7 The Breadstick Dilemma by JujunAnon


Eddie looks down at Tina ready and submitting in front of him. Unbelievable how she is holding up to this molestation. She’s really not going to like this one! Eddie looks at the tray of frozen bread sticks that Silvia is holding up to the crowd and picks one. He gives it an exaggerated huff on the end causing a frigid fog to waft up into the warm air of the bar. Some of the crowd let out raucous laughter as they pick up on where this is going!

“Not a problem Tina, your wish is our command. Only cold dough here!” he responds agreeably.

With that pronunciation Eddie thrusts the frozen dough into Tina’s spread cunt. The icy dough spearing into her hot snatch receives the intended reaction. Tina’s eyes go wide and her mouth forms an “O” in surprise before she shoots up from the chair with a yelp.

“Eddie!” Tina’s yelp is a mix of surprise and horror. Phil again has her arms causing her to prance helplessly in front of the audience with the frozen dough jutting lewdly out in front of her.

“There’s just no pleasing you Tina!” Eddie exclaims in mock consternation. “You said no hot bread in your cunt so I sent Silv on a special trip to the freezer to get you some cold dough and here you are complaining again!”

“Fuck its COLD!” Tina yelps, shaking her pelvis until the icy stick slides out and onto the floor with a hard thud.

“Bad girl Tina! You don’t get to just throw my gifts on the floor after I take the time to stuff your needy little pussy!”

With that proclamation Eddie grabs a second stick from Silvia’s tray and forcibly shoves it between Tina’s thighs, forcing it back up into her puss.

“Now! You keep that stuffed in your cunt or I get out the tape and make sure it stays in place.”

“Eddie! Pleassee!” Tina begs. “Its burning me inside its so cold.”

Eddie looks thoughtful. “Tell you what Teenster. You’ve been pretty good tonight so we’ll compromise. After all I don’t want to damage the goods. I’ll set a timer for 2 minutes… when the timer goes off we’ll stop the music and whichever table you are servicing can give you a hand by removing your frozen friend and then fingering your pussy for 30 seconds or so to warm your hot little pussy back up… then they can outfit you with a nice fresh frozen fuck stick for your cunt. How’s that for a deal!”

Eddie watches with glee as Tina’s expression moves from helpless horror to a kind of resigned acceptance culminating in a defeated “ok”.

I waddle helplessly back to the bar to pick up the next drink order. I know I look ridiculous because I am walking with my legs apart trying to relieve some contact with the icy stick. I am just taking drinks to the second table when the bar goes silent. Before I even know what is happening a crowd of drunk men has me by the arms and legs. I scream as I am held up in the air and my thighs are spread. I feel the breadstick pulled from my vagina and it is quickly replaced with someone’s finger.

I squirm helplessly in my captor’s arms as the finger in my pussy starts rapidly thrusting. Other fingers spread my labia and stroke my clit while still more hands push up under my bra stretching it out away from my boobs before it lets go and is ripped completely off my body.

I am screaming continuously in confusion as I buck on the fingers fucking my crotch while I try to get away from the rough hands that are squeezing, twisting, and mawling my boobs.

My confusion moves to panic and I scream “Edddiee Help!” “No eeeeeeee,” I squeal as I feel a second finger slide in and stretch my poor abused puss.

“Woooeeee boys! I think you got her good and warmed up! Let’s get her back on her feet”.

Eddie, Silv, and Phil move in and pull people away from me and I feel myself being lowered to the ground but my legs don’t support me and I crumple to the floor and curl up. I don’t know if I am sobbing, panting, or hyperventilating. My mind is just hoping if I stay curled up on the floor somehow it will be over. I hear Silvia and Eddie talking above me. Silvia is yelling and sounds angry.

A few seconds later Silvia is crouched down by me. “It’s ok Tina. We got a little carried away there but you’re done for the night”. She says “done” firmly and glares at Eddie who is looking a little abashed.

Silv helps me to my feet and I stand up unsteadily. It vaguely registers that I am topless and my boobs are again on display to the bar. Silvia hugs me close and helps me over to a high top chair. “We are all done with promotions for tonight Tina. Let’s just serve some beer and get this bar closed.”

I sob in relief and choke out a “thank you Silvia”.

In a daze I follow Silv back and forth from bar to table dressed in nothing but stockings and crotchless panties but just thankful to know that all I need to do is survive an hour serving beer and I can go home.

When the night finally ends and we close for the weekend Silv sends me home without even asking me to help clean-up the bar. I expect a visit from my molesting boss so I don’t even bother to shower or change out of my street clothes before passing out on my bed.

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