A Ghostly Haunting-Chapter Nine by SimonFear01

A Ghostly Haunting-Chapter Nine by SimonFear01

Ashley goes to stay at her Girlfriend’s house for a few nights. Mr. & Mrs.

Logan stay at the house, but something horrific befalls them. , A Ghostly Haunting Chapter Nine by Simon Fear The year is 1794 early in the morning around 9:00. A small two-person horse drawn carriage is slowly traveling down the dirt road through the wooded area.

As the man nears his destination He notices another horse drawn carriage with a man standing near by, and at his side a great dog. The man pulls his horse to the side bringing his carriage up next to the other one and hops down. The other man had been watching him approached from the distance and now moves closer.

The man who had just pulled up was wearing a suit made for that time, his collar upturned. He notices that the man who was already there was wearing a military uniform of blue color, customary for soldiers of the new country now known as The United States. The suited man pulls from his carriage a leather satchel full of papers and then walks over to the soldier extending his hand.

“Mr. Selmer I presume, allow me to introduce myself, I am Daniel Stern representing the..

.” he stopped as the soldier raised his hand up. “It’s Lieutenant actually.

” Mr. Stern was taken aback from the abrupt interruption but then recomposed himself, “Beg my pardon sir, I did not realize, I do not know how to tell one ranking officer from another.” Lt.

Selmer finally reached out his and shook hands with Mr. Stern, “Quite all right Mr. Stern.

I take it all the documents are ready for me to sign?” Mr. Stern nodded his head, “Yes Lt.

Selmer. Since the war is over the new government gave you choice of claim for 200 acres of land. All the documents have been received and are now ready for you to sign, to finish the deal.

” Lt. Selmer nodded his head in approval, “Tell me something, the land surrounding the property that is about to mine, does anyone own it?” Mr.

Stern had to think for a moment. “No sir, it belongs right now to governing board of the town, ready to be purchased. Valuable farming land I must say, rich soil.

Land is being sold to farmers east of your property but no one has yet bought the land west and south of your property boundaries. The land north of this dirt road here belongs to William Pritchett and he was eyeing this bit of property here but was unable to afford at this time. I must admit he was not happy when he found out that some one was getting it for free.

” A look of anger passed over Lt. Selmer’s face, “Free, hardly. I have served during the whole war freeing us from the tyrant in Britain.

By all means, I believe I have earned it through my loyal services as a patriot for our new nation.” Mr. Stern stepped back, “Forgive me sir, I did not mean that badly in any way, I too am a patriot and loyal to our nation, but I was only telling it how Mr.

Pritchett put it.” The dark look on Lt. Selmer’s face faded as he turned to face his new property.

Then turning back to Mr. Stern he smiled, “Mr. Stern I wish to add another 600 acres to this property here.

How soon can the deal be made?” Mr. Stern scratched his chin for a minute.

“If you can come by my office tomorrow say about noon time we can go over the map to see exactly what is open for sale and then I can fix up the documents and have them ready to sign within a weeks time, once payment is received and the town governing board sign the appropriated documents, but I will say that 600 acres will cost a fortune. These soils are widely sought after.” Lt.

Selmer nodded his head, “Money is no problem for me. I inherited a small fortune from my parents when they passed away. I wish to cultivate this land and farm it, and raise my children up here.

” Mr. Stern smiled, “Aye, perfect place to raise children, I have two children myself, well they are grown up now and married but still children to me. They grow up so fast you know.

How old are your children Lt. Selmer?” Lt.

Selmer smiled, “Three beautiful daughters, the oldest is 12, then 11, and the youngest is 9. I have missed a lot of their growing up because of the war, but they are growing up to be beautiful women. They are home with their mom, most beautiful woman I have ever set eyes on.

She came up here a year ago with me when we started looking for land to claim. We found this spot and thought it perfect for our future home. Already have the plans made up.

” Mr. Stern nodded his head, “Wanting to get away from the noisy life I bet.” Lt.

Selmer, “That’s pretty much it, I’m ready to settle down, we all are.” Mr. Stern pulled out some papers and an ink well and quill.

Setting them down on the back of his buggy he handed Lt. Selmer the quill. “If you will just sign the forms here.

There are two sets of each document, one for you and one for our records.” Lt. Selmer dipped the quill into the ink well and began signing the papers.

Once he was finished Mr. Stern folded up his copies and placed them into a large envelope, and then sealed it. He place that envelope back into his satchel and handed Lt.

Selmer his copies. He shook hands with Lt. Selmer one last time and then got into his carriage, “Good day to you sir, I will be seeing you tomorrow at noon time?

I’ll have the misses fix up a nice lunch for us as so we won’t have to go over the details on empty stomachs.” Lt. Selmer nodded his head, “I can’t wait Mr.

Stern, tomorrow at noon it is then.” With that Mr. Stern steered his horse around and pulled back out into the dirt road and began his horse at a trot heading back into town.

Lt. Selmer got into his own carriage and whistled at his dog. The great German Shepherd, who had been lazying around the shady trees got up and jumped into the buggy and Lt.

Selmer started his horse drawn carriage down the road as well. Present Day, Third Day after the Logans have moved into the Selmer House: It was a little after 1:00 in the morning when most of the police officers had left the Logan’s house. Two local officers were still there with them for protection.

They were sitting at the kitchen table playing cards, dressed in slacks and sports jackets. Mrs. Logan had fixed a pot of coffee for the officers and served it to them for which they were very grateful, “Thank you Mrs.

Logan. I have to say it has been a long night and this coffee will pick me back up,” Officer Myers said. Officer Tyler nodded his head, “It sure is good, but you really didn’t have to go through the trouble of fixing this for us, especially with everything you and your family have been through.

” Mrs. Logan smiled, “It’s the least I can do, you are guest in our home. Is there anything I can fix for you guys to eat?

” Both officers shook their heads, “Please don’t trouble your self Mrs. Logan we’ll be fine.” Mrs.

Logan nodded, “I have fixed up the bed in the spare room on the second floor.” Officer Myers shook his head, “If it’s all the same to you ma’am we will probably stay down here so we can hear if anyone attempts to come in. Wouldn’t be wise for us to fall asleep in a comfy bed.


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