Abducted by ncswinger

When they decided it was getting late, Sam led her to the door of the car and opened it for her as any gentleman should. She took her place in the car and waited for him to enter. Just as Sam was reaching for the door handle Candice heard the most disheartening sound she had ever heard.


This was the sound of Sam getting hit with an aluminum baseball bat in the back of the head. Just after she heard this, she saw Sam’s head come through the driver side window, shattering it to a million pieces. Whatever was happening to him just kept going. As he was sliding down the door, the same sound was resounding, with more and more force. She realized what was going on; Sam was getting beaten with that bat. She immediately began to let out the most blood curdling scream as she was reaching for her cell phone to call the police. As she was dialing 911 the horror that she didn’t know exactly where she was hit her like a ton of bricks. Just as she dropped the cell phone and began to open the door to run, she became aware that the sounds had stopped. She heard nothing at all in fact. She called Sam’s name, but he didn’t answer. She slowly opened the door and stood up. She looked around and didn’t see anyone, so she slowly walked around the front of the car to take a look at Sam. He was beaten very badly and barely hanging on to life. His breaths were bubbly and he was groaning from the pain. She looked for his keys, but couldn’t find them. They weren’t in the ignition of the car and not in his pockets. She told Sam to hang in there and she was going to get some help. Just as she stood and turned to run toward the road there was a searing pain in the left side of her head.

As she woke up, the horror of what had happened set in again. She began to scream as she realized that she didn’t know where she was. It was a dark room with cement walls and a very low ceiling. The floor was dirty with feces and what smelled like a combination of urine, blood, and vomit. She was wearing her sweater and white cotton panties. She had no idea where her pants were, but that was the last of her worries right now. Right now she needed to figure out where she was and how she could get away. Searching frantically for a door or window, she came across a metal hatch along the third wall. She was very disoriented as the room was almost pitch black. She felt the hatch from top to bottom and side to side and found no way to open the door. As she started to bang on the door, the door flew open and hit her in the forehead, sending her flying backwards onto the dirty floor. As she regained her bearings she caught the first glimpse of her assailant. She couldn’t make out any distinguishing marks, but she did see that he was approximately 6’2” tall and heavy, he had to be around 350 pounds. She could tell he was bald and he seemed to walk with a limp.

“Shut the fuck up and listen to me, bitch!”

She did exactly what he said.

“If you ever want to get out of this alive, then you will do exactly what I tell you and say nothing about it. Do you understand me?”

She nodded.

“You will eat when I say, you will sleep when I say, and you will fuck when I say. Do you got that?”

Again, she nodded, but this time she began to sob as she thought about how her virginity was sacred to her. Sam and she had planned to lose their virginity together on their honeymoon, and now that plan is ruined.

“I said, shut the fuck up! I don’t want to hear that goddamned sobbing bullshit!”

With that said he raised his hand, balled his fist, and punched her right in the forehead. The only thing she remembers is the bright light from being punched and the pain of hitting the floor very hard.

When she woke again, the room was dark. Darker this time it seemed. She began to stand up, but lost her balance and fell hard on the floor, landing on her right knee. Hearing the noise, the beast of a man went to the hatch and opened it, carefully this time. The light flooded the room and she winced at the pain it struck in her eyes. She dared not to make a noise or cry for fear of being hit once again. She had a searing pain in her head, worse than a migraine headache. Her eyesight was coming back to her and she was able to see more of this mammoth man. He was white, probably in his late twenties or early thirties, bald, and had a long goatee. Candice was trying to remember everything she could about this man for she was to tell the police whenever she got out of this, better yet, IF she got out of this.

“Do you know what’s happening?”

She shook her head yes.

“If you do as I say, you will eventually be able to leave here, and in one piece.”

Candice shook her head yes and looked to the floor, wanting to cry. She knew what would happen if she did, so she decided to just keep quiet.

“What’s your name?” he asked.

“Candice” she replied.

“Well Candice, people call me Repoman. You might want to get used to calling me that, because you will be here for a while. Now let me ask you a question Candice, are you still a virgin?”

“Yes” she replied, with a whimper in her voice.

“I have brought you here to get you pregnant, and have the baby. My wife and I cannot have any kids and there are no babies in the system to adopt. We have been looking for candidates all over, and you caught our eye. You are smart, beautiful, and wealthy. Now if you behave, maybe we can eventually take you from this room and into something more suitable, but if you do anything stupid, that possibility will be lost. You will stay in this room for a while so that when and if you are to leave this room, you will appreciate where you go then and you won’t want to come back here. Do you understand?”

“Yes, sir.” Candice replies wearily.

“Well then, I guess the time has come for you to lose your virginity.”

Candice begins to cry. The man leaves the room and shuts the hatch behind him. Candice thinks about Sam and wonders if he is okay. She thinks back to all the plans and promises made, and it makes her fall deeper into depression. She thinks of ramming her head into the concrete wall over and over to try to kill herself, but decides that it would only knock her out. She thinks of trying to fight the man off and maybe he would just kill her if she was too much to handle, but she again decides against that as she wants to see her family and Sam again. However, she does decide not to give her virginity away without a fight. Just as she stops crying, the hatch opens yet again. She is shocked to see two people in the bright light this time. She sees the man called Repoman, and she also sees a woman. The woman looks to be also in the late twenties, with short hair, and probably 145 pounds.

“Candice, its time.” he says in a deep voice.

As Candice thinks about what is about to happen she gets sick to her stomach. Suddenly she vomits, and the man and woman laugh at her.

“It will only hurt for a few minutes.” the woman says.

“If you relax, you just might enjoy it, hell, I’ve never had any complaints.” Repoman says with a chuckle in his voice.

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