Attacked at Home by Princess_jasmine

Attacked at Home by Princess_jasmine

Indulge in a thrilling journey of desire and danger with “Attacked at Home” by Princess_jasmine. This provocative erotic tale explores the unexpected encounters that awaken hidden passions and fantasies. Get ready for a steamy dive into a world where pleasure and peril collide, igniting your imagination like never before. Are you ready to be captivated?

Snuggled up and lying on the sofa, I rest my left arm over Nick’s stomach. My head lies on his chest against his heart that gently beats against my ear, as his left arm pulls me close and subconsciously strokes the back of my right hand. We lay there watching a film, I’m not sure what it’s called since I’m not really paying attention to it, instead I just close my eyes and breath in the manly scent of his lynx deodorant and cool water after shave as they combine together to make a very sexy combination that for some reason makes me feel safe and loved. His chest slowly rises and falls with each breath he takes. Lifting my head I look at him, willing him silently to lower his mouth to mine. Looking back at me he smiles as his lips start to move closer to mine just as I hear the doorbell ring

“Damn” I say quickly pressing my lips to his “hold that thought, it’s probably the Chinese, you get the door I’ll grab the money” I groan feeling moisture pool between my thighs at the thought of what was bound have happened if the door hadn’t rung. He laughs as he sits up and makes his way to the door, slapping my arse gently as I turn to the kitchen leaving him to make the rest of the way to the door alone
“Such a horny girl I have” he calls over his shoulder to me a smile over his face and a sparkle in his eyes that are filled with his love for me.

“You love it” I call back, hearing him mumble something that sounded like ‘hell yeah I do’, Smiling to myself I pull his wallet from the kitchen draw and go through it to pull out a few tens. Suddenly I hear a strange male voice rise in the hall followed by Nick’s sudden shout asking what the hell is going on. Confused and annoyed I make my way to the door to see what’s happening when hand suddenly captures my mouth smothering a scream


the hand pulls tighter over my mouth, dragging me against the owners hard chest, the smell of beer and cigarette’s fills my nose as I’m turned towards the door allowing me see Nick pushed against the hall wall, a man not much older than him maybe thirty-two with dark brown hair and a tribal tattoo covering his right arm from his shoulder to his wrist is holding a sharp knife to Nick’s throat. Fear quickly wipes away my confusion and annoyance as the man standing in front of him leans closer to his face and growls at him to shut up, his foot kicks back to push the door closed blocking any chance of a passer-by seeing what’s happening and calling the police.

“Now…” says the man holding Nick “if you both do as we say I promise you will both live” as his eyes slide over to me I notice there is not a promise not to hurt us, just that we will live.

“We don’t have much money” Nick says through gritted teeth “you can have what we got but it’s not much”
The man holding me laughs,

“We don’t want your money!” his bad English accent booming around the hall

Looking back and forth between the two men Nick looks confused “what do you want then?” he asks just before he notices both men’s gaze fall on me

“NO” he screams, a new determination surging through him. he launches forward knocking the man and his knife out of the way, anger and hatred covering his face as he licks the man before him and makes his way to me “GET THE FUCK OFF HER NOW” he shouts about to grab me out of the way but the man he kicked grabs his ankle making him to trip and fall to the floor.

Suddenly I’m pulled back further down the hall away from the two men on the floor as they start to fight, fists flying between them, I see Nick grab the man and pin him down as he straddles his waist, his right fist connecting with the man’s cheek. I lean forward before thrusting my head back against the nose of the man holding me, I can see the knife the other man was holding on the floor by the door `if I can just get to it I can stop this’ I think to myself, one hand releases me but not for long, it comes back with a growl from the owner and an even bigger knife which he presses against my throat hard enough to just pierce the skin and small drops of blood to drip down the blade and trail down my neck, his other hand moves from my mouth and holds my head back against his chest as I gasp at the sharp pinch of the knife, the sound of my gasp pulls Nicks eyes to me, he sees the blood and stops punching the other man, his right hand still raised.

“FUCK SAKE JACK, WHY DIDN’T YOU FUCKING HELP ME?” the man screams at the one behind me
“I’m holding the girl aint I? You can’t deal with one man? Get the fuck up Tommy and let’s get this moving. This little bitch is squirming and making my cock hard” the man behind me replies, his words register with my brain and I stop moving straight away, the thought that I’m getting him hard makes me queasy.
With my head held uncomfortably far back I try to ask what they want, still not realising what Nick already has. A hot breath creeps over my ear as Jack leans down and whispers


My heart stops for a moment, my mind going blank and I freeze in the spot “w…why?” I ask
A smile plays over Tommy’s face, “we been watching you aint we, you’re a very pretty girl. That body of yours just screams sex. You think you’re too good though. You ignore us” he says as he pulls Nick back up to a standing position and pushes him hard against the wall, bending down he picks the knife he dropped up and turns to Nick again “and you do anything like that again and I will slit your throat in front of your misses you understanding me?”

Anger and pure hate fill Nick face, it’s clear he wants to do a lot more than just punch Tommy but the sound of my gasp makes him look at me and see Jack pushing the knife harder into my neck. Fear clouds his eyes “I understand, just don’t hurt her” he says

Tommy takes hold of Nick’s upper arm as the arm Jack is using to hold the knife to my throat snakes round my waist and lifts me up and closer to him and drags me towards the bedroom. As Jack gets to work handcuffing me to the bed to keep me still, Tommy forces Nick into a chair and uses some rope he has in his pocket to tie Nick to it making sure it’s tight enough that he can’t move. Once I’m cuffed securely Jack moves over and helps Tommy to cut way Nick’s clothing

“You touch her and I will find you, I will kill you and I will do it slowly do you understand” Nick growls
Laughing they cut way his jeans and boxers leaving his cock exposed, together they lift the chair and bring it up close to the bed so he will have a close view of everything they have planned

“Wouldn’t want you to be uncomfortable when you get hard watching us fuck your girl” says Jack

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