Barbarian Conquest continued by dale

Barbarian Conquest continued by dale

Perhaps History Rewritten 1066 AD , He opens the door.

Yes, she is still hanging in the swing. She cannot help but look at his face.

He smiles, were it not for where she was and what he had already done to her he would seem almost friendly but as he closes and locks the door she knows that nothing has changed. The humiliation and pain will continue.

He walks over, turns her till she is off the chamber pot then moves it aside while holding her so she does not turn and get lower. He moves the nasty cloth away from beneath her too.

‘I am ready to taste more of your treats my lady’. ‘As I told you, we have only just begun’.

Holding her steady he lays down under her again. He lowers her to the point that he can rub his thickening dick against her moist labia and enjoys how she looks away. So ashamed, so humble now.

Nice and hard he turns her down lower, his dick entering her easily now. She has given up her pussy to him. Her sweet tight cunt his to use as he wishes now.

He turns her till she is facing him and he can thrust deep into her.

He watches as his shaft goes in and out of her. Sometimes letting all of himself come out so he can rub his knob on her lips and clit. Her body is so beautiful. The way her large full breasts bounce with each thrust. Her soft firm stomach moving with him. He thinks to himself he could look at her, do this to her forever. So glad she had not been killed or taken during the battle.

Plunging it back into her deep. Pushing it as deep in her as possible. Using her pussy. Loving how tight she is. No blood but still plenty of cum to make her hot and slick for his strokes. Loving how the net makes her pussy bulge out and the web pinches her skin. Giving her a little relief from the web by lifting her body with his pelvis when he slams his dick into her hard and deep.

Looking at her beautiful face, contorted and avoiding his eyes. He fucks her and fucks her. Moving the swing completely around so her wet tight pussy has to squeeze him and make him moan loudly. Turning her fast then stopping when he feels himself too close to cumming. Enjoying his beautiful naked prize.

With her turned away from him he admires the lovely curve of her back, her soft pretty white shoulders, her long hair though tangled in the web coming down to her slim waist. Delicious hips and butt. Watching how her pussys lips are around him so tight. Such a wonderful sight. The labia kissing his shaft with each stroke.

His eyes fix upon the little tight star that is her unspoiled back entrance. He is near to cumming and decides to let his ardor cool for a moment. Then he will take his pleasure in her back door.

Thrusting in and out of her very slowly. Watching her tremble and hearing her cursing him. Savoring her completely.

‘If the time and place had been different I would have asked your father for you as my wife’. ‘You will never love me but you are mine just the same’. ‘If my plans are fruitful you will wear the crown of a queen and bear me fine sons’.

She snarls at him. She curses him. But she knows that is her fate. She belongs to him as does her country. He has taken her and it by force and she will have to accept that or kill herself when she gets the chance.

Letting his dick come out completely he slides out from under her letting her spin down to almost touch the floor.

She watches him get up, his hard dick flapping as he walks to the table. Gets the small bowl of grease and returns to stand in front of her face. His dick at the level of her eyes.

‘I have this grease to make my entrance into your ass easy and good feeling for me’. ‘You may put off this pleasure by taking me with your lips my lady’.

Her eyes flash fire again and she spits at him. ‘Never’, she snarls.

He bends, sits the small bowl down and grabs her face between his hands. He kisses her hard, not allowing her room to bite or even speak.

Letting her go, he winds her up enough to get back under her. Slides his dick back inside her and fucks her till he is once again near to cumming. He slowly turns her, loving the feeling of her tight pussy squeezing around his dick.

With her faced away he pauses and gets a nice glob of the grease on his finger tips. She cries out when he smears it on her anal opening then takes another and pushes it inside her. She knows his intent now and begs him not to take her that way.

‘It is too horrible to think about’. ‘Please before God spare me that, please’!

He just smiles. ‘You had your chance to put this off by taking my seed with your beautiful mouth’. ‘It is now time for you to know this other pleasure’. ‘Fear not’. ‘Your sweet pussy has me ready to fill you again and this excites me’. ‘I will not use you long before you draw my seed into your body again’.

With her still pleading he comes out of her pussy and presses his knob against her well lubed flower. As before she squeezes to try and prevent his entrance but he turns her, lowering her own weight to make him press into her harder and harder. He loves how tiny her pussy looks when she is facing him and he touches her, fingering her clit and rubbing it to make it harder.

His dick enters her at last. She cries out that it hurts. He thrusts hard, trying to force himself pass her sphincter muscle. Her wails and moans help her, make it feel less like she will shit herself and he pushes inside her deeper and deeper as the grease makes her slick and easy to enter.

He bites his lip, he wants to cum but not yet. He wants this badly. Wants to fuck this tight hot hole till it takes his cum from him.

Halfway in, pushing harder, she’s crying now. Turning her so he can rub her clit and stroke in her too. The grease everywhere on them both. Nasty but hot and so slick.

A loud grunt as he gets it completely in her. He looses all control and restraint and fucks her harder and harder, his climax boiling to a head.

Cumming, spurting, jetting his jizz into her. Yelling himself. Fucking her ass till he starts to go soft. Letting him shrink out of her to lay with her wet on his body. Exhausted from so hard an orgasm.

She is relieved to be free of him. She still sobs and curses him in a low voice but she is so tired too. Her ordeal has been hard and she is exhausted completely.

He is tired too. He fought a hard battle today and now he has fucked this beautiful creature twice. Giving her all his energy. His lust is sated for now.

He stands again, wipes himself on the cloth and reaches down and wipes her to get off most of the grease. The room smells of the grease and sex. Though it is quite cool outside he is sweaty from his exertions.

‘Would you like a drink of water my lady’?

‘Yes’, in a quiet little voice.

He pours water in the cup from the pitcher on the table. Holds it for her to drink her fill. He pours it full again and when she refuses more he drinks it.

She is wound down now and he moves her in the web to relieve some of the sore places. She watches him as he does. Hate but relief in her face also.

He considers taking her out and chaining her to the bed for sleep and more sex but decides she is not tame enough for that yet.


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