Boarded by doll1

She was being drug backwards into a darkened room. Someone large seemed to fall on top of her, pinning her to the deck, almost knocking the wind from her. She felt hands on her. Tossing her around, she felt someone else grabbing for her arms and legs. A pair of hands grabbed her skull and held her steady as a wide strip of some type of tape was slapped across her mouth. An instant latter, a strip was stretched across her eyes completely blinding her.

She felt several more strips and layers being applied and some large hand pressed them firmly into place. She heard the ripping sound of more tape and felt the sting as it was violently wrapped around her wrists and ankles. The pull on the hairs of her wrists made any attempt to move painful. She was now completely helpless. She felt someone push her up against a soft cushion. A strong hand held her there.

If she moved, it pushed her back.

What had happened? Where were Tom and Chad?

“Oh My God Kelly’s alone” Ellen panicked. In her dark prison Ellen heard or saw nothing for quite some time. Then there were muffled loud voices, and she could feel running feet on the hull.

The strips of tape over her eyes had extended to cover her ears also. This made hearing difficult. Ellen was helpless. She realized that the same must have been happening to TOM and Chad.

Ellen thought she heard Kelly’s voice, shouting and noise then came from nearby. They were all speaking Spanish and the shouting continued. Several muffled voices barked commands as rustling and footsteps continued.

Then suddenly, things grew quiet and voices seemed subdued. Ellen had no idea how long she had sat in total darkness. It seemed like hours as she struggled to sit up. The tape ripped at her skin each time she tried to move.

She was aware that this was some sort of small closet or storage area. She was a prisoner. She could tell someone was still with her in the small room.

After what seemed an eternity she heard a door latch open, and a fresh breeze of air filled the small area. Suddenly strong hands gripped her body and jerked her to a standing position. She cringed at the pain caused by the sticky tape. She was lifted, and carried along a narrow hall.

She struck her head several times against things as she was carried along. Quickly loud shouts and orders were barked. Ellen was dropped onto some sort of couch. Ellen grimaced as the pain from the tape pulling on her skin was excruciating. She could feel the presence of others. She was now in a larger space and could feel fresh sea air blowing. The faint stench of smoke was still in the air.

She sat for quite some time like this.

At least being up on a couch had allowed her to bring her legs together. The tapes pull was less painful as she tried to stay upright. There was a constant chatter and barking of orders all in what Ellen believed to be some type of Spanish. There was banging and clunking sounds as people moved past her. Excited phrases constantly filled the area where Ellen sat.

After what must have been an hour, things seemed to calm down. Ellen found was able to move just slightly around in her spot.

She could sense someone very close to her.

“Was it Tom, or one of her children?” she wondered.

Scooting slightly and then leaning she pressed against a body to her left and felt the strong shoulders of her husband. She recognized the aftershave and believed it was indeed Tom. The nudge she felt back made her heart leap. It was Tom, It had to be him. She was certain.

She wanted, and indeed needed to believe that he was alive. It was then likely; everyone else was still ok.

She leaned against the strong familiar shoulder. She felt like somehow, she was communicating with her husband through her soul. Hours seemed to pass.

Abruptly the voices seemed to center in the area where Ellen was. A strong pair of hands grabbed her head and someone began to pull the tape away from her face. The tugging was painful, but the freedom of the bondage was glorious. As the layers of tape were ripped from her face, light began filtering back.

The last strip was ripped off violently. It tore against her eyelashes and felt like it ripped half her eyebrows off. The light was blinding and as her eyes became accustomed to the room she quickly looked around to verify that indeed her family was safe. Tom was seated next to her. Chad and Kelly sat on another couch just a few feet away. Their eyes and faces were covered the same way hers had been. She instantly studied each, looking for blood or signs of injury. Seeing none she was relieved.

She leaned her shoulder against her husband and nudged him in a reassuring way to let him know it was all still “OK.”

Ellen was the only one not blindfolded now. The strips were still across her mouth preventing her from calling out. Tom, Chad and Kelly were all bound up with the same gray tape that had held her. All were leaning sideways uncomfortably due to the tape wound around their limbs.

Most of their face was covered with the tape and Ellen was worried about their ability to breathe. Their eyes were covered with several criss-cross strips. Paper towels were packed against the sides of their heads, covering their ears making for a crude ear mute. Their mouths were also bonded making speaking impossible and painful to even try.

Ellen looked about the interior of the boat. It was filthy. The floor was an absolute mess.

Didn’t these slobs believe in ever cleaning up? Empty alcohol bottles littered the galley area and beer cans lined the counters and rolled around on the floor. The seating area they were in was just behind the galley, which was a horror to behold. The cabin area reeked of diesel fuel. An oily old barbecue pan was lying up near the sink. This was probably the source of the “Fire.”

Tom had been fooled into thinking these people needed help.

Now they were the ones in need of help.

“How had this happened?” Ellen wondered

“How could they have been so naive? They were usually cautious people. How had they allowed this simple hoax to get them into such a fix?”

It was clear now what they were. “Pirates” Yes, modern day Pirates. They were most likely criminals from Cuba. They roamed the southern Florida seas. Ellen had heard the stories of boardings by these types.

They were lawless, ransacking and looting the vessels that fell victim to them. They preyed on the rich Americans. She had heard of cases where they sank, and killed as not to leave witnesses.

Ellen’s fear for their future was overwhelming. She was visibly shaking as the situation, and their plight was finally sinking in. Ellen also realized that in their haste to assist these people, neither Tom nor she had thought to radio any type of distress call.

No one would be coming, or even looking for them.

Ellen was the only one who was able to see at this time. She felt the need to reassure her family and try to get them to remain calm.

Suddenly one of the Cubans made eye contact with her. He shouted something to another man and a heated discussion ensued. Finally an understanding must have been reached and one of the men walked up to Ellen and started to pull at the tape still across her mouth.

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