Boarded by doll1

The man’s dick dangled obscenely out, and he appeared to care nothing about this. Without hesitation the guy just grabbed Ellen by the breasts to feel their size for himself. He seemed impressed, and shouted an order. Suddenly hands were all over her pulling and jerking at her clothing. Ellen heard the cabin door slam closed. Now she really screamed, and kicked wildly, fighting as best as she could. At least four men roughly stripped her. She worried about how much her husband had heard.

He would surely by now, be throwing a “fit” in an effort to get free, and protect her.

Ellen was pushed back onto the bed. The tape had been cut from her wrists when she was being stripped. Someone else had cranked up some loud Latin sounding music. It was loud enough to muffle her screams and cries.

The gross man seemed to have the right to Ellen first. He literally just jumped on top of Ellen now being held out on the bed.

He tried several times to kiss her on the mouth but Ellen kept whipping her head side to side. Finally like some kind of animal, the pig just started licking her about the face with his tongue. Working himself to frenzy the stocky guy started trying to jam his cock in. Ellen could feel hands groping all over her body. The coarse pig on top of her reeked of alcohol and sweat. She felt someone pulling at her leg and it spread her open. The man’s nasty cock found its mark.

He lunged forward driving himself “in” without any regard for his victim. Ellen felt his rough face against hers as he crushed against her chest. Hands were all over the place grabbing and pulling on her. The pig was completely unconcerned if Ellen could even breathe with the full weight of him on top of her. She turned her head, so as to not have to look at him as he continued his assault.

One of the men holding her left arm had taken out his penis and was jacking himself to an erection.

He smiled when he noticed Ellen looking at him. Ellen worked her head to the other side so as not to have to watch. This side was just as disgusting. The girl was now standing alongside the bed. She was in front of a man, giving him a blow-job. The guy had one hand on top of the girl’s head steering and controlling her rhythm. The man’s legs wobbled around as the poor thing tried to keep him from choking her with his hardened cock.

The girl kept both hands wrapped around the man’s cock in an attempt to control the depth of his jabs.

About this time the brute on top of her started to grunt and stiffen. Ellen knew he was spewing inside her, but she was totally helpless. He grunted and slobbered like the animal he was. Finally he finished his orgasm. He instantly pushed up, and roughly grabbed at Ellen’s breasts and like a dog dragged his mouth around and clamped down biting into her right nipple.

Ellen screamed in pain, but this only seemed to encourage the frenzy to continue. The man that the girl was sucking on pulled away and came towards the bed. He meant to be “next”. Ellen hadn’t yet caught her breath when the guy fell on her and plunged his cock into her. Ellen was still facing in the girl’s direction and immediately, another man grabbed the other girl.

Holding her head steady like the other guy, he started jabbing his cock into her face.

“My God,” thought Ellen they were using this girl to prime themselves for her.

They had probably gotten tired of the girl and were now

feasting on a grown woman with full breasts and womanly curves. The room became one of utter sex-lust frenzy. Man after man climbed atop her and proceeded to pump at Ellen’s sore cunt.

The room became a blurr of bodies all pushing and shoving in an effort to spew their filth into her. Ellen lost all sense of time. Each rape became a pattern of suffocating weight, smelly body odor, and the eventual grunting of the man as he reached satisfaction.

Eventually all of the men must have satisfied themselves on Ellen. Her pussy ached so badly and her breasts and neck were covered with bite marks left by some of the more abusive men.

She could feel the pool of semen pouring out of her crotch. Ellen had no ideal of how many men had raped her. She smelled of sweat and the putrid stench of the stinking men’s leavings. Without warning one of the two holding her rolled her over on to her stomach. She was repulsed by the stale smell of the bed cover.

Her face was now pushed into it as someone climbed on her back.

“God, now someone wanted her anally too.” she feared.

Instead, her arms were pulled around back and the dammed tape was being wrapped around them again. She was then pulled from the bed room and drug back to the sitting area where her family was still being held. They seemed to be unaware that Ellen was back. Ellen was pushed back down next to Tom again and a band of tape wrapped around her sore ankles. Ellen was exhausted.

Her hips were sore. Her face felt like it was on fire. The rough unshaven faces of the men had rubbed her raw. She felt so dirty. She slid over to Tom and leaned against his shoulders and cried. Her pussy leaked a steady stream of semen. She was still naked but only those in control of the boat could see her. She didn’t care anymore.

Hours seemed to drag by and it must have been late afternoon by now.

The Cubans were still crossing back and for the between the two boats, stealing anything they thought they could use. Ellen just sat weeping and leaning against Tom for support. Several times she shifted to avoid the cold wet spot created by the leaked cum. God only knows what diseases they had injected her with along with their filthy sperm. Her family had not heard much of what went on in the forward cabin and it was just as well.

What could they have done?

Towards evening the group of men had pretty much started milling around the sitting area. Ellen was still the only one with her eyes uncovered. She stole glances around the room trying to avoid eye contact with any of the men. They had started passing some type of liquor bottle around and each taking a swig from it. The men were talking a lot now. They seemed to be discussing what to do next. Ellen wanted to believe they were planning to release the family.

They had taken just about anything of value. They had soundly raped her. What else was left?

Ellen’s fears were justified. The liquor was causing the men to get louder and more raucous all the time. Several of the men that had participated in the earlier rape were among them now. She felt like some were bragging to the others about their sexual prowess earlier. Some started deliberately walking around to get better looks at her still exposed body.

Ellen tried to hide herself against Tom’s shoulders.

It was probably around four O’clock when Ellen spotted the leader again. Seeing her drawing comfort by leaning against Tom must have pissed him off. He shouted some commands.

Several men approached Ellen.

“Oh God, not more.” She thought.

“Silencio!” One of them said, raising his fingers to his lips.

She tried in vain to avoid them, but they managed to grab her shoulders and held her head steady as another man taped her mouth closed again. One grabbed her under her arms and lifted her up, while the other caught her by the legs. At first Ellen thought they were going to carry her into the room again for more rape.

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